Paladin Storyline Part 6
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

6. Good Deeds

On the previous episode, we performed a good deed by helping out the poor. But everyone has a different opinion on what a true good deed is, so we’ll follow their renditions of good deeds and go from there. As the beggar said on the last episode, this time we’ll try to perform a good deed by tending to someone that’s not feeling well.

Please remember to use the keyword [Good Deeds] in order to perform one.

1) Take Care of the Ailing

The best place to help out the ailing would probably be at the Healer’s House. Let’s go visit the beautiful Agnes at the Healer’s House in Emain Macha.

We’ll talk to Agnes using the keyword [Good Deeds].

Hello there. Did you get hurt? Do you need some potions?

No, no, I’m not feeling sick. I’m just here to perform a good deed, since someone told me that’s what a good deed is: helping out someone that’s sick or injured. I’m just here for some advice on how to do just that.

 ...? You want to do a good deed? So you want to try healing people...?

...Yea, that's very noble of you.

...But I don't think you're skilled enough to professionally heal people right now...
No, we can't just entrust you with those who are critically ill, don't you think...?

Hmmm… that’s true. What should I do, then?

...So how about...we do this for now? I'll give you a list of simple things you can do to help people who are slightly ill or wounded, and try doing those things first. Come back and report to me after you do it, okay?

Then…Check the list I just gave you. You'll probably first have to learn the First-aid skill. The First-aid skill prevents wounds from getting worse.

Mmm…It's hard to explain it with words, so just go learn the skill first. Then use it on five people to heal them.

Okay thanks! I’ll go take care of the injured now.

After completing the conversation with Agnes, you’ll notice that you have received a new quest.

¦ Perform 5 First Aid’s.

The first thing you’ll need to do is perform a First Aid on the injured. You can learn the skill by talking to a Healer when you’re at the state of “Deadly”, on the verge of death. Performing the First Aid skill will require at least one bandage.

The rate of injury is displayed on your HP bar, where it’s marked black. If you see a character like that, perform the First Aid on them. The skill will work much better if the target is sitting down, as opposed to standing up.

When you successfully perform the First Aid skill 5 times on others or even yourself, that will conclude the first mission of the quest.

¦ Heal 5 times

The Heal skill can be acquired through the Heal Skillbook. The skill will restore some of the target’s lost HP.

The lost HP will be displayed on the HP bar, where it’s marked in dark red. This can be restored by using potions, but so can the Heal skill. Successfully perform the skill 5 times to restore the HP, and that will conclude the second mission of the quest.

¦ Revive 5 times

When a character is knocked unconscious, one can choose to be revived in different spots for different penalties. The character also has the choice of waiting for someone else to revive them right on the spot using ‘Phoenix Feather’. The advantages of using the feather are that the EXP penalty is minimal, and the target can be revived right on the spot.

When a character is knocked unconscious and would appreciate nothing more than to be revived by others, the character will flash a feather icon on top of them. Then, others will notice that the character wishes to be revived using the Phoenix Feather. Whether they do it or not will depend on their willingness to perform good deeds.

Your mission this time is to revive OTHERS using Phoenix Feather five times, and you can find the feather at the Healer’s House.

Once you have completed the three missions of good deeds, let’s go back to Agnes.

Agnes, I have completed everything you asked me to do.

Great work there. How did it feel to heal someone that was ailing?

If this gave you an opportunity to see what it feels like to be a Healer, then I can't ask for more than that.

...And if you can do these, that means that you are capable of doing things that are done by professional Healers here.

I am glad to have contributed to your performing good deeds to others.  The thing is... Having been a Healer for a long time, I have seen many ailing people, and have come to this conclusion.

It's one thing to heal people physically, but I believe true healing comes with healing the emotional scars that people carry. I really think that's healing at its truest form.

If you wish to continue healing people, then how about tending to those who are lonely and in need of emotional healing?

Tending those who are in need of emotional healing?

Yes, providing support to those who are lonely on the inside.

Let me see... I think that should be it...
…Right, is there anything else I can help you with?

No, I’m okay. Thanks for the advice. I’ll now go help someone who may feel a tad lonely.

2) Help the Lonely

Agnes’ definition of a good deed is to help out those that are lonely. So who in Emain Macha would feel lonelier than others?

