Paladin Storyline Part 5
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

5. Redire

On the previous episode, with the help of Price, we were able to see what people consider the true Paladin, the Ghost of Lugh. Then why did Price claim that Redire was not a true Knight of Light?
We’ll now take a closer look at Redire through Price’s eyes.

1) Price’s Request

After seeing the Ghost of Lugh, you’ll be automatically transported to the lobby of Fiodh Dungeon.
You’ll also acquire a keyword called 'Ghost of Lugh'.

[Ghost of Lugh]
There was an armored ghost roaming inside Fiodh Dungeon. I wonder if Price knows anything else about Lugh…

Now that we have seen the Ghost of Lugh as Price said, it’s only natural that we find Price again to talk about it. As previously mentioned, since Price is a wandering merchant, you’ll have to search for him throughout Erinn, since he never stays in one place.

This time, he’s standing in front of the Inn in Tir Chonaill.

Price, I was able to see the Ghost of Lugh inside Fiodh Dungeon, and he literally looked like he was protected by light.

Hmm...? Did you see for yourself? So now do you believe me? Yes…That's how Lugh looked when he was alive. That is what you call a true Knight of Light.

Foolish of you to talk as if you knew something without even knowing that… You're funny…Hah...
As you probably saw, Lugh is not an ordinary person.

Well, we were somewhat of acquaintances before...

...Redire is far from being close to him. Only people who don't know anything would dare not compare Redire with Lugh.

But you know what? I was asking around in the mean time... I heard Redire lost to the Dark Lord during a battle and was killed by him.

Well…in the end, he was just an ordinary Human being…What do you expect?

What? Redire? The knight many considered to be closest to the Knight of Light died at the hands of Dark Lord? No way… wasn’t he considered the most powerful knight out of all of Paladin Knights…

Great, what a headache... I have to explain all this to my customer… But I don't want to go through it all over again...

I wonder if there's anybody out there that knows more about how Redire died...

Hearing him say that… makes me feel like he may ask us for a favor… yikes…

...Since I wasted so much time dealing with you why don't you go find out for me, huh?  Do you know how many people I asked around because of you about Redire? Now I'm all tired...

Just as we feared… yet another request. It looks like even Price asked around about Redire, even though he vehemently denied it to us.

As the conversation concludes, you’ll acquire a new keyword called [Redire's Demise].

2) Paladin Knights

[Redire's Demise]
They say Redire died because he lost a battle against the Dark Lord. As Price requested, I should find out the story behind how this ultimate knight was killed.

Who would be the one person that knows Redire inside out?

Since Redire was considered the elite Paladin among the Paladin Knights, I’m sure other Paladin Knights may know a thing or two about this legend. This means we’ll first ask the Paladin instructor, Craig.

He can be found at the Paladin Training Ground at the northwest region of Emain Macha.

Hey Craig, have you hear of a Paladin Knight called Redire?

I thought you quit the Paladin course because you became disinterested in becoming a Paladin, no?

No no no, I didn’t quit because I lost interest in the Paladins. I’m just looking for something else.
By the way, rumor has it that Redire was defeated by Dark Lord and lost his life in the process. Is that true?

Redire had been defeated by the Dark Lord in battle... Where did you hear that?

I can’t tell you who said that, but… that’s what the rumor says.

All I'm hearing is excuses for why you dropped the Paladin classes, trying to make it seem like you quit because the classes didn't teach you anything...

...Redire was the former Paladin leader and I was his right hand man who served as his assistant I swear on the honor of my Paladin authority that he did not die such a pitiful death... Redire died because of something entirely different.

During the tragedy of Emain Macha he was simply sacrificed to the vileness and cowardice of the Fomors, but his strength and skills far surpassed the Dark Lord.

...He is not some chump that would die at the hands of the Dark Lord. Also, I am someone who trained directly under Redire and learned all my sword and combat skills from him. His skills... are far beyond mine. If you're saying Redire was no match for the Dark Lord, then as his disciple, there should be no way I can stand against the Dark Lord let alone train someone to defeat him…

Then, are you saying Paladins are a worthless existence?

