Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 5
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

5. What is Paradise?

You have learned about Goddess Morrighan, and you could not just relinquish your plan to go to Tir Na Nog even with Tarlach’s disapproval. As a response to your persistence, Tarlach has suggested a book for you to read; perhaps this book will reveal the hidden secrets of Tir Na Nog?

1) Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog
This is the title of the book Tarlach mentioned. This book can be found at Aeira’s bookstore in Dunbarton, located on the right of the Dunbarton Castle’s northern gate.

Upon your arrival, ask Aeira if she has the book on Tir Na Nog in stock.

'Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog? Oh no.  That book wasn’t selling at all, so I returned all of them. Haha. Where did you hear about that book?

Let’s see, if I order it, it will still take a while before it gets here. Would you mind waiting? If you still want it, I’ll place an order for it.

Returned all the books because they weren’t popular? So she doesn’t have what you’re looking for.

A main distributor is, simply put, a huge bookstore that delivers books to intended recipients of small bookstores. It doesn’t seem like you have a choice other than to ask Aeira to place an order with the main distributor.

2) Receive a copy of ‘Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog’!

There mustn’t have been a single person who asked for that book… otherwise, how could she have returned all of the copies… It seems it would takes longer to receive it because it is extremely low in demand in general. What was Tarlach thinking suggesting a book like this!!!

Aeira’s bookstore is located in Dunbarton where many people reside. Dunbarton Square is an action-packed place where you can witness bards playing instruments, merchants trading goods, and people hunting animals in the nearby area. How about exploring what Dunbarton has to offer while you wait for the book and trying something new?

3) Receive a copy of ‘Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog’

After a given amount of time has passed, try going back to Aeira to inquire about the book.

Ahh. I’ve made you waste yet another trip. The book still isn’t in stock. I’m sorry. Hmm, how about this… I’ll have an owl deliver the message to you when it arrives here. That would be better, right?  I’m sorry I made you go back and forth so many times.

Aeira has offered to have an owl inform you when the book arrives… but will Aeira actually keep her words this time? A bit doubtful… but, for the time being, let’s go back to the Dunbarton Square and wait.

After Aeira apologizes and promises to have the owl delivered notify you when the book arrives, you’ll be contacted shortly. It takes time to print and deliver the book… so try to be as understanding as you can.

Where is the publisher located anyway?

4) ‘Receive a Book from Aeira’ Quest

In the midst of engaging yourself in different activities in Erinn, an owl will approach you.

A visit from the owl. Could it be…?

[Receive a Book from Aeira]
The book you were looking for just came in. [Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog], right? Come pick it up at the Dunbarton Bookstore~ -Aeira

The message is from Aeira, informing you that the book you’ve requested is available to be picked up at the bookstore. Your patience has finally paid off. Let’s go visit Aeira now.

You can complete the quest by speaking with Aeira.

Hey~! You came. Here it is. The book you have been looking for. Sorry it took so long~ To make it up to you, I’ll give you the book for free~

You might have been worried about the cost of the book, especially since the book had to be ordered separately just for you; however, Aeira has kindly offered to give you the book for free for the inconvenience she has caused you. Open the Quest window and click on [Complete] to complete the quest.

5) Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog
If you check your Inventory, you will find a book with a seal on it. This is the copy of ‘Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog’ you have tried so hard to find. They say that people in Erinn fantasize about Tir Na Nog. If you’re curious… But why isn’t this book popular amongst the townspeople?

Let’s find out what this book has to offer.

- The Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog -

Written by Leslie

1. Preface

This world, full of freedom and peace, has been created and sustained by the law and order of our loving god, Aton Cimeni. Humans, with their limited knowledge and experience, cannot possibly comprehend the full beauty of it.

The order of Erinn was completed with the creation of a paradise that surpassed every law and order, known as Tir Na Nog.

Tir Na Nog is a fantasy world mentioned in the sacred book of the Lymilark Church. It is said to be a legendary utopia, and though it has been passed down to people for generations, no one is said to have been there.

