Paladin Storyline Part 8
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

8. Aer the Spirit of Water

Price the wandering merchant is actually Redire. He also used to date Aranwen. The problem was that the act he considered noble turned out to be the genesis for the Tragedy of Emain Macha, and he had been wandering around all this time, alive but not really alive.

But now he has made the promise to himself to emerge from hiding, and the first thing he promised to do is to do a background check on Esras, the prime minister of Emain Macha.

So this pretty much took care of one thing, but… what else do we have to do in order to become the true Paladin?

1) A message from Morrighan

As we try to re-enter Erinn, we received a message from Goddess Morrighan.

You have witnessed the real Paladin at Fiodh Forest. The Knight of Light. The reason you still remember that is... because of a spirit…a blessing from the spirit...

…Look for Tarlach, a druid at Sidhe Sneachta. Ask him what you have witnessed in Fiodh Dungeon.
He is an outstanding Druid... He can help you become a Knight of Light with his knowledge of spirits.
I'll always pray for you... Do not give up…
After the message from Morrighan, we ended up where we last were in Erinn.

2) Aer the Spirit of Water

Morrighan advised that the power of the spirit is required for one to become the Knight of Light, and gave us a new keyword to ask Tarlach with.

Goddess Morrighan said that the reason Lugh's ghost appeared in Fiodh forest was a result of the Spirit's divine protection.  As the Goddess mentioned, I should go ask the Druid Tarlach about the relationship between the Spirit and the Knight of Light.

Tarlach can be found at the Altar of the Druids in Sidhe Sneachta north of Tir Chonaill. Let’s talk to him using the keyword [Spirits].

The Spirit...? The Knight of Light and the Spirit... 

...You're one of those who believe that you can actually become a Knight of Light like Lugh through training, aren't you? 

...I don't know if what I know will help you but… I read somewhere that you have to learn how to use three different types of power in harmony and maintain a balance in order to become a Knight of Light.

...Those three types of power are god, spirit, and the power of Humans. The power of the gods represents the blessings of the gods which maintain the order of this world… The power of the spirit represents the power of nature that becomes embedded in the weapons of the Knight… And the power of Humans… represents the will power of Humans who pursue justice and face its consequences on their own.

If this is true...  and you chose the path of the Knight of Light on your own, you have the blessings of Morrighan in this place, so it seems you have the power of Humans and the gods already.

So if two of the three have been fulfilled… the one remaining one is the power of the spirit?

So the only thing you have left is the power of the spirit…

...You can view the spirit as the soul that is within all non-living and living things. Among those, the ones that become materialized and take on the form of a semi-organism are referred to as Spirits.  Since it's the Awakening of the power of nature… you can say that Spirits themselves are part of nature.

So in conclusion, a materialized power of the spirit?

Yes… to become a Knight of Light you must use a tool that has the power of the Spirit enchanted on it. The most important item for a Knight of Light is the Paladin armor...

They say this armor helps to concentrate the enormous power of the gods constrained within the knight, ensuring the power disperses and does not destroy people.

...They say the Paladin armor was made with the all of the wisdom of the ancients.  I heard only the owner of the armor can wear it... although it is only a legend. If you're interested in this armor... You should go see...  Aer…  Aer is the Spirit of Water… you can find her in Emain Macha.

Okay, thank you. I’ll go to Emain Macha and meet with Aer.

After the conversation with Tarlach, we were able to receive a new keyword called [Aer the Spirit of Water].

[Aer the Spirit of Water]
They say the Spirit of Water, Aer, knows about the Paladin Armor that is filled with the Spirit's power.  I'm going to have to find Aer and talk to her.

Once in Emain Macha, we’ll have to figure out where Aer the Spirit of Water resides. Who would be knowledgeable of the spirits in general?

At the Town Square of Emain Macha, we can see Delen working at her flower shop. Let’s ask her using the keyword [Aer the Spirit of Water].

Delen, have you heard anything about Aer, the Spirit of Water?

Aer? Hm, it sounds familiar but I'm not sure. If it's near Emain Macha... right.

Hehe. Can you go ask Aodhan for me? Since the guards always patrol near the city, he might know.

But Delen, why on your behalf…?

Why won't I just tell you? Well, I've only heard rumors so I'm curious too. Make sure you tell him Delen wanted to know, okay?

How could we not know that the person that would be most knowledgeable of Emain Macha is the Royal Guard that protects the town? Aodhan!! Anyway, let’s ask Aodhan using the keyword [Aer the Spirit of Water].

