Easter Egg Hunt Festival
3/26/2020 9:07:03 PM

The devious Max Rabbit Family returns, and they are once again coming after all of Erinn's eggs! Report to Mister AdoraBunny in Dunbarton to help keep these pesky rabbits at bay. Complete the quest each day for some new rewards, including the Egg Tree Sequel Figure, Hungry Fluffy Bunny Doll Bag Coupon, Bunny Rain Coat Shopping Bag and the Fluffy Bunny Chair! Check out the full details here.
Fluffy Bunny Easter Egg Collection
Event Dates: Thursday, April 2, After Maintenance - Wednesday, April 22 at 11:59 PM PDT
Event Details:
- Stay logged in for 36 minutes each day to obtain 1x Easter Egg!
- Collect 15x Easter Eggs to combine them into a Fluffy Bunny Chair!
Mister AdoraBunny's Egg Hunt
Event Dates: Thursday, April 2, After Maintenance - Thursday, April 23, Before Maintenance
Event Details:
- Log in to receive the event quest, "[Event] The Max Rabbit Family's Ambush!"
- Register your main character at Mister AdoraBunny in Dunbarton to receive an Egg Basket.
- You’ll receive two daily quests.
- The daily quests are given every day at 7:00 AM PDT.
- The Egg Basket will be removed from your inventory when the event is over.
Daily Quest Details
[Event] Retrieve eggs from the Max Rabbit Family.
- Collect 30 eggs to complete the daily quest.
- Attack the Max Rabbit Family with your Egg Basket equipped to collect eggs.
- Rabbits appear at the top of every hour. You can find them in the following locations:
- Eastern Plains of Tir Chonaill
- Northwest Plains of Dunbarton
- North of Tara
- Rabbits will disappear after 5 minutes.
- The quest will reward 5x AdoraBunny Gift Boxes!
[Event] Obtain the special egg-dyeing materials.
- Stay logged in for every 15 minutes to receive 1x Breeze Balloon to deliver to Mister AdoraBunny.
- You will only receive one balloon at a time.
- Make sure to deliver your balloon to Mister AdoraBunny so you can obtain another!
- Turning in a balloon will reward 1x AdoraBunny Gift Box each time!
- The daily quest will complete after submitting 5 balloons!
Grateful Mister AdoraBunny Quest Reward List:
Complete the daily quests above to fulfill the requirements of the event quest, “[Event] Grateful Mister Adorabunny.”
- Help 15 times: Egg Tree Sequel Figure - Intelligence +3, Luck +3
- Help 30 times: Hungry Fluffy Bunny Doll Bag Coupon - Bag Size: 2x3, Bag's Inventory Size: 7x7 - Intelligence +1, Will +1, Luck +3
Gift Box Reward List:
- New: - Intelligence +3, Luck +3
- New: - Bag Size: 2x3, Bag's Inventory Size: 7x7 - Intelligence +1, Will +1, Luck +3
- New:
- New:
- Fierce Bunny Doll Bag Coupon
- Fierce Bunny Mini-gem
- Fierce Bunny Gang Mini-Gem
- Fierce Bunny Gang Teeny Mini-Gem
- Dapper Bunny Puppet
- Cute Bunny Puppet
- Egg Gloves
- Egg Bag
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Suit (M)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Suit (F)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Gloves (M)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Gloves (F)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Boots (M)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Boots (F)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Hat (M)
- Rhetoi's Rabbit Hat (F)
- Golden Experience Fruit (100%) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Special High-Speed Gathering Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Movement Speed 40% Increase Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Special Tendering Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Special Tendering Potion S (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Production Failure Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Potion of Proficiency (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Remote Bank Coupon
- Remote Healer Coupon
- Remote Blacksmith Coupon
- Remote Magic Weapon Coupon
- Party Phoenix Feather (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 11 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 12 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 13 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 14 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 15 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 16 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Age Potion - Age 17 (Expiration: 7 Days)
- HP Buff Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- MP Buff Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Stamina Buff Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- Protection/DEF Buff Potion (Event) (Expiration: 7 Days)
- HP 30 Potion
- HP 50 Potion
- HP 100 Potion
- HP 300 Potion
- MP 30 Potion
- MP 50 Potion
- MP 100 Potion
- MP 300 Potion
- Stamina 30 Potion
- Stamina 50 Potion
- Stamina 100 Potion
- Stamina 300 Potion
- HP & MP 30 Potion
- HP & MP 50 Potion
- HP & MP 100 Potion
- HP & MP 300 Potion
- HP & Stamina 30 Potion
- HP & Stamina 50 Potion
- HP & Stamina 100 Potion
- HP & Stamina 300 Potion
- HP 300 Potion SE
- MP 300 Potion SE
- Stamina 300 Potion SE
- Wound Remedy 300 Potion SE
- Diet Potion U
- Diet Potion L
- Diet Potion F
- Diamond 3cm
- Topaz 3cm
- Star Sapphire 3cm
- Emerald 3cm
- Aquamarine 3cm
- Garnett 3cm
- Jasper 3cm
- Ruby 3cm
- Spinel 3cm
- Diamonds 1cm
- Topaz 1cm
- Star Sapphire 1cm
- Emerald 1cm
- Aquamarine 1cm
- Garnett 1cm
- Jasper 1cm
- Ruby 1cm
- Spinel 1cm
- Cheap Silk
- Common Silk
- Fine Silk
- Finest Silk
- Cheap Fabric
- Common Fabric
- Fine Fabric
- Finest Fabric
- Cheap Leather
- Common Leather
- Fine Leather
- Finest Leather
- Common Leather Strap
- Cheap Leather Strap
- Fine Leather Strap
- Finest Leather Strap