ANNOUNCE 6/25/2013 3:03:21 PM

The Saga: IRIA

Follow the deep and rich story as it unfolds before your eyes!    
      -All New Quests
      -New NPCs
      -Brand New Storyline
      -Hot Time during each episode
Limited Time Only!

Strange Cat Gachapon (Coming Soon)
      -Each box contains a special item
      -Receive a special NPC Title or a pair of Spirit Weapon Wings
      -7 days only!

All New Events!

Black Dragon Raid
      -The Black Dragon is a permanent addition to Mabinogi
      -Fight for power and rewards
      -Purchase a Black Dragon Summoning Scroll for even more fun
Rock, Paper, Scissors
      -Test your luck with an old fashion battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors
      -The more you play, the more titles you will gain

Episode Hot Time
Log in before 6:00PM Pacific
       -Once the episode begins each player will receive a special gift!

Saga Release Hot Time

Known Issues
      -RPS quests are not being received
      -Beginner Horse Whistles are invading the server
      -There are now two different mystery robes
      -R/S Upgrades have been scrambled
      -Some shops are not opening

Additional Features
      -Minimize Effects option added < will turn off beam swords and such
      -Any time the client drops under 10FPS it will adjust the settings

The Mabinogi Team