Aodhan, have you heard anything about Aer the Spirit of Water?

I once heard from the soldiers who patrol around Ceo Island about seeing a Spirit of water but... I don't know whether if it's really true or not.

We finally found out that Aer was spotted at Ceo Island.

Ceo Island can’t be found in the minimap, but you’ve probably seen the message flash across the screen that the Moon Gate of Ceo Island is open. Ceo Island is a region that can only be reached through the Moon Gate.

When you first arrive at Ceo Island, you’ll run into a Goblin called Muro. As you walk pass Muro and cross the bridge to the center island, you’ll notice that this island is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

Since Ceo Island is home to the Golems, you’ll need to be careful as you make your way to Aer.


As you walk down the stairs underground, you’ll meet the beautiful, mystifying Aer the Spirit of Water.

Who are you... And why are you here...? Are you…Human? Did you come all the way here just to throw rocks at me...?

A rock? No no no. I’m here to find the Paladin Armor that is laden with the power of the spirit.

You've come to see me about the Paladin armor? Hm, then you must be also looking for the power of the Spirits... Even if I tell you about the Paladin armor right now, if you don't meet the requirements or if you're not ready yet, it would be meaningless.

You remind me of Lugh but you're different from him. You'll have to show me that you meet the criteria of someone who could wear this armor. Paladins are those who protect the happiness of others and lend their powers... I also believe that a true Paladin would never turn down a request from a Spirit.

If you do this favor for me, I'll tell you about the Paladin armor.  What do you say?

Here, you’ll be given a choice of accepting or declining Aer’s request. Since the spirit doesn’t seem like she’ll lie or anything… and the fact that becoming a Paladin requires helping out others… a yes would do.

Very well then. My wish is actually to be good looking. People all look at me and throw stones at me because I am ugly. So now I don't go out to public places. I just hide out here.

And don't tell me that outer appearance is not important. I can change my look however I want because I am the Spirit of water. But even though I've tried many different looks people still throw stones at me.

How must I look so that people won't throw stones at me? Since people throw stones without even giving me a chance, I can't even start a conversation. If you can find out for me, I'll be able to live a happy life. And people won't throw stones at me anymore either.

Please, I ask you. Can you please find out what people consider as their ideal type of beauty?

Once the conversation with Aer ends, you’ll receive a new keyword called [Ideal Look].

[Ideal Look]

As Aer has requested, I should find out what people think an 'ideal look' is.

The reason Aer had been hiding all this time was because of the rocks thrown at her. She believed that those rocks were thrown at her because of her lack of beauty, and wanted to find out what kind of looks people preferred in order for to gain some attention.

Seriously, though… isn’t she beautiful as is?

3) Looking for the Ideal Type

The Ideal Type Quest involves finding the ideal type for 3 residents of each town.  

Once you leave the area, you’ll receive this new quest.

The order of the “Looking for the Ideal Type” quest will go from Tir Chonaill -> Dunbarton -> Bangor -> Emain Macha. Each town has to be completed before moving onto the next stage of the “Looking for the Ideal Type” quest.

Looking for the Ideal Type – If there’s someone specific that the resident likes

First, we should talk to the town resident using the keyword [Ideal Look].

My ideal type of a girl?

Geez...  Hopefully this wasn't meant to make fun of me...

You know who I like...

She's my ideal type of lady, and I don't plan on looking around for others, either.

I don't understand why people don't take this so seriously... sigh...

The quest will then ask us to enter the exact name of the individual the target has crush on. Usually you’re supposed to enter the name of the character that is standing nearby, but there are some exceptions as well.

For example, Malcolm only likes one girl, so in that case, you can enter that resident’s name.

We all know who Malcolm likes, right? It’s Nora of the inn in Tir Chonaill. Enter Nora on the input window, and press [Submit].

If you correctly enter the name, then you’ll receive a [Note by Tir Chonaill Residents on Ideal Type].

For those NPCs that have crushes on a specific town resident, you’ll only need to enter their names. This is very rare, however, and most of the time, you’ll have to look for a resident that actually fits the criteria.

Looking for the Ideal Type – Really Looking for the Ideal Type

This time, we’re visiting Ranald. Let’s figure out the kind of lady he digs.

Ranald, what kind of girl do you like to date?

Ideal type? Why would you ask me that all of a sudden?

Hmm, if you're that interested, then I'll tell you. People tell me that my standards are too high, seeing that I live by myself at this ripe old age, but that's not true.

