Mabinogi School Cheer Contest Winners

EVENT 10/12/2011 6:27:54 PM

Spirit runs high in Erinn! We received some very clever and powerful fight songs to cheer on our favorite game, so let’s congratulate our five winners for being loud and proud in their love for Mabinogi!
Kaylalle of Alexina
M-A-B-I, Watch out Fomors, and say goodbye!
N-O-G-I, Here we go with our battle cry!!
Goooo Mabinogi!

Asagi of Alexina
Go Millitians! Fight! Fight! Fight!
We wont lose to Neamhain's light!
Kill a Kobald, kill a bear, even a raccoon if you dare!
Become a Mage or a Bard. C'mon guys, it's not that hard!
Playin' Shakespeare ain't so bugus. Least it's not as bad as Fergus...
So fight Millitians! Go and win!
Let your Mabi life begin!

Odonnell of Ruairi
Mabinogi is our game! Mabinogi can't be lame! M-A-B-I-N-O-G... I like Mabinogi! Mabinogi is the best, there is really no contest! Alch to Mage to Range to War, Mabinogi is no bore! GO MABINOGI!

Azuno of Alexina
M-A-B, You know you wanna come play with me! I-N-O Follow me, let's go, let's go! G-I, Them enemies are gonna die~

Wonrei of Mari
Mari, Mari, up to bat,
You can beat those gray town rats!
Tarlach is our fierce bear king, Eweca is out, now ready, aim, swing!
Ruairi, you're tough as nails,
That ball better land in Vales!
With Alexina we have won for sure!
Who needs luck when you're buff like her?
Mabinogi, Mabinogi, cheer, cheer, cheer!
Come on over, you're welcome here!