Erinn Weekly -- February 25, 2011

ANNOUNCE 2/25/2011 11:50:12 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, February 25,  2011

Greetings Mabinogians!

One of the reasons we love Mabinogi is its unique experience. It's different from anything else out there. That can be overwhelming for beginners though. To solve that, we're introducing the new Mabinogi Beginner Experience. We'll also get some advice from more experienced adventurers and take a look at the last few days of some great events and bargains in the Marketplace. Finally, Tiffany of SNDS dressing up as Nao? We'll share a cover version of SNDS' Mabinogi song!  Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events!


Introducing the New Mabinogi Beginner Experience  

Some of the most common feedback we’ve heard about Mabinogi is that the game is simply too hard or too different from other games players are used to. We’ve heard these concerns and want to make the beginner experience a little friendlier to new players who are just getting started in their Fantasy Lives.

Find out how!

Lorna and Pan... Gachapon?  


Lorna and Pan Gachapon are available for a limited time in the Mabinogi Cash Shop! These special Lorna and Pan Gachapon function just like the Gachapon you’re used to; except with a catch. You get two boxes to open instead of just one!

Find out more!


Final Weekend! -- All the World’s Your Stage: A Hamlet Theatrical Event!

Alas, my friends, Hamlet’s tale has come to its unlovely end. Yet in Erinn, tales may be told again so that all may take part! We are calling upon all thespians to once again take center stage and shine in the spotlight! Gather your friends and reenact your favorite scene from Hamlet! All the world's a stage, all the men and women merely players, but only three shall win the coveted Adventure Nao figurine!.

To be or not to be...


Final Days! -- Get An Amazing Crystal Deer!

Act now! The Crystal Deer sale ends Tuesday, March 1st! A very valuable pet, the Crystal Deer, has come to Mabinogi for a limited time. Acting as a very fast land mount along with flight, the ability to hide, a huge inventory, and many more benefits make the Crystal Deer one of the best pets to come to Mabinogi in a long time! Get yours today!


Final Days! -- Winter Fur Wear Character Cards Out Now!


Get yours now! The Winter Fur Wear Character Card sale ends Tuesday, March 1st! Wow, was it a cold week last week! Although the skies have cleared over your real life, chilly air still lingers in your Fantasy Life. What makes better armor against the harsh elements than fur? We’re happy to release the Premium Winter Fur Wear, now available in the Premium Shop from February 9th to March 1st. Have no fear, for when you’re bundling up against the cold, you’ll also be making a heck of a fashion statement!



Compensation for Network Outage 

Mabinogi experienced network difficulties on Monday, February 21st that interrupted the service. Although the servers regained stability in the latter part of the day, we would still like to provide compensation for time lost during the network outage.

Get the details

Question of the Week 

We’ve just introduced the new Mabinogi Beginner Experience. We’d like to get some advice from our experienced players: What do you wish you had known about Mabinogi when you were starting out?   

"The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.'" ~ Frank Herbert

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"About Combat Power. Combat Power is one of the most single-handed important stats to know for a beginner, because mastering a certain skill set makes a big difference from one who masters Windmill for example from one who doesn't. Why some players never realize why certain enemies appears as bosses while others of a similar total level see them as awful instead can really get to them, and players always try to ask those who are far more experienced what they should do about it." ~ Vincent L.  

"I was a player since Mabi became free right after closed Beta, so I pretty much had none of what the Beginners have nowadays. I honestly wished I knew about Blessings and the pros and cons about titles. Lost soooo much stuffs and durability."
~Brittney T.    

" I wish i would have known that being social really helps, i wasnt the most talkative person when i started and it took me forever finding people to go and do my quest with, now i know just to ask someone for help and most of the time theyll say yes and finding a great guild helps even more." ~Danny D.  

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

SNSD -- Mabinogi

Did you check out the video of Korean girl group SNSD that we highlighted last week? This week we bring you Boomy47 with her cover version of the song. Watch it, stop by the page, and tell her what you think!

Fantasy Life

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