I just prefer a classy, diligent lady who's quiet and unassuming. I can't stand women that show too much skin. That's just doesn't look good. Why can't they just wear Popo Skirt and Priestess' Uniform??

And... she needs to be skilled in different things. She doesn't have to let the whole world know she's 'skilled', but should be plenty good enough that she CAN brag about it if she wanted.

It's not the title that matters, but the actual level of skill she has.

I don't really go for looks, but...  if she has the innocent-looking brown eyes with brown hair, I'll find her attractive.

She can't be too skinny. A woman with curves is definitely attractive. Yes, kind of like Endelyon wearing Popo Skirt...

Ahem!! Well, that' what I think. Not that complex, right?

Yes, that’s Ranald’s ideal lady. The requirements can be picked out based on the descriptions he just laid out for us.

“She doesn't have to let the whole world know she's 'skilled', but should be plenty good enough that she CAN brag about it if she wanted.”

This portion tells us that the girl needs to have a high level of dexterity and skills.

The “Looking for the Ideal Type” quest is more about finding out the requirements for these residents based on their lines.

When you find a player nearby that fits the descriptions, then enter the character’s name on the window to earn the note.

Looking for the Ideal Type – Requirements

The requirements below mentions only PART of overall requirements. Even if the character fits all of the criteria below, the character may not fit the bill of the ideal type if he/she does not match the rest of the description.

* Tir Chonaill
AlissaAge: 10~12, 26~27 / Money: 10,000G / Title: “the Bear Slayer at 10”
Age: at least 17 / Money: wear clothes valued at least at 100,000G / Weapon: at least a Two-handed Sword or Claymore / Skill: Cooking at least at Rank D, Playing Instrument at least at Rank D
CaitinAge: at least 27 / Clothes: Carpenter Clothes / Title: “the Diligent” / Skill: Cooking at least at Rank F, Blacksmithing at least at Rank F
DeianAge: 14~17 / Hair Color: Brown, Light-brown/ Skill: Campfire at least at Rank E, Playing Instrument at least at Rank D
DilysAge: 20~30 / Hair: Black / Body: Slim / Skill: No Counterattack, Musical Knowledge at least at Practice Rank / Skill: Combat Mastery below r"../../../../../" width="446" height="314" />
Thank you. So this is what people construe as attractive and think of as their ideal type... Now that I know this, I will no longer have to worry about having people throw rocks at me, right...? Oh, by the way... I haven't heard Nele answer this.  I'd love to find out what his ideal type is.

And why would you want to find out Nele’s ideal type?

Let’s return to Emain Macha and talk to Nele, who’s singing in front of the Town Square as usual.

Nele, what’s your ideal type of a lady?

Hmm? My ideal type…? Someone that resembles you…

I…don’t know about that...

Haha, I was just kidding. Actually I have an encounter with beauty that I can't possibly forget. I saw her at Ceo Island...

...the Spirit of Water... have you met her before? Yes... Aer's beauty is incomparable. She is the very definition of my ideal type, the most beautiful one.

...By the way, why are you interested in knowing this?

Nele’s ideal type of a lady is actually Aer. Maybe she’ll like to hear this.

Aer, I asked Nele about his ideal type of a lady, and he selected you. So don’t worry about your looks. You look beautiful as is.

What? That's what Nele said...?
…That really hurts... How can humans just ignore the love that is coming from another being...? For him to mock me like that... that just breaks my heart...

...I have to think that either one of you is lying to my face...
...When Nele threw that rock... that... really broke my heart...

What? What are you talking about? Nele threw a rock at you?? I better talk to Nele about this.

What...? You just talked to Aer...?

Aer said that really broke her heart. That’s also why she’s staying at a place far from where the humans are.

Aer is upset because of the rock I threw...? Oh no... that... that wasn't what I meant...

Nele? Nele seems to be thinking long and hard about something.

Can you, by any chance, give this to her? It's a music score that I composed. I would love nothing more than to sing this to her myself, but that would really shock and perhaps scare her, so...

...please give this to her.

It looks like a classic case of misunderstanding. I’ll give this to her. Don’t you worry one thing about it.

This episode covered the requirements to become the Knight of Light, as well as taking on Aer the Spirit of Water’s request. Next, we’ll hand over Nele’s music score to Aer, and find out more about the Paladin Armor.

[Note 1]
The message clip of Morrighan  can be seen again when you log back in.

[Note 2]
The Moon Gate to Ceo Island is open twice a day in real time.