Best Friends Forever Screenshot Winners

EVENT 5/3/2011 6:07:02 PM

The Mabinogi BFF Screenshot contest has ended, and the winners have been selected! There is so much love in Mabinogi and it was wonderful to see all the best friends in action. Thank you to everyone who submitted their screenshots, and congratulations to these ten lucky winners!

Sirius of Mari

Xnightwolf of Mari

Shiisa of Mari

Kakariko of Alexina


Madilin of Ruairi


Midorae of Alexina


Codii of Mari


Kinganimalia of Tarlach


Kahlan80 of Alexina


Mekasha of Mari


These ten friendly players will receive Mabinogi Shakespeare Mousepads! Visit the Mabinogi Facebook page to see all ten winning screenshots!