Elf Beginner Quests
The desert that fills up the Connous region of Iria is inhabited by Elves.

These Elves, featuring distinctively sharp ears and beautiful looks, are known to be possessors of that special something...

This guide is for those who would like to begin their journey in Mabinogi as an Elf in the desert.

1. Tutorial Quests with Vena

After creating an Elf character, you will meet Vena along with a crystal ball.


Talk to Vena for a bit, and you will soon proceed with a series of Tutorial Quests for Elves. If you wish to skip the Tutorial Quests and head straight to the Elf town, then try talking to Vena using the keyword [Head to the Town of Elves]. You will be transported to Filia, the town of Elves.

* If you skip the Tutorial Quest and head straight to Filia, then you will be losing out on the EXP and items that are available by completing the Tutorial Quests.

After talking to Vena, click on the Crystal Ball to start your first quest.

1) Learn How to Use Bows

Talk to Vena, and she will give you a [Practice Bow] and some [arrows]. You will be using those items to eliminate ‘3 Baby Gray Armadillos’ nearby.


Elves are very skilled with bows, so each shot actually produces 2 arrows, and you can see the trajectory of your arrow as you fire one at the target. You may even shoot arrows while riding on a horse.

Once you have defeated 3 Baby Gray Armadillos, report the results to the Crystal Ball, then press [Complete] on your quest window to complete the quest.

2) Find the Aged Stone Wall

Connous is a region rich in artifacts and ruins dungeons.

This quest entails the search for an aged stone wall. Talk to Vena, and she will give you a brief description of the stone wall, along with its location. You will be able to see a flashing light on the minimap, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble spotting the stone wall.


Once you click on the stone wall, you will see a short clip that shows that you have found the stone wall. Afterwards, return to the Crystal Ball to report the results and complete the quest.

3) Sketch the Statue

After completing the [Find the Aged Stone Wall] quest, you will receive another quest from the Crystall Ball titled [Sketch the Statue]. The stone statue is located south of the Aged Stone Wall.


To sketch the statue, you must have a piece of sketch paper with you. If you have it, then right-click on the item and click on [Use] to access the item. Once your character is all set and ready to make a sketch, click on the statue to start sketching. If the sketch is successful, then you will end up with the drawing of the statue.

You won’t be able to sketch any object if you are too far from it, so make sure to stand close and then start sketching.

To complete the quest, deliver the sketch to the Crystal Ball.

4) Bring a Fragment of the Statue

Once you have received a new quest entitled [Bring a Fragment of the Statue] from the Crystal Ball, return to the stone statue.
Before clicking on the statue, make sure that both of your hands are empty. Once you click on the statue with bare hands, you’ll start the process of gathering a piece of the statue. If successful, you will see a [fragment of the statue] falling from the statue.


After acquiring a [fragment], deliver the item to the Crystal Ball to complete the quest.

5) Find the Hidden Pillar Nearby

The continent of Iria is a hotbed for hidden artifacts and ruins dungeons. It is up to you to explore and find these hidden treasures.
Equip yourself with an L-Rod in your inventory and roam around, and soon the L-Rod will begin to light a beam and make a sound. When your L-Rod begins loudly beeping 4 times, press X.


If you are standing exactly at the spot where the artifact is hidden, it will magically appear in plain view.

This is exactly how you find hidden artifacts and ruins dungeons in Iria.

To complete the quest, report the results to the Crystal Ball.

6) Alter the Landscape

Connous is predominantly a desert, and these regions are where a mere exploring will not be enough to uncover the hidden artifacts buried underneath. This is when you can actually alter the landscape to find the artifact!


After receiving the quest through the Crystal Ball, talk to Vena to learn how to alter the landscape, as well as receive a [Cold Wind L-Rod] to do just that. Next, head over to a desert and use the Land Maker action. Land Maker and other actions can be found in the Action Tab (Press N).

Once you trigger the Land Maker on the desert, you’ll see a swarm of sand blowing away as the landscape changes. Note that the landscape can only be changed so far, and if the change does not take place, then simply move to another area and try again.

Once you have successfully altered the landscape, remember to report the results to the Crystal Ball to complete the quest.

7) Filia, the Elf Town

After completing [Alter the Landscape], the last quest of the Tutorial Quests, talk to Vena and she will give you a [Sasha Robe], which only Elves can wear, and a [Short Bow] as a gift for completing the Tutorial Quests.


Head southwest of where Vena stands and you will find a path that leads to Filia, the town of Elves.

Congratulations! Your life as an Elf has now officially begun.

2. Hide

At the bottom of the screen, you will see an [Action] button. Click on the button or press N to open the list of actions that are available for you.


Some of these actions are available only to humans, and some are for Elves as well.
Here, we will discuss one of the actions that are available exclusively to the Elves: Hide.

When you use Hide, your character will look half-transparent on your screen, but you will become completely invisible to other users, as well as monsters.


Sustaining this action will require some MP, and once your MP reaches 0, you will become visible once more.

If you are attacked by a monster, then you will become visible regardless of the level of your remaining MP.

3. In Conclusion

We have covered the basics of the Tutorial Quests that is required for all beginning Elves to master in order to fully function as an Elf.

You may now bid adieu to Vena and make your way towards Filia, where a whole new set of adventures await you.

Or, step out of town and explore the possibilities in the unique land of Connous!