This book is written to uncover the truth about Tir Na Nog and help people understand it. I hope that this book will be a useful tool that gives insight to those who are seeking this paradise.

2. Tir Na Nog's Origin and Meaning

The word Tir Na Nog literally means [Land of Youth], or [Eternal World]. Just like its name, it is said to be a place where you retain your youth forever and never grow old, get sick or even die. It is also said that the dead and buried come back to life in their youth and those who are alive never grow old or get sick. It's a place where the power of death and decay does not penetrate, a place where tears do not exist.

Tir Na Nog is also known as the world where the gods live. There's a myth that when the great Warriors of Tuatha De Danaan died, they became the gods of Tir Na Nog and looked down at their world. Sometimes they even descended back to Erinn.

It is unclear when exactly these myths started circulating. The stories of Tir Na Nog were passed down by word of mouth but was never recorded. There is a subtle mention in the records of one of the earliest clans, the Bans. However, because the description is very vague, it has been a topic of debate whether it should count as the first recorded writing regarding Tir Na Nog.

Generally, these are the known descriptions of Tir Na Nog: Gems grow from the trees, there are beautiful flowers in the fields, and a wonderful aroma fills the land. There is a stream that flows into a river, so clear that you can see the bottom, and all the wild animals live in harmony and peace with one another. The land is so fertile that there is plentiful harvest even without any labor, and all those who live there praise the gods and worship them.

One interesting thing is that although these stories about Tir Na Nog have been passed down orally, the descriptions are virtually identical in every region and country.

3. How Tir Na Nog was Passed Down

What are we to make of this?

The first thing that comes to mind is that this land called Tir Na Nog might be closer than we think. It just that those who have been there and back, for some reason, want to keep it a secret and avoid talking about it. So the same story continues to stimulate the imagination of the people, but since those who have actually been there keep their lips tight, the story remains unchanged.

However, considering all the reports of many adventurers, this idea seems highly improbable.

Another theory is that Tir Na Nog is simply an imaginary place. Since it doesn't exist, the story hasn't developed from the original source.

But the belief in Tir Na Nog is extremely firm, while interest and opinions regarding stories of other paradises are minimal.

The only way to explain this is that all the people in Erinn must hold to the same idea of paradise. But even this is something that cannot be seriously discussed yet.

If this paradise truly exists, how have people found out about it, believe in it, and passed it on? Analyzing this should uncover the truth about this mysterious place.

4. Start From the Beginning

Earlier I mentioned that the people of Erinn all hold to the same idea of paradise. Then, testing the plausibility of this idea of paradise should confirm if Tir Na Nog can be a real place.

How did this idea of paradise emerge in the hearts of the people? Could this universal idea of paradise really exist? The idea of a paradise never thinks of others. It portrays a life that revolves around one's self, or someone close. Also, since one person's idea of paradise could interpret as someone else's hell, the idea of a universal paradise is hard to conceive. A world of eternal youth and absence of death is not the essence of paradise; rather, it should be a place where human desires and values are regulated.

So I ask my readers this. If paradise has nothing do with eternal life or the absence of all sickness, but a place where your values and desires are controlled, would you still want to live there in eternity?

When stories about Tir Na Nog began to spread, it was a time of chaos and destruction for mankind. The idea of hope and longing for a paradise world was easily and desperately embraced by people. Thus, Tir Na Nog is simply a hope that people have, but its existence is questionable.

One thing that is clear is that those who claim to have been there have no evidence, and cannot give an answer to where it actually is. Tir Na Nog is a paradise that exists in people's hearts, not a real place that you can find.

5. Conclusion

Though it may not be a satisfying explanation, there is no current evidence that proves Tir Na Nog's existence. However, at the same time, one cannot firmly disprove its existence as well.

Nevertheless, Tir Na Nog a symbol of paradise. I want to advise adventurers to stop wasting time on this idea of a paradise and move onto something else.

