Mystery in Erinn
3/26/2020 12:58:40 AM

A mysterious atmosphere has enveloped Erinn. Talk to residents of Dunbarton to hear their stories, investigate what's happening in Festia, and visit Tir Chonaill to determine what Ferghus has been up to. Check out the details below.
Event Date: April 1st, 12:00 AM PDT - April 1st, 11:59 PM PDT
Log in during the event to discover some strange occurrences. Even the NPCs of Dunbarton act weird as you talk to them throughout the day.
Knights in Festia
- The Knights are working in Festia and have a message for you.
- Travel to Festia and talk to the Knights.
- Uncover clues to reveal what the Knights are saying and obtain a special Detective Title (+30 INT).
- Remember to talk to the Knights after solving the mystery, to listen to their stories!
Ferghus's Request
- Ferghus has been working hard and has something extra special planned for today.
- Log in to receive the Ferghus's Request event.
- Talk to Ferghus in Tir Chonaill.
- After completing your task, receive a pair of unique wings!