Mystic Librarian Box

ANNOUNCE 1/22/2020 12:03:40 AM

It is time to check out those magical books you have been eyeing with the Mystic Librarian Box! Enjoy new mystical items such as the Magic Librarian Outfits, the Magical Book Table, as well as new glasses for the face accessory slot! Check out the details below.

Sale Dates: Thursday, January 30th, After Maintenance - Thursday, February 27th, Before Maintenance

Mystic Librarian Box
Mystic Librarian Box
Mystic Librarian Box
    Price: 1,500 NX
    Price: 15,000 NX
    Price: 57,500 NX

Each box comes with either Finest Shadow Crystals (Tradeable) x3, Potent Shadow Crystals (Tradeable) x3, or Potent Fine Shadow Crystals (Tradeable) x3, and one random item from the gachapon list.

Rate Item
0.13% Grizzled Warrior's Black Wings
0.13% Grizzled Warrior's Red Wings
0.13% Grizzled Warrior's Brown Wings
0.13% Grizzled Warrior's Purple Wings
0.15% Special Magic Librarian Outfit (M)
0.15% Special Magic Librarian Outfit (F)
0.20% Magic Librarian Outfit (M)
0.20% Magic Librarian Outfit (F)
0.17% Magic Librarian Glasses and Hair (M)
0.17% Magic Librarian Glasses and Hair (F)
0.15% Magic Librarian Hair (M)
0.15% Magic Librarian Hair (F)
0.30% Magic Librarian Watch (M)
0.30% Magic Librarian Watch (F)
0.30% Magic Librarian Shoes (M)
0.30% Magic Librarian Shoes (F)
0.13% Magic Librarian Glasses (Face Accessory Slot Exclusive)
0.13% Magic Librarian Decorative Glasses (Face Accessory Slot Exclusive)
0.13% Magic Librarian Reading Glasses (Face Accessory Slot Exclusive)
0.13% Magic Librarian Lanyard Reading Glasses (Face Accessory Slot Exclusive)
0.15% Majestic Blue Harmony Halo
0.15% Majestic Red Harmony Halo
0.15% Blue Ring Halo
0.15% Black Ring Halo
0.15% Emerald Grace Halo
0.15% Bronze Grace Halo
0.15% Red Angelic Halo
0.15% Blue Angelic Halo
0.20% Walking Freakshow 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Outlaw Witch 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Crazy Crafter 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Forte 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Fortissimo 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Pianissimo 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Yvona 2nd Title Coupon
0.20% Starlet 2nd Title Coupon
0.12% Wave Sweeper
0.12% Uaithne
0.14% Goblet of Truth
0.40% Magic Librarian Book Trunk
0.40% Magic Librarian Book Cart
0.40% Comfortable Rocking Chair
0.40% Pleasure Reading Rug
0.40% Magical Book Table
0.40% Bookshelf with Ladder
0.60% Homestead Housing Comfortable Rocking Chair
0.60% Homestead Housing Bookshelf with Ladder
0.60% Homestead Housing Small Magic Library Bookshelf
0.60% Homestead Housing Multi-use Magic Library Bookshelf
0.60% Homestead Housing Magic Library Carpet
0.60% Homestead Housing Large Magic Library Carpet
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Fireplace
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Piano
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Chair
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Loveseat
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Dresser
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Candelabra
0.70% Homestead Housing Crazy Rich Milletian Screen
0.70% Homestead Housing Octagon Flooring and Wave Print Wall
0.35% Magic Academy Robe for Seniors (M)
0.35% Magic Academy Robe for Juniors (M))
0.35% Magic Academy Robe for Seniors (F)
0.35% Magic Academy Robe for Juniors (F)
0.55% Magic Academy Wig and Glasses (M)
0.55% Magic Academy Wig (M)
0.55% Magic Academy Wig and Glasses (F)
0.55% Magic Academy Wig (F)
0.60% Celtic Royal Knight Sword (Enchant: Dawn) (Enchant: Icicle)
0.60% Celtic Royal War Hammer (Enchant: Dawn) (Enchant: Icicle)
0.60% Celtic Royal Warrior Hammer (Enchant: Untamed) (Enchant: Destruction)
0.65% Celtic Royal Battle Axe (Enchant: Dawn) (Enchant: Icicle)
0.65% Brass Grandmaster Certificate
0.65% Pan's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
0.70% Lorna's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
0.50% Potent Finest Shadow Crystal (Tradeable) x50
0.65% Ring Torque (Enchant: Andante) (Enchant: Sonnet) (Rank 1)
0.65% Ring (Type 1) (Enchant: Andante) (Enchant: Sonnet) (Rank 1)
0.65% Celtic Cross (Enchant: Andante) (Enchant: Sonnet) (Rank 1)
0.70% Magic Academy Loafers (M)
0.70% Magic Academy Loafers (F)
0.80% Enchant Scroll (Nostalgic)
0.80% Enchant Scroll (Moderato)
0.85% Enchant Scroll (Owl)
0.85% Enchant Scroll (Uncomfortable)
0.85% Enchant Scroll (Small)
0.85% Enchant Scroll (Vicious)
0.85% Enchant Scroll (Inconvenient)
0.90% Direct Dye Ampoule
0.90% Direct Magical Instrument Dye
0.90% Platinum Hammer of Durability
0.90% Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
0.90% Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass
0.90% Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
0.90% Homestead Golden Sprout x5
0.90% Tailoring Kit (Enchant: Siege) (Enchant: Enduring)
0.90% Tailoring Kit (Enchant: Dramatic) (Enchant: Pierrot)
0.90% Tailoring Kit (Enchant: Basic) (Enchant: Automatic)
0.90% Tailoring Kit (Enchant: Cypress) (Enchant: Sahagin)
0.95% Tailoring Kit (Enchant: Spy's) (Enchant: Excavation)
0.95% Lorna's Special Gold Coin Box
0.95% Pan's Special Gold Coin Box
0.95% Lucky Blue Upgrade Stone
0.95% Lucky Red Upgrade Stone
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.95% Fixed Color Hair Dye Ampoule
0.90% Fusion Bolt Training Potion
0.90% Natural Shield Training Potion
0.90% Fire Shield Training Potion
0.90% Ice Shield Training Potion
0.90% Lightning Shield Training Potion
0.95% Lorna's Goldbox
0.95% Pan's Goldbox
1.10% Life 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Magic 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Close Combat 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Music 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Alchemy 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Martial Arts 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Dual Gun 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Puppetry 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
1.10% Ninja 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)