Rebirth, a New Beginning

In Mabinogi, when your character meets a number of requirements, you may have the option of having your character go through a total rebirth, complete with a new look, younger age, and even a different gender. In the process, you may also reset your character’s level and exploration level as well.

Even with your character’s level being reset and equipped with a younger age, your character’s skills, keywords, AP, titles, and items will remain intact. Basically, your character will start a new life, albeit at a distinct advantage over other characters of the same age.

So what do you have to fulfill in order to proceed with this process of a rebirth?

This page will cover the requirements for the rebirth, the process of rebirth, and the special presents you may receive through an NPC after the rebirth.

1. What is Rebirth?
Rebirth is quite literally having your character go through another birth, and a new beginning. Through rebirth, you may change your character’s appearance, level, age, and even gender. Just remember that you may NOT be reborn as a different race.

2. Requirements for a Rebirth

1) Rebirth Using a Character Card
We’ll first cover the requirements for going through Rebirth using the Character Card.

A. At least 7 days have passed since the last date of your rebirth
Your character may go through a rebirth after at least 7 days in real time have passed since creation/last rebirth.

* To see your character’s age and the days passed since the last rebirth, log on to the game and press C to open your Character Information window.

On the upper right corner of the window, you’ll be able to see your character’s age. The age will stop at 25 and the number in parentheses will state the number of years that have passed since you have turned 25.

Press [Rebirth and Marriage] tab on the window to see the exact number of days that have passed since your character was first created, or since the last rebirth.

B. Owning a proper Card
The character card required for rebirth differs with each race, and you may not go through a rebirth using a character card of another race.

To have your human character go through rebirth, you must own either a [Basic Human Card] or a [Premium Human Card]. For Elves, it would be [Basic Elf Card] or [Premium Elf Card], and for Giants, [Basic Giant Card] or [Premium Giant Card].

* Basic Card and Premium Card

Basic Card will allow you to choose between limited sets of appearances for your character, and the Premium Card will allow you to gain a wider range of appearances to choose from.

* Assistant Card and Rebirth
When a human character first supports either Giants or Elves, the character will receive an Assistant Card of the supported race.


You may use the Assistant Card to create the character in the supported race, and the created character may later go through a rebirth of its own. That being said, the Assistant Card cannot be used to help your main character go through rebirth.
The range of selection for appearances mirror the choices of a Basic Card.

* Free Card and Rebirth
[Free Card] is a card usually given to a brand new account in Mabinogi, but it’s also given to accounts without a single character or a card (animal card included). With a Free Card, you may create a character of any race, with the range of selection for appearances mirroring the choices of a Basic Card.

You may NOT use the Free Card to have your character go through rebirth.

2) Requirements for Rebirth at 20
If your character is at least at the age of 20, then you may go through a rebirth without having to use a Character Card. Beware that if you are going through rebirth right at the age of 20, then it’s not possible to change your character’s appearance and gender. Doing so will require a Character Card.

3. Changes that occur due to Rebirth

1) If you have selected [Reset Level and Age]
A. If you are going through a rebirth by resetting your age and level, then your newly-reborn character will start at Level 1.
B. You may choose to have your character start between the ages of 10~17. Please be aware that your reborn character must be either at the age or younger than your current character.
C. The buffs from consuming food will disappear.
D. Even after going through rebirth, your name, birthday, and other stats will remain unchanged.

Stats that DO NOT change after Rebirth:
Name9 Guild
Remaining AP
Stats improved through skills
Stats improved through reading books
Stats improved through quests
Part-time Job count
Record of books read
Quest Information
Lessons learned
Exploration records

2) If you have selected [Reset Gender and Looks]
If you are going through rebirth by resetting your character’s gender and appearance, then your character’s level, age, and other stats will remain unchanged.

4. Rebirth

Once your character has met the criteria for Rebirth, let’s get on with it!

1) Select a character to be reborn
First, you’ll need to designate a character to be reborn. After logging into the game, select a character at the character lobby, and press [Rebirth] to proceed with the process.

After pressing [Rebirth], you’ll encounter your guide in Soul Stream, Nao.

Once you meet Nao, you’ll hear a number of stories about going through a Rebirth.

If you are going through Rebirth for the first time, we strongly recommend spending some time with Nao talking about it.

2) Rebirth
After talking to Nao, select [Rebirth] to be led to a new screen where you’ll create a brand new reborn character.

On the left side of the screen, you’ll see how your new character will look like, based on the selections you have chosen on the right. The Rebirth Window on the right will allow you to select your new character’s age, appearance, and other details concerning the character.

A. Option - Reset Level, Expl. Level and Age / Reset Gender and Looks
You may select either [Reset Level, Expl. Level, and Age] or [Reset Gender and Looks]. Mark off the box that best fits your Rebirth preference.

B. Location of Rebirth
This depends on your character’s race. If your character is human, then you may select either [Iria], [Tir Chonaill], or [Rebirth at the Last Location]. If you are an Elf or a Giant, then you may select either [Iria] or [Rebirth at the Last Location].

C. Gender
You may select the gender of your re-born character here.

D. Starting Age
If you have selected [Reset Level, Expl. Level, and Age], then this covers the age portion of the change. You’ll have the choice of selecting your new re-born character between the ages of 10 and 17, and you may see the starting stats of your new character, along with the stats that will be increased as your new character ages.

