Snow Tiger AND Bengal Tiger! And a hat! It's a Tiger Package Special!

ANNOUNCE 12/7/2010 11:42:14 PM
By now, all pet collectors are very much aware of the emergence of the Snow Tiger pet.  For the avid pet collectors out there, we have a very special package prepared. For a limited time only, you may purchase a package that includes a Snow Tiger as well as the Bengal Tiger! Additionally, those who purchase this package will receive an email with a coupon code for a Tiger Hat at the end of the promotional period!


The Bengal Tiger has the same features as the Snow Tiger, but it has the classic yellow-orange markings with which we are all familiar. Just like the Snow Tiger, a rider can attack enemies while mounted. Just like the Snow Tiger, the Bengal Tiger's saddle is color selectable! But unlike the Snow Tiger, the Bengal Tiger is not available for singular purchase, it is currently only available through this special package offer.

To sweeten the package even further, after the package promotional period has ended, those who have purchased the Snow Tiger and Bengal Tiger Package will receive a coupon via email for a very rare Tiger Hat!

Be sure to take advantage of this limited-time offer! You may only purchase this package between December 8th and December 28th!

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