10th Anniversary Player Video Submission

ANNOUNCE 1/25/2018 2:40:34 PM

Hello Milletians,

As you all know, Mabinogi is proudly coming up on a HUGE milestone, our 10th Anniversary! We can’t begin to express how grateful we are for all of the Milletians that have made Mabinogi and, more importantly, its community such a wonderful phenomenon!

We would really love to hear from YOU, our beloved Milletians. What moment in the past 10 years of Mabinogi really made you realize that this was more than just a game? Let us know by recording an IRL video of yourself, details below.

Questions to help guide you:

  • What is your fondest or earliest memory of Mabinogi?
  • What does Mabinogi mean to you?
  • In all of your Mabinogi possessions, what holds the deepest sentimental value to you?

Submission Details:

Submission Dates: Tuesday, Feb. 6 - Wednesday, Feb. 28

  • Record an awesome video of yourself (In Real-Life)
  • One video per account
  • Please shoot in Landscape mode
  • Video must be under 45 seconds
  • Size cannot exceed 100 MB
  • Please try and record in the highest quality you can

Submit Video HERE

We can't wait to see your awesome vids!

- The Mabinogi Team