Sacred Light Box

ANNOUNCE 10/18/2019 6:21:15 AM

May Lymilark be with you on your adventures with the Sacred Light Box! This box contains sacred items including the Sacred Light outfits, the Miracle Wings, and even new support puppets! There are also new Homestead items to make your Homestead feel as magnificent as the Emain Macha Cathedral. Check out the details below!

Sale Dates: Thursday, October 31st, After Maintenance - Wednesday, November 27th, Before Maintenance

Sacred Light Box
Sacred Light Box
Sacred Light Box
    Price: 1,500 NX
    Price: 15,000 NX
    Price: 57,500 NX

Each box comes with either one Baltane Mission Crystal (x1.5) (Tradeable), one Baltane Mission Crystal (x2) (Tradeable), or one Baltane Missions Crystal (x3) (Tradeable), and one random item from the gachapon list.


    From left to right

  • Sacred White Miracle Wings - Animated
  • Sacred Black Miracle Wings - Animated
  • Sacred Pink Miracle Wings - Animated
  • Sacred White Light Wings - Animated
  • Sacred Red Light Wings - Animated
  • Sacred Gold Light Wings - Animated

Head Accessories

    From left to right

  • Sacred Light Wig (M)
  • Sacred Light Wig and Hat (M)
  • Sacred Light Hat
  • Sacred Light Wig (F)
  • Sacred Light Wig and Hat (F)
  • Also shown is the back of the Sacred Light Wig (M)

Special Outfits

Hover over the name of the item to see the animation!

Outfits and Accessories

    From left to right

  • Sacred Light Coat(M)
  • Sacred Light Shoes (M)
  • Sacred Light Gloves (M)
  • Sacred Light Dress (F)
  • Sacred Light Shoes (F)
  • Sacred Light Gloves (F)


    From left to right

  • Sacred Light Halo
  • Sacred Miracle Halo
  • Ancient Aengus Support Puppet
  • Ancient Midir Support Puppet
  • Ancient Bodib Support Puppet

  • Not shown in image above

  • Aengus Support Puppet (Rank 1)
  • Midir Support Puppet (Rank 1)
  • Bodib Support Puppet (Rank 1)
  • Aengus Support Puppet
  • Midir Support Puppet
  • Bodib Support Puppet


    From left to right

  • Holy Lectern
  • Sacred Light Swing Chair

Homestead Items

    From left to right

  • Homestead Goddess's Miraculous Holy Water (Max Damage +8)
  • Homestead Stained Glass
  • Homestead Holy Light of Praise
  • Homestead Shimmering Flower (Type A)
  • Homestead Shimmering Flower (Type B)
  • Homestead Shimmering Flower (Type C)

Weapons and Appearance Scrolls

    From left to right

  • Sacred Light Spellbook
  • Sacred Light Wand Appearance Scroll
  • Sacred Light Chain Blade Appearance Scroll
  • Sacred Light Dual Gun Appearance Scroll

