Husbando and Waifu Voting Contest is back!
1/31/2019 10:44:36 AM

Valentine's Day is coming soon with White Day right after, so it's time to confess who your favorite Husbando and Waifu is. Vote in a bracket-style competition on who your favorite NPC is. Is it Ferghus, Vayne, or Kyle? Or maybe Anju, Eiren, or Carrie? Check out the full details below!
Husbando and Waifu Voting Contest
Event Dates: Thursday, January 31, 12:00 PM - Wednesday, March 13, 12:00 PM
Voting Details:
- Vote for your favorite Husbando and Waifu!
- The First Half will be the Husbando Voting Contest for Valentine's Day.
- The Second Half will be the Waifu Voting Contest for White Day.
- NPCs were randomly picked for this contest.
- You can click the square button on each contestant's picture to enlarge it.
- Voting Contest Link: Click Here!
- Please be sure to scroll down and vote in each match-up! Everyone needs some love~
Voting Schedule:
Times are in Pacific time.
- Husbando Voting Round 1: 12 PM, Jan. 31st - 12 PM, Feb. 2nd
- Husbando Voting Round 2: 12 PM, Feb. 2nd - 12 PM, Feb. 4th
- Husbando Voting Round 3: 12 PM, Feb. 4th - 12 PM, Feb. 7th
- Husbando Voting Semi-Finals: 12 PM, Feb. 7th - 12 PM, Feb. 9th
- Hubando Voting Finals: 12 PM, Feb. 9th - 12 PM, Feb. 13th
- Waifu Voting Round 1: 12 PM, Feb. 28th - 12 PM, Mar. 2nd
- Waifu Voting Round 2: 12 PM, Mar. 2nd - 12 PM, Mar. 4th
- Waifu Voting Round 3: 12 PM, Mar. 4th - 12 PM, Mar. 7th
- Waifu Voting Semi-Finals: 12 PM, Mar. 7th - 12 PM, Mar. 9th
- Waifu Voting Finals: 12 PM, Mar. 9th - 12 PM, Mar. 13th