When we talk to other residents of Emain Macha, you’ll find out that Galvin may feel the loneliest out there, since he’s not originally from Emain Macha. Galvin can be found below the watchtower.

Galvin, I feel that doing a good deed involves helping out those that feel lonely, so I came here to ask if you need help...

Introducing two lonely people to each other!  Yes! That is surely a good deed.  I applaud you, clap clap clap!

Sigh...I'm telling you this since it's you. It's already been so long since I left my hometown...

...Days like this...  I get a little homesick, and it just drives me crazy!

...I said I wouldn't return until I became successful, but I don't know when I will be able to go back...  

At least If I'd found a pretty girl friend, it would bring a ray of hope  in my broken soul...

…*sniff* If you happen to know a lonely lady, could you please introduce me?

I’ll ask around, and then get back to you.

Wow, we definitely didn’t know Galvin felt that lonely about being away from home. Our next task is to find out if there’s a lady in Emain Macha that feels just as lonely as he does…

After asking around, you’ll hear a word that Delen has been feeling blues about being lonely as well.

Delen is one of the twins that sell flowers at the Town Square of Emain Macha.

Delen, I’ve been roaming around trying to perform some good deeds, and I feel that one of those would involve helping out those that are a bit lonely. Some people have mentioned you as someone  who may be feeling lonely…  How do you feel about that? Are you lonely?  

You are practicing doing good deeds... and... you want to hook up lonely people with each other...?


Since you're good at hearing rumors...  I'm going to just trust you and tell you...
...I'm...actually very lonely.

People never see my heart and just talk to me casually all the time.  They think that I have a lot of boyfriends because I'm pretty... 

But it's actually the opposite.  Since everyone thinks that, no guy ever approaches me.

And the ones that do, they're just crazy....  
...And it's not like a girl like me  can ask the  guys out first or anything...

I'm tired of acting like Del, interfering with relationships... Do you have any good ideas? If you know a decent guy, introduce me~

We always thought Delen was popular among men, but in the end, it was her that lonely. How ironic… That probably means introducing the two would be performing a Good Deed, right?

That’s when you’ll receive a new quest that pretty much spells out our thought on the matter.

Let’s go back to the watchtower where Galvin works.

Galvin, do you know Delen that works at the Town Square? Delen seems to be lonely as well.

Oh... did Delen really say that? If so... then this is definitely a blessing from God!!

Um... well... I ... would like to... tell Delen... how I feel about her... but... can you help me with this?

Galvin proceeds to give us a teddy bear. Um… what do I do with this, Galvin?

It's... um... well... I'd like for you to give that present to... Miss Delen.

...I think that'd be enough for me to show Delen how much I care for her...

...It is quite embarrassing to give one to her myself, so...hopefully you can do it! Please help me!!

I didn't mean to do that... Please forgive me~
Haha, puhahahaha

Armed with the teddy bear from Galvin, we’ll go visit Delen once more. We did find a lonely fellow that liked Delen, but let’s hope that Delen will like him, too.

Delen, please take this teddy bear first. You know Galvin from the watchtower? He seems to be feeling alone as well. This teddy bear is a gift from Galvin to you.

Wow... th, this is an adorable teddy bear. Ss, so, are saying a te teddy bear from Ga...Galvin? And he's...lo, lonely?

Um… why are you stuttering? Your face is turning blue… you seem to be utterly shocked. Are you okay?

...Ga... Galvin's lonely....too? Ha...hahaha... haha.... that's ha... haha...

Um... well, I am... well, doing a good deed is... I don't consider hooking up two people that are lonely a Good Deed...

But you told me you were lonely. Then what’s your definition of a good deed??

Ah... Well... Well... Oh, right! Del... It seems that Del fought someone!! She hasn't been talking to me...  Why don't you find someone who's had a fight with Del, and help them reconcile?

...Wouldn't it be a real deed?

And...  I am really, really not lonely!

Since Delen is all of a sudden vehemently denying that she is lonely, our guess is that Galvin will stay lonely for a foreseeable future...

3) Help Them Reconcile

Delen’s definition of a good deed is helping people that are in conflict reconcile. Del is Delen’s twin sister that works with her at the flower shop.

