Paladin Storyline Part 2
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

2. The Paladin Training Courses

At the request of Goddess Morrighan, you have set out to train to become a Knight of Light in Emain Macha. However, you came across some questionable events; you had to donate Gold in exchange of the recommendation letter you needed to train, and you also had to defeat the Miner Kobolds who were in Barri Dungeon to dig the gold to pay for their father’s medicine, when they virtually appeared to be harmless…  

You will continue to train to become a Paladin in this episode.

1) Paladin Course: 2nd Exercise – Ruairi Awakens

Talk to Craig, the leader of the Paladins who can be found at the Paladin Training Center in Emain Macha, about the [Paladin Course: 2nd Exercise]. This course, just like the 1st, can be acquired by using the [Class and Training] keyword when the sun is up.

Paladin Course: 2nd Exercise
Class Fee     300G
Effects of the class     EXP, Potion
The sinister Miner Kobolds are harming people around Barri Dungeon. Your mission for today is to eliminate these Miner Kobolds.

So, the objective of this quest is to defeat all the Miner Kobols in Barri Dungeon. Use the Red Wing of the Goddess you’ve received from Craig to be transported to Barri Dungeon.  

Place the [Barri Dungeon Pass for Paladin-in-Training] on the altar of the goddess in Barri Dungeon.
As in the previous training, you will find the Miner Kobolds in the last room in the dungeon, the Boss Room.

Although these Kobolds don’t seem malicious, you don’t have any other choice but to defeat them in order to become a Paladin.  

You will be shown a short clip upon your defeating all the Kobolds in the Boss Room.

Ah… it must be the memory of the three Warriors from “The Advent of the Goddess”.

(Gasp)… (Gasp)…

Is that… Ruairi..? He seems so… different…

Morgant! Morgant! Ruairi is awake! Morgant!

A girl with red eyes is tending Ruairi, who is unconscious. Her name is Triona… and she’s calling for someone named Morgant.

Ahh…What happened...? I dreamt so many things...
 …Mari! Tarlach! Where are they?
 Tell me! Where am I?!

......I.. I don't know...! Morgant rescued you while you were unconscious.

Mor…gant…? Ahhh!

.....You can't overwork yourself right now, Ruairi! You had been unconscious for several years! If Morgant hadn't preserved your consciousness through magic, you would have not survived...

Morgant should be here soon… He just went out somewhere really quick. Just wait…just wait a little bit. I'll bring you something to eat.

…Am I… in a dungeon…? What's your name...?

...Triona. My name is Triona.

…Are you a Fomor...? You don't seem like one...


The short clip ends with Triona’s silence.

No wonder Ruairi hasn’t been around since the attack of the Dark Lord… He’s been unconscious all this time. He has finally regained consciousness… with Triona by his side.

How is all this related to the Paladin Course you’re partaking in at the moment?

When the short clip ends, exit the dungeon by clicking the statue of the goddess in the treasure chest room. When you get to the dungeon lobby, you will see that you have completed the quest.
Click on [Complete] to receive a reward, and return to Emain Macha for your next training.

2) Paladin Course: 3rd Exercise - Triona

Upon your completion of the quest, see Craig to request the subsequent course when the next day begins.

Paladin Course: 3rd Exercise
Class Fee     300G
Class Effect     EXP, Potion
The sinister Miner Kobolds are harming people around Barri Dungeon. Your mission for today is to eliminate these Miner Kobolds.

You have been given the same mission as the first and the second training. The objective of the 3rd exercise is also to defeat the Miner Kobols in Barri Dungeon… Why is it that all the exercises consist of eliminating the Minor Kobolds…?

Place the [Barri Dungeon Pass for Paladin-in-Training] on the altar of the goddess in Barri Dungeon.
Repeat the same steps from the 1st and 2nd exercise; you will see the continuation of the clip once you defeat all the Miner Kobolds in the Boss Room.

Ruairi? Here, I brought you something to eat… I made it.

…I don't want any. How can you expect me to eat the food of the Fomor's?

…I made it so you could eat it. You should at least eat something….

