Mabinogi Music Video Contest

EVENT 8/15/2011 2:03:16 PM

Music, it is said by Erinn’s favorite bard, “hath charms to soothe the savage breast.” Surely so, for doesn’t everyone have that one area of Erinn they love visiting just for the music?

We want to hear the song that acts as the background for some of your coolest adventures! Get your favorite Mabinogi music and combine it with your Fantasy Life to submit a Mabinogi-themed music video by, August 29, 2011!

Five winners will be awarded a “Friend of Ferghus” Mabinogi T-Shirt!

How to enter the “Mabinogi Music Video” screenshot contest:

• Create an awesome Mabinogi music video all about your Fantasy Life and send a link to [email protected]
• Please use the subject “Mabinogi Music Video” and be sure to include your in-game name and the server you play on.
• Only music and footage from Mabinogi are allowed. No copyrighted material!
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content in the opinions of the judges shall be grounds for disqualification.
• All decisions of the judges are final.
• All videos must be submitted by 11:59 PM (Pacific) on August 29, 2011.