Sabina's Community Spotlight - 10/29/13

ANNOUNCE 10/29/2013 10:26:17 AM
Hi everyone! Sabina here.

I'm not sure if you knew this, but we've featured the work of the Mabinogi community a few times in the past (see here and here). I loved seeing everyone's work, and I loved seeing you guys get your much deserved time in the limelight. In fact, I raved about you guys so much that they put me in charge of these posts.

To be honest, it was really hard to narrow down what to spotlight this month. The Mabinogi community is full of so much talent! But my boss put her foot down when I kept waffling between dozens of picks, so here are three for this month's Community Spotlight.

Mac's Art Shop

When I saw Macbookpro's tumblr page, I had to do a double-take. Is this an art shop or am I playing Mabinogi right now? This is one of the most creative Mabinogi art shops I've ever seen! (If you haven't clicked the link yet, you have to check it out. It's amazing.)

By the way, character paintings are an excellent and acceptable way of earning the gold to buy yourself some wings or whatever expensive item you have your heart set on. Unlike selling accounts (which violates the Terms of Use) and botting or gold farming (which damages the economy and provides unfair advantages), art shops are perfectly legal.

Kudos to Macbookpro and the many other artists in the Mabinogi forums for thinking outside of the box, and best of luck to you all!

Letus and Leif Erikson Day

I think this story is pretty inspiring.

Letus, a long-time and active forum poster, has been championing for a Leif Erikson Day event for a long time (see here). Leif Erikson Day isn't exactly the most popular holiday (I know, I can't believe it either), but I wanted to see if there was something I could do to help. 

So I went back to my team and let them know we should host an event. It took a lot of work, but I finally convinced them. Which is why, on October 9th of this year, I was able to host an official Leif Erikson Day event on the forums!

If you're wondering why this is such a big deal to me, it's because it really took a lot of extra effort! Things like this don't just happen overnight. While I read and hear pretty much all of your requests on the forums, I don't always get a chance to make things happen. Here's a nifty diagram of what goes on behind the scenes for these types of events. It makes me happy when I'm able to make something you guys have been wanting for a long time into a reality.

The Mabinogi Challenge

I love this. Basically, a bunch of you came up with enough questions to last for 30 days straight (one question per day). And then, the Mabinogi tumblr community answered those questions in image form.

I love seeing what you guys think about the game, and it got me thinking that we should really involve you guys more (well, for the little things that I have a say in, at least). I'm stilling working out the details, but I'm hoping to host an official event similar to the Mabinogi Challenge (with prizes!), but it might take some time.

Okay, that's it for this month. I don't normally say this much, so I hope you enjoyed the change of pace. 
