Erinn Weekly: Nov. 12th, 2010

ANNOUNCE 11/12/2010 4:17:57 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, November 12th 2010

Greetings Mabinogians!

Events. Events everywhere. Mabinogi's being overrun with all kinds of new events! From an expanded Gachapon system to adorable tiger cubs to the infamous Double Rainbow, there's adventure every minute this week! Trying to jump into these events can be confusing, though. Stick with Erinn Weekly to know everything you need to know about Mabinogi.


Double Rainbow Event This Weekend!

This weekend, Mabinogians will witness the elusive and legendary DOUBLE RAINBOW! Double experience in all sitautions, double drop rates, and double skill training! Everything you could want is doubled. There's never been a better time to train and level up in Mabinogi. Call up your friends and plan your adventure!

What does it mean!?


Rawr! It's the Tiger Cub Event!

Nao's brought Tiger Cubs to Erinn, but she has too many! Help her care for one of these Tiger Cubs and you may receive one of many great rewards for your hard work! This task is difficult, but the prizes are well worth it.

Adopt a cub today!

Upcoming Camp Cook Event

As Thanksgiving creeps up on us, it seems like the perfect time to have a feast with friends. Coming soon, players will be able to sit around the campfire and share a Mana Herb Garlic Steak with their friends. When you share it with friends, however, you will get experience bonuses! So sit around and share memories with friends!

Gather round...


Arashi Armor Character Cards

For the first time ever, Character Cards come with special Armor! The awesome Arashi Armor is available exclusively through Premium Character Cards until November 30th. What are you waiting for? Check out the new look!

They're almost gone!

Mini Unicorn now on sale!

Mini Unicorns are on sale in the Premium Shop! These adorable foals come fully color customizable and ready for a new master! Head to the cash shop, pick out the cutest Mini Uni you can imagine, and take it with you on your adventures!

Get one today!

Soldier Gachapon Update

The Soldier Gachapon has gone through a major update! More items from Muramasas to Teddy Bears, there are choices for just about everyone!

Check out the list!

Question of the Week

What Mabinogi animal is your favorite? Why?

There are so many animals in Mabinogi! Some are ferocious. Some are cute. All are fascinating in their own ways! One's taste in animals is a good way to learn more about them, so we hit the road to find out more about you, the players!

"The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude."~Robert Brault

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"I really love my guardian spider. When he plays with my elf, he truly lives up to his name. Nothing ever comes close to touching me." ~Tanya W.

"The Cow... because it goes moo." ~Iris T.

"The Bombay cat is surely my favorite. It's one of my favorites in real life; I love the thick, coiled fur! My Bombay is a fantastic fighter, and soon after I got him, he was one-hit-smashing Dire Wolves! I was so impressed with the pet. He is almost constantly wearing the "Boss Slayer" title." ~Alex C.

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

The Mabinogi Armory!

There are so many weapons, robes, armors, and other equips in the world of Mabinogi that things can get a bit dizzying. Need help? The Mabinogi community is here to help! Ask questions, give answers! Add to the collective knowledge

Ask a question, answer a question!

Get what you need! Get some NX today!
Looking for more good stuff? Check out these deals for FREE NX!