Updated 3.13.09! Strategy Guide Updates!

ANNOUNCE 3/9/2009 4:43:16 PM
Date: 3/13/2009

Hello Mabinogians,

We are pleased to announce that the walkthrough for the entire Generation 3 questline is availibe in the
Strategy Guide section! As with the walkthroughs for Generations 1 and 2, please be aware that these guides contain SPOILERS for the plot of Generation 3!


-Mabinogi Staff-


Date: 3/12/2009

Greetings Mabinogians!

Strategy Guide section has been updated with the entire Generation 2 questline! Be advised that the walkthrough contains SPOILERS for the plot of Generation 2!

Thank you!

-Mabinogi Staff-


Date: 3/9/2009

We are pleased to announce that the walkthrough for the entirety of Generation 1 is now on the Strategy Guide section! Beware, the walkthrough contains SPOILERS for the plot of Generation 1!


-Mabinogi Staff-


As the popularity of Mabinogi spreads with the Pioneers of Iria, gameplay questions sometimes linger in the air, unanswered. Fear not! We have been updating the
Strategy Guide constantly over the past week. The guide features over two dozen articles ranging from Rebirths, Mail, Beginner Quests, and even Generation walkthroughs! There are even MORE planned and on the way, so stay tuned and check back frequently!

Check the strategy guide

All the best in your adventures,
-Mabinogi Staff-