Hmmm… the book contains depth and significance. In short, Leslie postulates that Tir Na Nog is a private paradise in people’s imagination; hence, Tir Na Nog doesn’t actually exist.

Perhaps this book is not popular because it shatters the fantasy of the people in Erinn.

Was Tarlach trying to suggest what was said in the conclusion of the book? To stop wasting time and move onto something meaningful?

6) People’s Idea of Paradise

Upon reading the book and closing the window, a message will appear asking whether you would like to read in detail. Amongst the books in Erinn, you can read the ones with a seal in detail. If you succeed in further reading the book, the seal will disappear and the effect of the book will become active.

Select [Read in Detail]; successfully reading the book in detail will earn you the [Paradise] keyword.

The book "Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog" describes Tir Na Nog as a legendary realm of gods, and paradise without death and illness. Once more, speak with Tarlach, who recommended this book.

What meaning does the word ‘paradise’ carry for the people of Erinn? Before speaking with Tarlach, find out what and how the townspeople think.

[Aeira] – Owner of the Dunbarton Bookstore. Daughter of Walter but there is no visible resemblance.
A library full of books as far as the eye can see! Ah… that would be paradise to me. Why does it matter if it’s real? A paradise doesn’t have to be so fantastic and magical.

Aeira is the NPC that found the copy of “Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog” for you. As reflected in her occupation, her response also illustrates her passion for books. Maybe paradise reflects an individual’s simple wish.

[Austeyn] – Manager of the Dunbarton branch of the Erskin Bank. He also offers counseling as necessary.
Paradise... It’s probably a place like Tir Na Nog… Where eternal youth and happiness are guaranteed. If a place like that isn’t paradise, I don’t know what is.

Austeyn’s idea of paradise is Tir Na Nog, where people are granted eternal youth and happiness.

[Ibbie] – A girl who has kept her sadness to herself.
Ibbie… had a dream a long time ago… I was with mommy… and daddy… in a garden full of pretty flowers. Cough! Cough…!

I ran around having fun…and I wasn't even sick... Is that what paradise is like...? Can Ibbie go there if I'm good...? Ibbie… her idea of paradise is saddening, for it is something most kids her age has. She seems to be wishing for a healthy future.

[Ferghus] – A Blacksmith in Tir Chonaill who possesses high class power.
If it's a place where we can be safe and I don't have to make any weapons and just make farming tools, I would call that paradise. Then my workload would drop significantly too... Haha…

Maybe Ferghus, too, has the right idea of what paradise is. A place where no weapons are necessary… where farming tools suffice… Is he talking about a place where no fights exist? But coming from Ferghus, the sincerity of that claim is questionable.  

[Meven] – The Priest at the Tir Chonaill Church who appears to be omniscient.
It may be frivolous to discuss about paradise without taking time to think about what would truly be paradise to humans.In that sense, what do you think about paradise? You don't have to answer me right away. Just think about it when you have time...

Priest Meven has asked you what true paradise would consist of. Maybe he’s asking because no one has been able to provide an answer. To help you find the meaning of paradise, you should also take into consideration the questions that were posed by Leslie in the book ‘Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog’.

People of Erinn have shared what their idea of paradise is. Everyone has his or her own idea about what paradise consists of. How about speaking with them one by one to further discover the definition of paradise in the imaginations of people in Erinn?

The next episode will introduce Tarlach’s idea of ‘Tir Na Nog’.

... What is paradise to you?

7) Memo to Remember

[Note 1] Aeira hasn’t given me the book.

You must speak with Aeira in order to receive a copy of 'Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog’. If you have already requested a book from Aeira, report back to her the following day.

[Note 2] The keyword has disappeared…
Are you worried that your keyword has disappeared after speaking with Aeira about the delivery of the book? You can proceed with the quest normally even if the keyword has disappeared, so don’t worry. You will meet Aeira’s owl during your stay in Erinn… but you must be logged in, as the owl will make its delivery in Erinn time.