Mabinogi Mighty Mugg Character Creation: Stage One Winners!

EVENT 9/14/2011 4:29:03 PM

Our Mabinogi Mighty Mugg Character Creation contest is officially underway! We received hundreds of hilarious and creative comics, so it was hard to pick the ten finalists of Stage One: A Mabinogi Story. After thorough consideration and review, we have selected our winners!

Please congratulate:

bigtrouble of Alexina

Elix of Mari

Imprint of Mari

Nevina of Mari

Lyght of Mari

Kyirarin Alexina

Nayu of Ruairi

Rynn of Ruairi

Sooshi of Alexina

Youshiya of Ruairi


Each finalist will receive NX 5,000 and will be contacted with information to move on to Stage Two: Mabinogi Personified!

Thank you for your participation, and check back soon for the next stage in the contest!