I wasn’t saying that’s how I thought of the Paladin Knights. I was saying…

Let me make one thing clear... After the tragedy of Emain Macha, when I became the Paladin leader, we have trained and adapted so that we can face and stand against the Dark Knights.

It is our goal, as the agent of Light, to fight against the Dark Knights, who are the agent of Darkness, so that we can protect our sacred land, Emain Macha. This is the mission of the Paladins.

...And here you are, just because you don't like Paladins, first you quit the training course and now you have come here with some bogus myth to belittle our power.

...You make me sick. Next time, you should think about what you're saying before it comes out of your mouth.

Craig seems to be personally offended by the comments. It wasn’t our intention to disrespect the Paladin Knights, but I guess our words didn’t come out the way we wanted, after seeing his reaction.

As the conversation with Craig concludes, you’ll acquire a new keyword.

[Paladin and Dark Knight]
Craig reacted sensitively to Redire's death. I should go tell Price that the round table of the Paladin Knights was created to fight against the Dark Knight.

The next order of business would be to talk to Price and set the record straight about Redire and the Paladin Knights.

Let’s find Price.

Hmm…Redire was superior to the Dark Lord...? The Paladins were formed to fight against the Dark Knights…

That's what this Paladin leader told you as he was getting riled up?

Yes. Craig seemed to be personally offended by that. I was really scared, you know… but why are you smiling?

Well…if he got that upset, I guess it must be true. It's not like I really researched into what I told you the last time either so don't take it too seriously…Hehe. I wasn't trying to belittle the Paladins' capabilities and power.

Anyway… His name was Craig you said? I should remember that. My customer will be disappointed that he can't repay Redire… but I'll just tell him what this Craig guy said and it should be all good. ...
Hmm, I guess everything is basically settled.

Price, your thing may have been settled, but not mine…

Anyway, you seem to be way too obsessed with Redire regardless of what the Paladin leader had told you...

...Can I give you some advice? If you truly want to be a Knight of Light as you say… it seems more preferable that you would find your own path rather than trying to follow someone else's path. Either way, thanks for researching about Redire as I'd requested of you. Since it was helpful, let me give you a gift.

A gift?
(Received a small note from Price.)

Yes, if you take this memo to the Dunbarton bookstore Aeira will give you a book.

...Books aren't really my friend...

...I think it's a book about good deeds; it will help you if you want to become a Knight of Light.

Thanks. A way to become a Knight of Light…?

...And...I've been observing you, and you seem to be too easily swayed by what others say, so don't try to adhere to everything that's written in the book...

...Instead make it an opportunity for you to analyze and observe the difference between what others think is good and what you think is good. I don't know when I'll see you again but I'll hear about your thoughts the next time I see you. I'll be looking forward to it, haha.

...Don't get too stuck on Redire... I hope you'll be able to find that path of the Knight of Light you're looking for.

The part he said about being gullible may have hit us on a soft spot… but it’s a must that we figure out what the others believe are good deeds.

As the conversation with Price concludes, you’ll acquire a new quest.

The next order of business is for you to meet up with Aeira and get the book. Aeira works at the Dunbarton Bookstore, so let’s go!

3) Good Deed

One of the most important aspects of becoming the Knight of Light is… ‘Goodness’. The word ‘Goodness’ covers a lot of ground, but one of them would involve helping others.

As we got lost in our train of thoughts, here we are at the Bookstore. Shall we talk to Aeira?

Aeira, Price told me to give this to you.

Hey... this is...?
…'Food for the Soul: For True Good Deeds'? You need that book?

Oh no… don’t tell me it’s sold out.

Haha, don't be so tense~ I have plenty of copies, it's just that I haven't put them out here! The owl will bring you the book.

At least we were able to receive the book rather easily. Phew. Ending the conversation means we have completed the quest [Deliver Note to Aeira], so let’s press Complete.

'Food for the Soul: For True Good Deeds'… let’s read the book.

