Pets: A Mabinogian’s Best Friend!

EVENT 3/16/2011 6:45:20 PM

Pets, travelling across the vast expanse of Erinn would not be the same without them. When you’re on the edge of being knocked out, who always comes to your rescue? Your pet, of course! If you’ve found your special travelling companion, we want to see what kind of adventures you two are up to in Erinn!

Just send us a screenshot of you and your favorite pet doing your favorite things in Mabinogi!

How to enter the “Pets: A Mabinogians Best Friend” Screenshot contest:

• Send us your best screenshot of you and your  pet engaged in a favorite activity to [email protected]
• Use the subject “Pets: A Mabinogians Best Friend Screenshot contest”
• Be sure to include your in-game name, the pet’s name, and the server you play on.
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content in the opinions of the judges shall be grounds for disqualification.
• All decisions of the judges are final.
• The event will run from March 16th to March 30th, 2011.
• Five winners will be awarded the adorable Beyaya Teddy Bear pet!

Looking for more good pet pals? Get some NX today!
A little short for your favorite friend?
Check out this great NX offer!