Mabinogi Holiday Card Event!

EVENT 12/9/2011 5:07:59 PM
The Winter Olympics have started in Physis and other holiday celebrations are underway, both in-game and out. Show that you are the most festive Milletian this month by making a “Happy Holidays” card, Mabinogi style!

How to Participate:

• Create a holiday-themed card for Sabina!
• You can use any medium of your choice: pens, paint, Photoshop, etc.
• Send your entry as an email attachment to [email protected] by 11:59 PM Pacific on December 19, 2011.
• Use the subject line “Mabinogi Holiday Card Event” and include with your in-game name and server.

Three of the most creative cards will win a Reindeer Pet!

Happy Holidays Mabinogi!