Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 8
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

8. The One Who Speaks the Language of the Fomors
To identify the Fomor Medal that looks like a Priest’s Token and discover the truth about the Goddess, you went to find Goro.  

However, Goro had a proposition for you; to find his ring in the Ciar Basic Dungeon in exchange of his help.

After toiling in the dungeon, you completed the quest to find Goro’s ring.

So let’s find out what the writing on the back of the medal means.

1) Dul Brau Dairam Shanon

Goro will welcome you in Alby Arena when you return to him with his ring.

Oh! It is the ring I have lost!  Thank you! Thank you! Here... as a reward...  I'll tell you meaning of the words inscribed behind the medal.

Alright, alright, get on with it already.

It reads [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon]. [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon]... Meaning something like [Goddess, please lend me the moonlight...]...

‘Oh, Goddess, I beg you for your moonlight”…? Does this mean the Goddess is really protecting the Fomors? It’s hard to believe… But what importance does the moonlight have?

If you look in your Quest window, you will find that you have completed the [Find Goro’s Ring] quest. 

Now that you’ve heard Goro’s explanation of the Fomor Medal, return to Tarlach and let him know what you’ve accomplished.

While many unknowns about the Goddess still remain, no evidence was found that the Goddess is, as Tarlach claims, protecting the Fomors.

2) Tarlach’s Response

The day has already turned into night while passing through the Sidhe Sneachta Snow Hill.

Speak with Tarlach, who lives as a bear by day and a Human by night, using the [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon] keyword.

...[Goddess, lend me the moonlight.]  That's what Goro said it means?  The line [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon]?

I can't say for sure that's it's a wrong interpretation but... it's slightly different from what I remember.

How about it? If you give me the medal, I will tell you the true meaning of [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon].

Hmmm, the true meaning of ‘Dul Brau Dairam Shanon’? So what Goro has told you is… false? There isn’t much you can do with the medal, so it seems like a decent trade-off.

Let’s give Tarlach the medal.

Yes...thank you. I'll tell you the meaning like I promised. The reason I am Human during the night is because of Eweca's moonlight and its magic power...

Dul Brau Dairam Shanon means, [Oh, Goddess. Please bestow me with your powers].

This story...  is straight from a Fomor who was practicing magic, so I'm sure of it.

Could Goro have been wrong about Dul Brau Dairam Shanon? No, he couldn’t have… He’s a Fomor…

If Tarlach is right, does this mean that the Goddess gives power to the Fomors to harm the Humans?

Anyhow, now you should know what this means.  Fomors...are coming to Erinn with the help of the Goddess. Yes, with the very power of the Goddess.

Goddess Morrighan is assisting Fomors with their infiltration... It's an unforgivable act. If you don't believe me...why don't you go ask Goro again?

It’s hard to tell who’s right at this point. It seems like you can’t entirely believe what Goro has told you, nor can you say with confidence that Tarlach is right about the Goddess and her evil intentions…

Let’s try talking to Goro again.

3) The Succubus, a Fomor

You’ve arrived in Alby Arena once again. Shall we go find Goro and see what he has to say?

...Oh... that's what it means?  Wow... I'm amazed.

Ha...!  You truly live up to the hype as someone who's obtained the Fomor Medal... To be honest, because I was raised in the Human world since I was young, my Fomor language skills aren't that good...hehe...  I hope you understand...hehe...

...In order to make up for this embarrassment, I'll tell you who can decipher the Fomor writing.

He was so quick to say he’s not very proficient in the language of the Fomors. If he had told you that from the beginning, you wouldn’t have had to go through all that trouble in the Ciar Basic Dungeon to do him the favor…

But Goro did offer to tell you where you can find someone who can clarify what ‘Dul Brau Dairam Shanon’ truly means.

I'm sorry, but I can't seem to remember the name.

... Grrr, prepare for a Smash attack...!

...Wait~ please don't get angry now!

Um... right!  Goro had heard this story once... The Black Roses of the dungeons, known as Succubus to Humans, said there was someone who had betrayed them... and is now living in Dunbarton... They said they were waiting to get revenge on that person if they ever ran into her... Well, I mean it's just a rumor...but still~ hehe...

The Succubus is a Fomor also...  so they might know more about the Fomor language...or that But it won't be easy to find them....ha...haha...

It’s obvious Goro just wants to avoid upsetting you further than he already has… but perhaps a piece of useful information…

The Succubus in Dunbarton? How could a Fomor be living with the Humans…? Then again, you’re standing in front of a Fomor that speaks the language of the Humans…

You should head to Dunbarton and see what you can discover.

You’ve arrived in Dunbarton… but where do you begin to find the Succubus..?

First, the Succubus is female. The females in Dunbarton include Aeira at the Bookstore, Aranwen at the School, Eavan at the Town Office, Priestess Kristell at the Church, Glenis at the Restaurant, and Nerys at the Weapons Shop. Could the Succubus be one of them…?

That again? The dictionary isn't in stock yet...

The Fomors' language?  There's not even a dictionary for that.. It'd be easier just to ask a Fomor that could understand Humans…

Aeira doesn’t seem to have a clue.

It sounds like there's a special meaning to it. Why don't you go speak to a Druid?  Druids are known for their great wisdom and knowledge.

I can't really say anything about that.

Aranwen also seems completely oblivious.

...How... how did you ? It means that the Goddess is sending Fomors here?  Where did you hear that...?  

What...?  The heard from a Druid? ...Named Tarlach...?

Ahh, I see...  I understand...So Tarlach is still alive after all.

Priestess Kristell is smiling with her eyes closed. Judging by what she’s saying, it seems she and Tarlach go way back.

[Dul Brau Dairam Shanon].
Truth is, I was the one who taught Tarlach the meaning of those words.

Tarlach has said that it was a Fomor who told him the meaning of Dul Brau Dairam Shanon. Wait, wait… does this mean…!?

Yes...I am Bondi Gordisse. I'm what you people call Fomor or a monster...

I don't look I have become a Human with the blessings of the gods...

Ah... sorry I've rambled on too much about myself… I apologize.

This is shocking! The priestess at the Church was a Fomor?

The words on that medal...  it's true that it means to seek out the power of Goddess Morrighan.

But...the goddess isn't the one sending the Fomors.  I can swear on my honor as a Priestess.  Tarlach has misunderstood that part.  The Goddess has always been looking after mankind, even as a statue...

That's only an amulet for Fomors... There's no meaning behind those words anymore...

…Can you tell me where Tarlach is...?

Hmm, but Tarlach has pleaded with you to never tell anyone where he is. Even if she says she’s known Tarlach for some time, there really isn’t a way for you to confirm their acquaintance. Most importantly… she’s a Fomor…

 ...You don't seem to trust me either. Is this because I told you I was a Fomor before...?

Sorry… Priestess Kristell…

I see... Well then...

What I just gave you is the only item I'd ever received from Tarlach... It's an item that holds his memory.

If you go to Rabbie dungeon alone and offer this on the altar of the Goddess... you will be able to trust me. I'll give you a Red Wing of the Goddess so you can get to Rabbie Dungeon easily.

When you finish your conversation with Priestess Kristell, you will receive Tarlach’s Glasses Pouch.

Priestess Kristell has revealed that she is the Succubus you’ve been searching for. How does she know Tarlach…?

See what you can find out in Rabbie Dungeon…

[Note 1]
Don’t worry even if you don’t see the keyword after delivering [Goro’s Ring] to Goro. [Find Goro’s Ring] quest is proceeded with a quest scroll, so you will find the [Complete] button when you open the Quest window (hotkey ‘Q’). You will earn the keyword upon clicking the [Complete] button.