[UPDATE] 11th Anniversary Celebration Sale: Stellar Box

ANNOUNCE 2/28/2019 4:22:18 PM

Sale Dates: Thursday, March 28, After Maintenance - Thursday, April 25, 10:00am PDT
Stellar Box
Stellar Box
Stellar Box
    Price: 1,500 NX
    Price: 15,000 NX
    Price: 57,500 NX

Open a box to receive a random item from the list below, and a Edern, Endelyon, or Eluned Renown Seal.

Rate Item
0.11% Flowy Altam Wig (M)
0.11% Flowy Shaman Wig (M)
0.11% Flowy Starlet Wig (F)
0.11% Flowy Winter Queen Argenta Wig (F)
0.09% Orrery Wings (Dyeable)
0.09% Constellation Wings (Dyeable)
0.15% Golden Stellar Halo
0.15% Silver Stellar Halo
0.15% Pink Stellar Halo
0.12% Golden Orrery Wings
0.12% Silver Orrery Wings
0.12% Black Orrery Wings
0.12% Pink Orrery Wings