-Food for the Soul: For True Good Deeds -
By Wilmet

A long time ago in Emain Macha, there was a girl named Lisa. Lisa was a cute girl with long brown hair and pure white skin, with cherry-red lips. So cute that she was the darling of everyone in the neighborhood. Of course, her parents loved her to death.

Lisa lived in a wealthy family. Her father ran a chicken farm, and they had a chicken that laid golden eggs.

Those golden eggs had golden eggshells as well, and it not only tasted great but it was great for sick people because it cured them of their illnesses. It only made sense that people paid a lot of money for those eggs.

Lisa grew up having everything and privileged. Her family was definitely a happy bunch.

Lisa had a friend name Katie. They would spend their afterschool hours hanging out in the playground, making flower crowns and drawing.

Lisa's father, however, did not really approve of Lisa hanging out with Katie because Katie's father was a woodcutter who was very poor.

Katie grew up helping her father out by carrying water, chopping firewood, and other tasks she could handle. Unlike Lisa, she was a tanned girl with freckles on her face, and had rough hands with clothes that had been passed down for generations. Despite all that, Lisa didn't mind that one bit, and Katie also enjoyed Lisa's company.


One day, Katie's dad hurt his arm while cutting down trees. Cutting trees didn't make much money to begin with, and now that he had hurt his arm, his wife was very much concerned about how to make a living.

When Lisa heard about this, she grabbed a number of golden eggs from her house and gave it to Katie.

You should sell 'em to the market... and give this one to your dad... and you'll be alright for a while.
Ecstatic, Katie thanked Lisa and did as she told her to do.

The next day, Lisa's father noticed that his precious eggs were missing and scolded Lisa.

"Even if you may be friends, you just do not help others like that. If you keep helping out those that recognize that they are poor and struggling, then whenever they reach a crisis, they'll lean on people like us to help them out. They will not try to figure out how to overcome the crisis themselves. We are not that well-off ourselves. We can't worry about others."

Katie's father got much better after eating the golden egg, but he too scolded his daughter after seeing her bring money home with the eggs sold to the market.

"You should not just receive help from others like that. When you do that, that means you are acknowledging the fact that the person that helped you is superior to you, and will have to live your life around it. It hurts already to live poor; you don't want to live your life around rich people, do you?"

That's why the two families started distancing from one another even more. Lisa and Katie slowly grew apart as a result. As they grew up, the gap between the two seemed endless.


Then one day, a disaster struck. The Fomors came out from the dungeon of Emain Macha and wrecked havoc on the town. The Fomors burnt down homes, stole valuables, and made the place a living hell.

Lisa's family managed to escape the terror by fleeing the scene, but by the time they came back, the house was burnt to ashes and the chicken farm was destroyed by the Fomors... so much so that not a single chicken survived... even the chicken that laid golden eggs.

They took some valuables with them when they fled town, but they had to sell them to keep the family afloat. Soon, the family started experiencing what they've never experienced before--poverty. Unfortunately, no one offered help. Even Lisa's fiancé stopped calling after a while.

Adding to these problems, Lisa's father collapsed one day and became bedridden. All of a sudden, Lisa had to start working for scraps in order to keep the family afloat. Her white, peachy cheeks turned dry because she couldn't eat, and her previously pretty clothes became worn out. Her soft hands have toughened up, and the family had to spend the nights in a tiny room, shivering from cold.

Katie's father, however, started making a lot of money. The Fomors have burnt down many houses in Emain Macha, so the demand for wood skyrocketed, because the town needed to build new houses. Katie's father had transformed from a woodcutter into an owner of the wood factory, and Katie never had to help her father out with labor again.

The very same men that had avoided Katie began to line up, proposing and offering her a blissful wedding.

A few months later, Katie got a hold of Lisa's whereabouts and her plight. Katie rushed to see Lisa. When the two finally met, they were shocked to see each other flip-flopped from their old days. It was enough to well up their eyes. After looking at one another for a long time, Katie finally told Lisa the following,

"If you'll let me, I'd love to help you out right now. That's because you and I were friends, and even though you have helped me before when I needed it the most, it's not the only reason I want to help you. It's because I am still thankful for that to this day, and you're still ma friend to me."