Del! Del! Delen told me you were recently in a fight, and seemed very much concerned. What happened?

What? Oh my my... That's what Delen said?


Actually, not too long ago, I saw Osla throwing away flowers I had given her. It was in the trash can nearby Osla's store. I tried to ask Osla about it but she acted like she didn't know...

How could she do that...Osla. I poured my heart into those flowers...

Hmmm… Del must be really upset about this. Let’s ask Osla and find out what happened, since she doesn’t seem like the kind of person that would do such thing.

Osla can be found at the Weapon Shop in Emain Macha.

Osla, did you throw away flowers that Del gave you by chance? Del seemed to be very much upset because of that.

Ehhhh...? Del thinks I threw away the flowers she gave meee...? Did I really do thaaaat...?

Heh.... come to think of it...  I haven't seen those in a whiiiile...

But I swear I didn't throw them awaaaay.... ...I know I look a bit slow, but is Delen also treating me like I'm dumb or something...?  I can't belieeeeve this...

Hmmm… then was this a simple case of misunderstanding? But she said she saw it with her very own eyes...


Oh... oh yea... I remember Jocelin came to our home the other day and cleaned up our house for us...

...Maybe Jocelin knows a thing or two about it. Haha...

Wait, so you’re saying Jocelin came over to your place recently and cleaned it? Maybe Jocelin did it… Jocelin works at the bank in Emain Macha.


Jocelin, when you were cleaning Osla’s place, did you throw away some flowers by chance?

Hmmm? Did I ever throw away some flowers while cleaning up Osla's home?
...hmmm... I do not remember it too well... Did that cause any problems, by any chance?

It’s actually a gift from Del, and I think she saw it in trash. That’s why she seemed upset. She thinks Osla threw it away.

I was just wondering if you were aware of those flowers.

Hmmm... from what I remember, Osla had a habit of collecting things here and there, and never really threw them away, so her house was full of junk.

You know, she's one of those people that don’t want to throw away stuff since she's not good at remembering things...

...So I decided to help her out by cleaning up her mess, and...
...I think that's where those flowers ended up, in a pile of junk that I threw away.  I can understand how Del may get upset over this, but she shouldn't put the blame squarely on Osla.

...By the way, how did you get in this conversation?

Hmmm… so it was by accident. Oh, I’m just trying to do some good deeds by helping Del out.

Anyway, if Del seems upset over this, please tell her the truth. That Osla's not the one to do that.

Okay, I’ll let her know. Thank you!

Del! Del! About those flowers, I found out that it was Jocelin that accidentally threw it away while cleaning up Osla’s place. Please don’t get mad at Osla, since she didn’t do it.

What? Osla didn't do it? Jocelin accidentally threw them away...?

I... I was upset because I thought she threw it away, and for her to act like nothing happened... ...I think this was a simple case of miscommunication. *Sigh...* What should I do...

...Osla might be upset over this, now that I think of it...

...Well... please give this to her.  And please tell Osla that I'm sorry...  that I jumped to conclusions when I shouldn't have...  

Yeah, I’ll give this to Osla. I’m just glad everything’s back to the norm.

Osla! Osla! Here’s a bouquet of flowers from Del as a way of apologizing for getting mad at you.
If you have something you want to clear the air with Del, now is the time to do so.

 ...Del apologiiiiiiized? To meeee...? Pssh, she didn't need to do that... Anyway, thank youuuuu. I know that you are interested in doing good deeds, but you really had a tough time in the middle of all this...

You know, now that I think of it, I think I was the one that threw it away... hehehe... What? Really?

Wait, then Jocelin and Del…

[Osla] know, there's a saying that goes...  All that ends well, ends well... I think I learned a precious lesson todaaaaay...  You had better listen to your elders all the way...

...If you are really interested in doing deeds...  I think respecting your elders could be a good deed...

Well, this wasn’t expected, but at least the two aren’t at odds with each other anymore.

We’re not sure if it really is, but oh well…

After handing the flowers to Osla and ending the conversation, you’ll be able to complete the quest [Reconcile the Quarreling Pair]. We’ll now tackle on the good deeds defined by Osla: respecting the elders.