Please remember that your newly re-born character MUST BE younger or at the same age as your current character. This means if your character’s age is currently 15, then your re-born character must be between the ages of 10 ~ 15.

Once you have selected your options on that screen on the Rebirth options, gender, and age, then press [Next] on the bottom left corner to select the appearance of your liking.

If you are not satisfied with the new look, press the [Back] button on the bottom left corner of the screen to re-do the arrangements.

Even if you don’t press [Back] or [Next], just press one of the following buttons located on the top right corner of the game to move directly to that window.

Once you have gone through all the options, press [Rebirth] to proceed.

* Asterisk next to the image
The asterisk located next to the item image means it can only be accessed when going through rebirth using the [Premium Card].

* A title [the Reborn]
You may acquire this title after going through a Rebirth.
Effects: Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Intelligence +6, Will +6, Luck +6

3) Beware of the following when going through Rebirth

A. If you are married to someone
If you are already married, then you may not change your gender when going through Rebirth.

B. If you are being reborn at the spot of your last login
If you are being reborn right at the location where your character was last in, then you won’t be able to meet the following NPCs, depending on your race:

Human: Unable to meet Tin or Ffion.
Giant: Unable to meet Meriel.
Elf: Unable to meet Vena.

This also means you won’t be able to receive a special gift from these NPCs that can only be obtained through Rebirth.

C. If you are being reborn at 20 without using a Character Card
If you are being reborn at the age of 20 without using a Character Card, then you won’t be able to change your character’s gender and appearance, and you may only be reborn at the spot of your last character’s stay.

If you select [Reset Gender and Looks] or select another place for rebirth, then the following message will appear on the screen.

5. Rebirth and a Special Gift

If you have NOT selected [Rebirth at the Last Location], then the location of rebirth is uniform for each race.

For humans, if you have selected Iria, then you will be reborn where Ffion is, near the Qilla Base Camp. If you have selected Tir Chonaill, then you will be reborn where Tin is, near Tir Chonaill.

For Giants, you will be reborn where Meriel is, near the town of Physis, and for Elves, where Vena is, near the town of Filia.

These are the NPCs that have given you the beginner quests when you first started the game, and if you talk to them after being reborn, then these NPCs will give you a special rebirth gift: [Fixed Color Dye Ampoule] and [Nao’s Gift Collection].

Please remember that if you have gone through rebirth at the age of 20 without using a Character Card, then you will not receive any of the two gifts mentioned above.

1) Fixed Color Dye Ampoule
This item allows you to select a section you’d like to dye. Dye your item with the color that has already been preset with the item.

Since this item already has a designated color, you won’t have to select a color of your own. This item cannot be obtained anywhere else but through the designated NPCs for Rebirth.

After going through Rebirth, talk to Ffion or Tin (Human), Meriel (Giant), or Vena (Elf) to receive this item. Each NPC will present you with 10 Fixed Color Dye Ampoules, one by one for you to select.

If you were unable to make a decision after going through all 10 ampoules, then you’ll receive the one that was presented last. You will not be able to trade it with other ampoules, so please think carefully before deciding on a color.

The colors of the ampoules may change a bit, depending on the NPC.

There’s also a rare ampoule that can be obtained through the NPCs against very high odds. It’s an ampoule where the color presented actually glitters, and even these color changes slightly differ, depending on the NPC. If you dye your equipment using the glittering ampoule, then the whole item will glitter as well.

2) Nao’s Gift Collection
After receiving the Fixed Color Dye Ampoule, you’ll also receive [Nao’s Gift Collection Book] from the same NPC. This collection book is for collecting the birthday presents Nao gives you on your character birthday.

This collection book requires you to gather up a total of 24 items, with each item listed in the collection book. The book will also state the items you have currently gathered so far.

If you have one of the items in your inventory, left-click on the item in the inventory and drag it onto Nao’s Gift Collection book. Then, click on it once more to place the item in the book.

Once you complete the collection book, you will receive a new keyword [Nao’s Gift Collection Book Complete].

The next time you run into Nao, try talking to her using this keyword to receive an accessory from her with a special enchantment. Based on your character’s race, these enchantments will slightly differ from one another. For example, for humans, it’s an item including the enchantments of “Thunder’s”, “Marguerite”, “Blizzard’s”, or “Violet”.

* Beware of the following when completing the Collection Book
Even if you complete [two collection books at the same time], you will still only receive one keyword, which means you will only receive one reward from Nao.

If you have already completed the collection book once, and received the keyword [Nao’s Gift Collection Book Complete], then please make sure not to complete another one of Nao’s Collection Books BEFORE receiving the gift from Nao.

6. In Conclusion

One of the three legendary warriors of Mabinogi, Tarlach, wrote in his book [Tarlach’s Record] that Rebirth is a process of [keeping the spirit alive; only taking on a new body].

What would it feel like to keep your soul intact, but be reborn into a new body? Since your previous experiences and memories are intact even under the new body, your newly reborn character will go through a unique experience of encountering not only new things, but also re-encountering the old, only from a totally different point of view! You’ll be able to enjoy a whole new kind of excitement through Rebirth.