How Much Do You Know?

ANNOUNCE 2/16/2011 6:52:43 PM

Anyone with a strong arm and a bright sword can make their mark on Erinn by bashing monsters in some dungeon. Mabinogians know that true strength lies in the mind that cuts as sharp as the sword. That’s why you’re going to get the opportunity to test the wits of your fellow Mabinogians in the upcoming Quiz Show event!

The Quiz Show event will offer players the chance to show off their worldly knowledge by answering a series of “Yes” or “No” questions. We’ll select some of the best ones for prizes. Better than that though, we’ll be pulling the best of the best of your submissions and putting them in the event!

Rack your brain and match wits with your fellow Mabinogians!

To participate in this event:

  • Think of the deepest, darkest, most devilish trivia you can. Then phrase it in the form of a “Yes” or “No” question. Example: “Is the number 7 a prime number? Yes.”
  • You may enter as many times as you wish, however you may only win once.
  • Email your question and in-game character name and server with the subject Mabinogi Quiz Show to [email protected].

Multiple entries using multiple accounts, plagiarism, use of trademarked material not owned by Nexon, and any inappropriate content submitted (in the op inions of the judges) will be grounds for disqualification.

The event will run from February 16th to February 23rd, so don’t wait till the last minute!

Five grand prize winners will be selected for the prize of five Soldier Gachapon!

ut on your thinking caps now!