** Maintenance Complete** Maintenance Schedule (3/31/2010)

ANNOUNCE 3/31/2010 12:03:39 AM
Maintenance has concluded and all servers are now open.

Thank you for your patience!


ello, Mabinogians!

Mabinogi will be having a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, March 31st, 2010.

This will affect all game servers and Premium Shop and last for approximately 3 hours.

<Mabinogi Update>

- Servers : All Game Servers
- Time : Wednesday, March 31st 12:00 am ~ 3:00 am PST
             Wednesday, March 31st 3:00 am ~ 6:00 am EST
- Please note that time is subject to change.

The website will be available during this time.

Thank you!
-Mabinogi Staff-