Mini Pets Come To Erinn!

ANNOUNCE 5/18/2010 4:38:54 PM
Longing for a cute companion, but don’t want to spend a lot of NX to get a pet? Then you’ll be pleased to welcome mini pets into Erinn! Each mini pet costs a mere 1,000 NX and stays at your side for 30 days. Unlike normal pets, mini pets do not assist in battle—but that also means they never take damage or capture the notice of enemies, so you’ll never have to worry about healing them! Because they’re so adorable, mini pets grant a cuteness bonus—er, companion stat bonus to their owners. It’s their way of showing moral support.

The Skeleton Maid comes dressed in a traditional maid’s uniform. Sometimes, she’s so busy cleaning (or is she simply daydreaming?), one of her bony arms falls off! The Petal Collar Dog is a miniature pinscher that sports the latest doggy fashion—a wreath of flower petals around its face. The Brown Explorer Cat dons a pair of on-trend goggles along with a cute neck bandana. Here’s the bonus: the accessories that mini pets wear come in random colors, so your mini pet won’t look identical to the dozens of others you’re bound to see frolicking around!

Now, normal mini pets that you purchase from the in-game cash shop only stay with you for 30 days after their first usage. However, the newly updated Production Gachapon (5/19/2010) contains a whistle that will create a PERMENENT Skeleton Maid pet! Keep an eye out for future updates when the permanent versions of the Petal Collar Dog and Brown Explorer Cat become available.

So whether you’re a diehard pet collector or a curious would-be pet owner, adopt a mini pet today!

*Please note that mini pets will take up a character slot in your character selection window. Make sure you have enough room before you adopt a mini pet!