Erinn Weekly -- September 17, 2010

ANNOUNCE 9/17/2010 3:05:00 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, September 17, 2010

Greetings Mabinogians!

The Mabinogi International Costume Design Contest 2010 has begun and we're all eagerly awaiting you submissions. While that happens though, we decided to have a little fun with our Question of the Week. We've also got a number of continuing events this week including the final week of the zombie event and out continuing back to school event. There's also an awesome offer from Marvel Comics you'll really want to take a look at. Stick with Erinn Weekly to know everything you need to know about Mabinogi.


Ongoing: Mabinogi International Costume Design Contest 2010

Imagine an in-game item designed just by you! Here's your opportunity to get your costume design into Mabinogi. Just check out the rules, download the design template, and get to work creating the next great Mabinog fashion trend!

Get the details!

Ongoing: The Zombie Attack Event Returns!

Something is stirring in the sands of the Muyu Desert. A provisional camp has been set up to investigate the disturbance, but no one has heard from the explorers for days. Alexina at Qilla Base Camp will provide you with more information about the whereabouts and further information regarding the provisional camp. Just like the creature it seeks to imitate, the Zombie Event is being brought back to life! 

Read on, survivors!

Ongoing: September Back-To-School Events

Supplement your real life with a little Fantasy Life! Throughout the entire month of September, we will be holding several events that will reinvigorate your adventuring in Erinn!

Find out more!


Read Marvel Comics and Get NX!

You love fantasy lives. So does Marvel.Think of Phoenix. Iron Man. Cypher. Some of the greatest imaginary lives in our culture have come from Marvel Comics (OK, maybe not Cypher). So while you’re enjoying your fantasy life, why not check out these fantastic stories of action and mystery with Marvel Digital Comics!

There's more! Read on...

Question of the Week

The International Costume Design Contest has begun! While the -Official- contest is for serious entries, tell us your silliest idea! A duck hat? Shoes made of bagels? What is the worst costume idea you can imagine?


Once again, this was a really fun questions of the week. We got some really funny answers, some frankly scary answers, but the oddest thing was how many food related answers we got. What is it with Mabinogians and wearable food, anyway? Maybe we really should put in bagel shoes. 

"Dolls are just like real life. You buy loads of clothes for them, and still only end up with a few good outfits." - Penny Nichols 

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"Worst costume design idea ever would be clown shoes, I don't even know how horrible those things would be. Maybe even a whole clown outfit, it would be really scary to see a bunch of people dressed as clowns..with red noses! Silliest idea would have to be a wand with a GIANT elephant on the end!!!~ Elizabeth D. . 

"The Complete Ferghus Edition, now introduced through the Latest Premium Newbie wear! It's all the rage, including the famous equipment destroying Ferghus' Blacksmith Hammer, when equipped, now dramatically increases the rate your equipped armor loses their durability! All for 9,500 NX Cash! Located in the Premium Shop near you!" ~ John K.
"A T-shirt with complete with a "Kick Me" sign taped on the back, matching nerd glasses, plaid suspenders, and converse-style shoes with toilet paper permanently stuck to the bottoms.~ Melody H. 

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

You’re addicted to Mabinogi when you…

A fantasy life can get addictive. One day you’re wondering what those owls are doing above your head, the next you’re waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, dreams of unbroken seals moving you to sign on and check if the forbidden title may be rightfully claimed by you. You’re not alone. Other Mabinogians share tales of when they knew they were in too deep. The discussion’s been going on for almost two months and has no sign of slowing. Tell us…

Let us know here!

Get what you need! Get some NX today!

Looking for more good stuff? Check out this deal for FREE NX!