Why don't you just mind your own business?! …Leave me alone!

Pl... please don't get mad...
...I, I was just... worried about you...
...I thought you should eat something...

…I'm human and you're a Fomor! Don't try to get too close to me.

......I… I see... I'm sorry…to bother you...

…A friend told me this once. Humans and Fomors... Although they can show kindness to one another, it is impossible for them to see eye to eye.

…Do… do you... believe that... st…story as well…? I just… wanted to help you...

…Don't try to get too close to me. As soon as I thank Morgant, I have no other business here.

Do you hate me... because I'm a Fomor...?
But... Fomors hate me too... Humans hate me as well... I don't know where I belong...

I just thought you would understand and appreciate this... I didn't think you would hate me like others would... I... really put a lot of effort into taking care of you...  But... But...


Ruairi’s grumbling concludes the clip. Triona’s saddening story… living a life without knowing where she belongs… because neither the Fomors nor the Humans accept her. What will happen now that Ruairi has awoken?

Following the clip of Triona and Ruairi, you will be shown a conversation between Paladins-in-Training.  

Phew, barely done again.


Seriously, why do we keep hunting these lame Kobolds? Isn't there some other method of training? Something more exciting? I'm getting pretty tired of doing the same thing over and over again... Aren't you?

We didn't pay all that tuition fee for the Paladin training so we could do this. We could have just trained by ourselves~

Shh..! The master might hear you. But anyway Tyron, do you guys want to know something?


There's a rumor that the Lord of this town is looking for Gold in the mines... That's why all we're doing is hunting Kobolds in Barri dungeon...

What? Are you serious?

Hey, you guys over there! What are you guys chattering about!

[Tyron, Gilroy]
Ah, uh, nothing, sir!

If you have time to yap about unfounded rumors like that, go train some more instead!

Our goal is to carry out justice and exterminate all Fomors! If you want to give ear to senseless rumors like that it's better that you quit now!

[Tyron, Gilroy]
S… sorry, sir!

Rumors are spreading even amongst the students... Why does Esras want us to keep doing this…

…Forget it. Esras is not someone who would make us do her dirty work. Before I rebuke the students, I need to gather myself together.

When you have finished viewing everything including Craig’s monologue, click on the statue of the goddess to move to the lobby. When you open the Quest window, you will see that you have completed the quest. Click on [Complete] to clear [Paladin Course: 3rd Exercise].

Return to Emain Macha to proceed to the next step of the training.

3) Paladin Course 4th Exercise  - Repeats

Request the subsequent training from Craig when the next day begins.

Paladin Course 4th Exercise
Class Fee     300G
Class Effect     EXP, Potion
The sinister Miner Kobolds are harming people around Barri Dungeon. Your mission for today is to eliminate these Miner Kobolds.

Today's mission is similar to yesterday's. I'm making you do this so that you get used to these types of missions. So don't get all arrogant just because it seems easy… There is nothing worse than arrogance that gets in the way of a Paladin.


This is already the 4th exercise, yet you’re told to do the exact same thing: defeat the Miner Kobolds. Will these repetitive exercises pay off in the end...? Will you become a Paladin if you remain patient and loyal to your given missions?

You will be executing the quest the exact same way as you have done before. Place the [Barri Dungeon Pass for Paladin-in-Training] on the altar of Barri Dungeon to enter.

Now, defeat the Miner Kobolds in the Boss Room.

You can complete your 4th training by clicking on the statue of the goddess in the treasure chest room after defeating all the Miner Kobolds; doing so will transport you to the lobby of the dungeon.

In this episode, you were able to meet Ruairi, who seemed to have disappeared in “The Advent of the Goddess”.

But for how long will these repetitive exercises continue? How much longer will it take for you to become a Paladin?

[Note 1]
The dungeon you enter using the Pass for Paladin-in-Training is a 1 player dungeon. If you fail to clear the dungeon, talk to Craig again to receive another pass.

[Note 2]
You must return to the World by clicking the statue of the goddess in the treasure chest room to clear the dungeon. Make sure to click [Complete] upon returning to the World.