Rate Item
0.11% Sacred White Miracle Wings
0.11% Sacred Black Miracle Wings
0.11% Sacred Pink Miracle Wings
0.11% Sacred White Light Wings
0.11% Sacred Red Light Wings
0.11% Sacred Gold Light Wings
0.13% Sacred Light Wig (M)
0.13% Sacred Light Wig (F)
0.17% Sacred Light Wig and Hat (M)
0.17% Sacred Light Wig and Hat (F)
0.21% Sacred Light Hat
0.13% Special Sacred Light Coat (M)
0.13% Special Sacred Light Dress (F)
0.17% Sacred Light Coat (M)
0.17% Sacred Light Dress (F)
0.21% Sacred Light Gloves (M)
0.21% Sacred Light Gloves (F)
0.21% Sacred Light Shoes (M)
0.21% Sacred Light Shoes (F)
0.12% Sacred Light Halo
0.12% Sacred Miracle Halo
0.11% Ancient Aengus Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Midir Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Bodib Support Puppet
0.13% Aengus Support Puppet (Rank 1)
0.13% Midir Support Puppet (Rank 1)
0.13% Bodib Support Puppet (Rank 1)
0.13% Aengus Support Puppet
0.13% Midit Support Puppet
0.13% Bodib Support Puppet
0.42% Holy Lectern
0.25% Sacred Light Swing Chair
0.19% Homestead Goddess's Miraculous Holy Water
0.42% Homestead Stained Glass
0.11% Ancient Talamh Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Teine Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Gaoth Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Uisce Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Solas Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Oidhche Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Gremlin Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Ice Dragon Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Peep Chick Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Amulet Support Puppet
0.11% Ancient Pixie Fox Support Puppet
0.13% Belisha Support Puppet (Rank 1)
0.13% Odd-Eye Belisha Support Puppet (Rank 1)
0.13% Mysterious Robe
0.51% Bohemian Wear (M) (Rank 1)
0.51% Bohemian Wear (F) (Rank 1)
0.84% Bohemian Band (M) (Rank 1)
0.84% Bohemian Flower Band (F) (Rank 1)
0.84% Bohemian Shoes (M) (Rank 1)
0.84% Bohemian Shoes (F) (Rank 1)
0.27% Cessair Commander Boots (Rank 1)
0.25% Adventurer Robe (M)
0.25% Adventurer Robe (F)
0.27% Cessair Officer Robe
0.30% Nuadha Robe (M)
0.30% Nuadha Robe (F)
0.63% Sacred Light Wand Appearance Scroll
0.63% Sacred Light Spellbook
0.63% Sacred Light Chain Blade Appearance Scroll
0.63% Sacred Light Dual Gun Appearance Scroll
0.84% Homestead Shimmering Flower (Type A)
0.84% Homestead Shimmering Flower (Type B)
0.84% Homestead Shimmering Flower (Type C)
0.84% Homestead Holy Light of Praise
0.42% Lovely Cupid Archer Outfit (M)
0.42% Lovely Cupid Archer Outfit (F)
0.51% Lovely Cupid Wig (M)
0.63% Lovely Cupid Wig and Hair Piece (M)
0.51% Lovely Cupid Wig (F)
0.63% Lovely Cupid Wig and Hair Piece (F)
0.84% Lovely Cupid Gloves
0.84% Lovely Cupid Boots
0.63% Lovely Cupid Outfit (M)
0.63% Lovely Cupid Outfit (F)
0.25% Talamh Support Puppet
0.25% Teine Support Puppet
0.25% Gaoth Support Puppet
0.25% Uisce Support Puppet
0.25% Solas Support Puppet
0.25% Oidhche Support Puppet
1.05% Potion Making Training Potion
1.05% Enchant Training Potion
1.05% Tumble Training Potion
1.05% Party Healing Training Potion
1.48% Corentin's Priest Robe
1.48% Divine Magic Powder x3
1.48% Ancient Magic Powder x5
1.26% Eweca, Ladeca, and Palala Spell Book (Rank 1) (Enchant: Abysmal)
1.48% Fine Gem Powder x5
1.05% Gremlin Flying Puppet (Rank 1)
1.05% Ice Dragon Flying Puppet (Rank 1)
1.05% Peep Chick Flying Puppet (Rank 1)
1.05% Amulet Flying Puppet (Rank 1)
1.05% Pixie Fox Flying Puppet (Rank 1)
1.05% Gremlin Flying Puppet
1.05% Ice Dragon Flying Puppet
1.05% Peep Chick Flying Puppet
1.05% Amulet Flying Puppet
1.05% Pixie Fox Flying Puppet
0.63% Antsy Gesture Card
0.63% Stern Gesture Card
0.63% Anguish Gesture Card
0.63% Humble Gesture Card
0.63% Rabble Gesture Card
0.63% Search Gesture Card
0.63% Promote Gesture Card
0.63% Squee Gesture Card
0.63% Ahem Gesture Card
0.63% Yearning Gesture Card
0.63% Camera Gesture Card
0.63% Study Gesture Card
0.63% Blush Gesture Card
1.26% Battle Cry Gesture Card
1.26% Stylish Gesture Card
1.26% Tremble Gesture Card
1.26% Boastful Flex Gesture Card
1.26% Bored Gesture Card
1.26% Healing Training Potion
1.26% Dual Gun Mastery Training Potion
1.26% Flash Launcher Training Potion
1.26% Grapple Shot Training Potion
1.26% Bullet Slide Training Potion
1.26% Shooting Rush Training Potion
1.26% Bullet Storm Training Potion
1.26% Reload Training Potion
1.26% Way of the Gun Training Potion
1.60% Spell Book Repair Quill
1.60% Music Buff Potion (30 min) x7
1.60% Essence of Phoenix x10
1.60% Attack Delay Reduction Potion (10 min) x10
1.60% Speed Walk Potion 40% (30 min)
1.60% Partner Likeability Increase Candy (30) x5
1.60% Partner Stress Relief Candy (100) x5
1.60% Lorna's Goldbox
1.60% Pan's Goldbox
1.60% Lorna's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
1.60% Pan's Goldbox Upgrade Coupon
1.60% Regular Gem Powder Upgrade Coupon x5
1.60% Regular Gem Powder x30
1.60% Fine Echostone Awakening Stimulant Upgrade Coupon
1.60% Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
1.60% Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass

Disclaimer: Percentages are rounded to the nearest hundredth.