Erinn Weekly -- July 16, 2010

ANNOUNCE 7/16/2010 1:52:47 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, July 16, 2010

Greetings Mabinogians!

Whew! It's hot out there! We're definitely in the dog days of summer. Fortunately, Mabinogians know how to keep cool with an exciting game of Ice Capture the Flag! Our Question of the Week asks what you think of the event and how you'd improve it. Check out what your fellow Mabinogians had to say. If you're not in the mood for a trip to the beach though, we've brought back the Treasyre Chest event so you can start hunting about for some wonders in the hills! The Tara Festival is continuing, Project RM is offering some great stuff for getting your friends involved in the war effort and if you haven't picked up your weapon power and magic speed potions, now would be the time! Check out everything that happened this week in Erinn and remember, deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.


The Treasure Chest Event is coming back!

The Treasure Chest Event is coming back! Many older Mabinogians remember treasure chests scattered all over Erinn, with their contents undesired or a matching key nowhere to be found. Now that the Treasure Chest Event has been renewed with all new items in both Premium and Normal chests, all sorts of adventurers may want to hold on to those chests!

Get hunting!

Five days left for Weapon Power and Magic Speed Potions!

The limited-time items, the Magic Speed Potion and the Weapon Power Potion will be going out of sale on July 20th! Now is your chance to stock up on powerful items that can increase your combat prowess noticeably!

Act fast!


Ongoing: The Tara Festival is Back!

The Tara Festival is back! We've had such good feedback for the Tara Festival that we felt it necessary to bring it back, as the summer is in full swing! To assist you in participating in the revived event, we have released FREE Waxen Wings in the Cash Shop that will allow you to warp directly to the Tara region! You will only be able to pick up one of these Waxen Wings ONCE a day and they must be used in 24 hours, else they expire.

Free wings!

Ongoing: Project RM

The war between the Milletians and the Fomors is getting more heated by the day, It's time to call in reinforcements and rally your friends. Bring your friends into  the struggle for Erinn through project RM and great rewards await you!

Read all about it!


Ongoing: Get your body in some stylish beach wear!

It’s summer, Mabinogians! You know what that means! Time to ditch the long-sleeve shirts, sweaters, and pants for something a little more beach appropriate – swimwear! The limited time summer character cards sold from July 7th to July 27th let you rebirth or create a character in a trendy new swimsuit. 

Get the details here!

A seal of approval!

When summer hits Erinn, Mabinogians hit the beach! But this summer, tanned bodies won’t be the only thing you see on the shores of Qilla and Ceann. Black and white seals have been spotted sunning themselves on the golden sands lining the beaches of Erinn.

Get the details here!

Question of the Week

You've had the chance to play two versions of Capture the Flag -- regular and ice. Which do you like better and why? If you could add new conditions or features to the capture the flag game. What would they be? 

The consensus is in and it seems like the ice version of Capture the Flag is a hit! Indeed, the overwhelming opinion seems to be that the latest version of the game is much more enjoyable than the originaal. The cheif reason cited for this is that since people weren't allowed to use skills, it made the game more for everyone of all skill levels. It also gave everyone a better chance to get some awesome prizes. In fact, Mabinogians seemed so enthusiastic about the game, that virtually all the suggestions for improvements focused on making the game better rather than coming up with new CTF variations. the chief problems noted were the speed differential between Huymans, Elves, and Giants and the problem of mismatched team numbers. We're thrilled that you loved the game!

"I always wake up at the crack of ice." - Joe E. Lewis, Erinn philosopher

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"I enjoyed playing the ice capture-the-flag better. It really stresses the use of teamwork by allowing you to freeze players on the opposing team, unfreeze your own teammates, all while trying to capture an enemy watermelon or return your own teams watermelon! I also enjoyed wearing the swin trunks and the cool event-only weapon!"– Jeremy A.   

"I prefer the Ice Capture the Flag because unlike the Regular Capture the Flag, you can't use your skills. That allowed it to be a lot more fun for the regular players who don't have the time to grind to massive levels. Just like jousting. It can be fun for those who actually have important responsibilities in their life like their job and whatnot and can't get as strong as the others who don't. It just flat out is more fun for everyone instead of just a select few on each server." – Brian G.    
"I like the freeze tag version better because it's a little more fun. However, there are some rule issues...A few times I played on a team with no opponents, or on a team that was severely outnumbered. I feel it would be more fair to require the teams to be close to equal. When the first person joins one team, the next person cannot join the same team unless someone else joins the other team first."– Amanda H.    

Check out the Facebook thread!

Check out the "Get Iced" update!

Community Spotlight

Get a custom made signature by ohPulchrii

Forum signatures are a great way to stand out in the Mabinogi community. ohPulchrii recognizes this and is offering free signatures for anyone that asks! Want some help expressing yourself and your Mabinogi persona?  

Make your request here!

Mabinogi on Facebook

Have you joined us on Facebook yet?

The official Mabinogi Facebook page is the place to be to get the latest information on what's happening in Erinn! You can take part in some fun activities, get in on some great contests, and possibly walk away with some real-world loot! You might even find yourself quoted in Erinn Weekly. Tell your friends that the Mabinogi Facebook page is the place to be!