2/19/2020 6:34:25 PM

Dress up like the cast of KEMONO FRIENDS! Open the KEMONO FRIENDS Box for a chance at iconic outfits such as Serval's Outfit, Caracal's Outfit, Kaban's Outfit, and more! Or take the Friends on adventures with the KEMONO FRIENDS Doll Bag Box! Or go around Erinn with the Japari Bus and Japari Tractor. Check out the details below.
Japari Pets!
Sale Dates: Thursday, April 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 14th, Before Maintenance
UPDATE: The Japari Bus and Japari Tractor will be changed to revive automatically upon summoning. This will be released with the next update, after the sale ends.
Once this goes live, when the Japari Bus or Japari Tractor are knocked unconscious, they will automatically de-summon. When they are re-summoned, the Japari Bus and Japari Tractor will be revived.
Japari Bus Whistle
Japari Tractor Whistle
Japari Bus Whistle
Travel around the world of Erinn with the Japari Bus! Take up to 7 of your friends along with you on your adventure. Every player on the Japari Bus will also get buffs!
- Can hold up to 7 players
- Inventory Size: 8x10
- Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Pet will be in the form of a pet whistle
- New Skill: Joyful Japari Park
- This active skill buffs all players who are riding the Japari Bus for 10 minutes. A buff effect cooldown prevents cumulative stacking of the buff.
- All Stats +10
- Max Damage +15
- Defense +5
- Protection +5
- Magic Defense +5
- Magic Protection +5
- Movement Speed +40%
- Combat EXP 100% increase
Japari Tractor Whistle
Take on the world of Erinn with the Japari Tractor! Perfect for off-road conditions, the vehicle can quickly dash at your foes to stun them!
- Inventory Size: 8x8
- Summon Time: 212 minutes
- Pet will be in the form of a pet whistle
- Summoning the pet will deal damage and stun nearby monsters
- New Skill: Tractor Takedown
- The Japari Tractor will rush in a straight line towards enemies and stun enemies it hits for a set amount of time.
Sale Dates: Thursday, April 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 14th, Before Maintenance
Each box comes with either Endelyon Life Renown Seal (250) x3, Edern Life Renown Seal (250) x3, or Eluned Life Renown Seal (250) x3, and one random item from the gachapon list.
- - STR +3, Max HP +50, Critical Damage +3%
Doll Bag Box Details
Serval Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Equipment
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Intelligence +5, Will +5, Luck +5,
Min Damage +8, Max Damage +8, Critical +2, Protection +2, Defense +2
Caracal Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Artifacts
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +2, Will +1, Min Damage +7, Max Damage +8,
Critical +1, Protection +2, Defense +2
Northern White-Faced Owl Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Weaving, and Cloth Making Materials
- Doll Summon Buff: Intelligence +6, Will +6, Luck +6,
Min Damage +5, Max Damage +5, Critical +1, Protection +2, Defense +2
Eurasian Eagle Owl Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Hillwen Ore Fragments
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Intelligence +6,
Min Damage +5, Max Damage +4, Critical +1, Protection +2, Defense +2
Lucky Beast Mk. I Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Large Nails, and Firewood
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +2, Will +1, Min Damage +1, Max Damage +2,
Critical +1, Protection +2, Defense +2
Lucky Beast Mk. I Conductor-Type Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Shyllien Crystals
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +3, Intelligence +3, Protection +2, Defense +2
Lucky Beast Mk. I Musician-Type Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Herbs, and Potions
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +2, Will +1, Min Damage +1, Max Damage +2 Critical +1
Lucky Beast Mk. I Commando Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 7x10
- Doll Summon Time: 120 minutes
- Picks up: Ores, and Gems
- Doll Summon Buff: Dexterity +3, Intelligence +3
Serval & Caracal Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 10x10
- Doll Summon Time: 140 minutes
- Picks up: Equipments, and Artifacts
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +12, Dexterity +10, Intelligence +10, Will +11, Luck +10,
Min Damage +16, Max Damage +17, Critical +5, Protection +4, Defense +4, Combat EXP +9%
Northern White-Faced Owl & Eurasian Eagle Owl Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 10x10
- Doll Summon Time: 140 minutes
- Picks up: Weaving Materials, Cloth Making Materials, and Hillwen Ore Fragments
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +7, Dexterity +9, Intelligence +13, Will +10, Luck +9,
Min Damage +15, Max Damage +16, Critical +4, Protection +4, Defense +4, Combat EXP +9%
Lucky Beast Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 11x11
- Doll Summon Time: 150 minutes
- Picks up: Large Nails, Firewood, Shyllien Crystals, Herbs, Potions, Ores, and Gems
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +20, Dexterity +10, Intelligence +10, Will +10, Luck +10,
Min Damage +19, Max Damage +23, Critical +2, Protection +2, Defense +2, Movement Speed +1%
Lucky Beast Compact Doll Bag Box
- Inventory size 11x11
- Doll Summon Time: 150 minutes
- Picks up: Large Nails, Firewood, Shyllien Crystals, Herbs, Potions, Ores, and Gems
- Doll Summon Buff: Strength +20, Dexterity +10, Intelligence +10, Will +10, Luck +10,
Min Damage +19, Max Damage +23, Critical +2, Protection +2, Defense +2, Movement Speed +1%
Rate |
Item |
0.74% |
Lucky Beast Compact Doll Bag Box |
1.10% |
Lucky Beast Doll Bag Box |
1.10% |
Serval & Caracal Doll Bag Box |
1.10% |
Northern White-Faced Owl & Eurasian Eagle Owl Doll Bag Box |
3.68% |
Serval Doll Bag Box |
3.68% |
Caracal Doll Bag Box |
3.68% |
Northern White-Faced Owl Doll Bag Box |
3.68% |
Eurasian Eagle Owl Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Lucky Beast Mk. I Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Lucky Beast Mk. I Conductor-Type Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Lucky Beast Mk. I Musician-Type Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Lucky Beast Commando Doll Bag Box |
4.78% |
Kristell Doll Bag Box |
4.78% |
Starlet Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Merlin Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Professor J Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Culinary Artist Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Treasure Hunter Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Ruairi Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Mari Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Tarlach Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Ferghus Doll Bag Box |
5.51% |
Young Tarlach Doll Bag Box |
Disclaimer: Percentages are rounded to the nearest hundredth.