Erinn Weekly -- September 10, 2010

ANNOUNCE 9/10/2010 1:24:58 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, September 10, 2010

Greetings Mabinogians!

If there's one thing we know about Mabinogians, it's that you definitely like your clothes. Well for all you budding fashionistas out there, get your creative muscles in gear and enter the Mabinogi International Costume Design Contest 2010. If you end up being selected, you might find your fashion designs being put into the world of Erinn for everyone to enjoy! We've also got some great events for guilds, some wonderful new market items and a brand new pet. And, because you love it so much, we've brought back the Zombie Attack event and even took a look at your emergency zombie plans in this week's question of the week!


Mabinogi International Costume Design Contest 2010

Imagine an in-game item designed just by you! Here's your opportunity to get your costume design into Mabinogi. Just check out the rules, download the design template, and get to work creating the next great Mabinog fashion trend!

Get the details!

Wanted: Guild Members

Everyone knows it takes a nurturing group of people to get a well-functioning guild off the ground, so it’s time to start courting the guildless! The reward? A customizable title available to all members of the guild!

Check it out!


September Back-To-School Events

Supplement your real life with a little Fantasy Life! Throughout the entire month of September, we will be holding several events that will reinvigorate your adventuring in Erinn!

Find out more!

The Zombie Attack Event Returns!

Something is stirring in the sands of the Muyu Desert. A provisional camp has been set up to investigate the disturbance, but no one has heard from the explorers for days. Alexina at Qilla Base Camp will provide you with more information about the whereabouts and further information regarding the provisional camp. Just like the creature it seeks to imitate, the Zombie Event is being brought back to life! 

Read on, survivors!


Accessorize with Exploration Gachapon! Energize with Elixirs. Expedite with Skill Potions!

Exploration Gachapon have been updated with some exciting new items! In addition to the items you can complete and turn in for exploration experience and rewards, you can also find a whistle for the permanent version of the Brown Explorer Cat and Petal Collar Dog! Rare-colored Iris Headdress, Rubber Goggles, Pearl Shine Drops, and other past items are among the rare items you’ll also find in Exploration Gachapon. Is it new items you’re after? If you like earrings, you’ll love the new Exploration Gachapon! There are earrings for right ears, left ears, both ears! Earrings with fairy wing adornments!

There's more! Read on...

Get an All-new Imp Pet Today!

You float down rivers and hobgoblins just won’t leave you alone. You fly through the ashen skies of Zardine, desperately collecting stars while trying not to fall prey to the sinister wyverns. You long for a companion to help you and there is no one to turn to.

Or is there?

Question of the Week

The Zombie Attack has returned to Mabinogi! With zombies being a constant threat in all worlds, we have to ask: What is your real life Zombie Plan? Do you even have one?

This was by far tyhe most fun Question of the Week we've ever asked. We were amazed at the variety of funny responses we got about your zombie plan. We were even more amazed (and a little scared) by the number of Mabinogians who are apparently taking the threat of a zombie apocalypse quite seriously. 

"Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'" - Rodney Dangerfield 

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"Go to a convenience store with those roll down shutters and block all the doors with cases of those fake roses made of underwear (even the undead know better than to think those are appropriate).I can live inside for weeks w drinks, food, magazines, and even a toilet! Even if a zombie did get inside, I could flee in the helicopter I fashion out of popsicle sticks and duct tape, powered by the slurpee machine compressors!" ~ Maggie J. 

"If zombies started appearing in a far away place first then I would get only a couple of my friends and go to a mall. We would make sure the place is secure before any zombies get to the area. In the mall you have plenty of food in the stores and tons of weapons. You would have entertainment as well, such as books, games, and anything that uses batteries. If the zombies were already here then I would go to a Wal-Mart superstore by myself. They have fewer entrances and would be easier to secure if you are alone." ~ Joshua S.
"My real-life Zombie plan? Stock up on ramen and twinkies and barricade myself in the house until the threat has passed, or until everyone has been zombie-fied. I will then re-introduce myself into society as one of their own, and being the only one with a functional brain, become their leader. Fail-safe!" ~ JaLisa J.

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

What is your best advice to a new player?

Newbs. We were all one at one point. To graduate from this role requires knowledge passed down from veterans. So now it’s your turn! Veterans! What information do you wish to pass down to newbs? Newbs! Come to this thread and pick up the basics!

Let us know here!

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