4) Respect the Elders

Who would be the elder statesman in Emain Macha? At first, Chef Gordon of Loch Lios came to mind, but as we asked him of the issue, he seemed more than offended by the notion that he’d be considered old.

If that’s the case… then it’d be the Head Priest of Emain Macha, Wyllow.

Hello, Wyllow. I’m trying to perform good deeds all around town, and one of the good deeds would be to respect the elders, so I’d like to hear your take on this.

Oh… You've come here to talk about respecting your elders... And you wanted to talk to me about it…Ha…

Well… I’m really sorry about coming off like that… and I feel bad that I didn’t stop by to see you sooner.

...You're a very special person... In the day and age where being young and beautiful is celebrated there aren't many who are as attentive to the wisdom of the elderly such as myself…  

Yes, living this short life to the fullest is important as well but constantly asking yourself what is the right way to live and reflecting on whether you are living that way is as equally important...

...The people that could help you with those kinds of questions are none other than the elderly who have lived and experienced life. If it's for those matters, you've come to the right place.

I see… then Wyllow, what’s your take on good deeds?

...In my opinion, a good deed is understanding the hard work and effort of those who are working behind the scenes to maintain peace in this world.

There are probably many different types of these people, but the first people that come to my mind are the soldiers who are constantly working for our safety...

Asking what they need and helping them is a good deed that must not be forsaken, what do you think?

In the case of Emain Macha… there’s the Lord… the invasion of the Fomors before… I can see how the soldiers would struggle daily with that.

Yes, helping those hard working soldiers is a good deed and is something that is really necessary at this point.

...Stop by anytime if you need help.  If it's for anything you need, I'll do my best to find out about whatever it is and tell you.

Yes! Thank you so much for your advice!

5) Help the Soldiers

Emain Macha has Royal Guards on each gate of the castle, and in front of the castle is the captain of the Royal Guards, Aodhan.

To follow Wyllow’s advice of helping out the soldiers… what better person to ask than Captain Aodhan?

Aodhan, I’ve been trying to perform good deeds to everyone in Emain Macha, and Wyllow told me a good deed is helping out the soldiers. Is there anything I can do?

You want to help me with something? Haha... That's quite alright.

...If you really want to help me...  Well... I do need... a dependable swordsman. Protecting Emain Macha from the Fomors is no easy task...

You're not a bad warrior yourself...

Oh, that's it!  Instead, I would be grateful if you could bring me a swordsman. That person is...

Oh… who would that be?

...Aranwen from Dunbarton... I heard she works as a combat teacher now but she shouldn't let her skills just rot away like that. She used to be a Paladin in Emain Macha.

...Could you ask her if she would forget about the past and start anew as a Royal Guard...?

If I go there myself, she won't even meet me. Please, do it for me.

The past? Aodhan didn’t go into details about the past, but since it’s his request, we’ll have to go meet Aranwen. It’s hard to believe that she used to be a Paladin in Emain Macha. Wow…

Aranwen could be found at the school in Dunbarton.

Hello, Aranwen. Aodhan of Emain Macha asked me to do him a favor and tell you to return to Emain Macha.

...What...? He wants me to return to Emain Macha? You don't need to be involved in this. Please tell Aodhan that I am not interested in going back.

I think it'd be best if you didn't get involved with this and just mind your own business. You may be a traveler, but this is something that should be dealt with between him and me.

...Please go back to Aodhan!

As soon as the word Emain Macha was mentioned, Aranwen became enraged.

Seriously, what happened in the past that would anger her so much? It’s hard to tell why she was so upset over it, but it may be a sore subject for her.

The next episode will cover the reasons why Aranwen seemed so upset over returning to Emain Macha, and finalize the thoughts on good deeds in general.

[Note 1]
When you’re doing the good deed on lonely souls, you don’t have to first talk to Galvin; rather, you may start talking to Delen, and the quest will proceed without a hitch.
Just make sure to talk to BOTH of them to finish the quest.

[Note 2]
Galvin’s teddy bear and Del’s flowers are automatically given to the target NPC when you talk to them. If you gave them the items using the “Give” function, then please purchase those items through the store, and then talk to them.

[Note 3]
The quests earned in the Good Deeds marathon MUST be completed by pressing Complete in order to move on to the next stage.