Erinn Weekly -- August 27, 2010

ANNOUNCE 8/27/2010 2:23:57 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, August 27th, 2010

Greetings Mabinogians!

A Fantasy Life means different things to different people. When you first joined Mabinogi, was it to play music? Or did you join it to be a great and fearsome warrior? This week, we're taking a moment to celebrate the vast variety of players in Mabinogi. Take a moment to celebrate your individuality and learn more about other players in this installment of the Erinn Weekly. Who knows? You may even find a whole new way to enjoy Mabinogi!


Last chance for Griffin Pets!

By popular demand, we've extended the purchase date for Griffin Pets. The final date is now Augsut 31st. That means there are only four days left to get this incredible beast! Have you yet tamed the mythical power of the Griffin?

Rule the Sky!

Social Resident Race

In Mabinogi there are many ways to be social – adding a buddy, partying with friends (or strangers!) or joining a guild. There are also ways to be social outside of the game too and Mabinogi has a growing Facebook page full of fans just like you. 
We want to grow the Facebook bigger and we need your help. Join up now for a chance to win a Nao Mousepad!

Check it out!


Ancient Treasure Chest Event

There's treasure out there in Erinn! For the next two weeks, treasure chests can be found scattered throughout the world of Mabinogi! If you are lucky enough to find one, be sure to pick up a special key and unlock it to discover your prize. It might be a rare hat or extravagant sword!

Find out more!

Ongoing: Don’t forget to send a postcard!

The summer is starting to wind down in the world of Erinn, and we ask you, Mabinogians… what did you during your Mabi summer? Send us a postcard!
Create a postcard-themed image of your summer in Mabinogi: playing Ice Capture the Flag, Dragon Boat Racing, lounging on Qilla beach in a new bikini, or becoming an experienced sailor on the high seas and send that post card over to us.

Wish you were here!

Ongoing: Project RM

The war between Milletians and Fomors is getting more heated and dire as the days pass. It's time to call in reinforcements. In other words, it's time to rally your friends! This is Project RM!

Calling all warriors!


Free iPad Giveaway!

With school starting up soon, there's no better way to get prepared than to bring an iPad! Super Rewards and Nexon are teaming up to offer a free iPad to anyone that uses Super Rewards! What's more, signing up with Super Rewards immediately gives players free NX! Free NX for entering a raffle for a free iPad?

Sign up today!

Ongoing: Ship off in a Sailor Costume! Available only July 21 - August 31!

The summertime is a great time to get out and see the world. Join the Royal Tara Navy and get your own Limited Premium Character Card from the Premium Shop. It's the last weekend to get a Sailor Costume. What are you waiting for?

Set sail!

Question of the Week

It's back to school time! In our world, school is important for learning many valuable life skills. Tir Chonail's school, however, is where Lassar teaches magic! What's your favorite magic spell and why?

Magic has many different uses in Erinn. Some people use it to heal, while others use it to fight and defend the world that they love. Judging by the over seven hundred answers we received, it's obvious that our players and their views are even more varied! The response was far greater than we expected and showed one thing in particular: No two Mabinogians are alike!

"I don't want realism. I want magic!" ~ Blanche DuBois, A Streetcar Named Desire

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"Healing magic because it's nice to help out friends and other random people. It's always needed and never gets annoying to receive!" ~Savvi F.

"Ice Bolt is my favorite because it was my first magic spell, the easiest to train, and my friends helped me to get it. For these reasons, I choose Ice Bolt."~ Nicholas M.
"Thunder is one of the most versatile spells in the game. It's a powerful spell that hits multiple targets. At higher ranks, it stalls your opponent so that you can charge another Thunder. On top of that, it ignores Protection, so your Crit Rate will always be left undisturbed. It deals more damage than Ice Spear and takes less time to charge than Fireball. What's not to love?"~ Darryl Lee

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

What's your favorite title and why?

Titles are a great way to show off your progress in Mabinogi. Some are simple to attain, while others take weeks. At the end of the day, though, each Title reflects a unique type of person. So which title is your favorite?

Let us know here!

Mabinogi on Facebook

Have you joined us on Facebook yet?

The official Mabinogi Facebook page is the place to be to get the latest information on what's happening in Erinn! You can take part in some fun activities, get in on some great contests, and possibly walk away with some real-world loot! You might even find yourself quoted in Erinn Weekly. Tell your friends that the Mabinogi Facebook page is the place to be!