Thanks to Katie's help, Lisa's family slowly started to move back up, and although not as wealthy as they used to be, they were able to make enough money to not worry about it anymore.

The two were married to great men, and spent their days helping the poor. Not everything they touched was gold, but whenever they struggled, the same neighbors they helped out helped them get back on their feet.

The good deeds of the kids that the adults merely thought of as immaturity had, in fact, came back to them in a big way, and they helped spread the good deeds to others in the town.

The friendship and understanding these two kids displayed have since made their way all across the town, and that's how Emain Macha ended up being a much nicer, friendlier place to live.

Lessons learned

Write down what you've learned from reading this book.

'Food for the Soul: For True Good Deeds' has a Seal on the cover of the book, and it’ll ask if you want to read the book in detail. Once you have successfully read the book in detail, you’ll acquire a new keyword called ‘Good Deeds’.

The book even asks to write what you’ve learned through reading the book. This looks like the book is written for educational purposes…

In any case, the book covers the story about Lisa and Katie. The book is probably trying to say that if you spot a poor person, just help the person out with good intentions, regardless of whether people are watching.

The new keyword ‘Good Deeds’ is about helping out the poor, and that the keyword asks that you look for someone poor in Emain Macha. Shall we perform our first good deed?

4) Help Out the Poor

As we arrive in Emain Macha, we’ll ask Nele, who sings at the Town Square. He just seems likes someone that is well-aware of the events in Emain Macha.

Nele! I’m looking to help someone less fortunate here. Someone who may be struggling with money. Do you know of anyone?

You're going to help the poor? Haha, that's great news... I'm standing right in front of you...


Well, bards don’t really have a fixed income, so they may look poor from the outside… but did he just say what we think he said?

Haha...I'm just kidding... I enjoy living like this. Others might think otherwise and have pity on me... but I'm happy with it so it doesn't really matter. Haha...

If you really want to help someone what about that beggar sitting over there...? Sometimes when I'm playing music he goes straight to sleep, snoring and all. I guess my music is like a sweet lullaby, what a great audience... Haha...

There he is, a beggar that’s only found in Emain Macha. He’s sitting north of the fountain in Emain Macha, across the street light begging for money.

The beggar sports a dirty gray robe, and has a general, unkempt look. Having said that, he doesn’t look like he has struggled much... shall we give him 1 Gold to start things off?

Donating gold to the beggar is the same as giving an item to an NPC as a gift. Click on the money in the inventory, and then drag it onto the NPC, where the “Give” icon will flash. Then click on the NPC to give the money.

If you give him 1 Gold...

Come on, I know you have a lot more... Well anyway, thanks.

Maybe we insulted his intelligence. Let’s give him 1,000 Gold this time.

Tha... thank you! You will be BLESSED...

Wow, that was a totally different reaction from what we initially received. Hey, I have one question. How would you define the term a “Good Deed”?

A good deed...? I'm already thankful for your help, now you're going to help others, too...? ...Wow, you may not have the wings, but you are definitely an angel in my eyes...

Well, it wasn’t really all that, but… thanks for the kind words!

...Hmmm... what I think... ...Well, a good deed is something like helping out a sick person without asking for anything in return...

 ...I may be really poor, but... I have two perfectly healthy set of arms and legs. A sick person, however... heart goes to that person, really.

Hmmm… helping out the sick… that’s true. Thanks!

The beggar believed helping out the sick is definitely a good deed. That would be our next mission: to find a sick person around here. As we walk away from the area, we hear the beggar mumble something.

Yes... T-bone steak for dinner tonight at Loch Lios... and a little more, and... that Round Poldron Chainmail is mine...

...did we just get played by the beggar?

On this episode, we covered the rumors behind the death of Redire, along with finding out one of the steps needed to become the Knight of Light: Performing good deeds.

Next, we’ll find out how others feel about the good deeds, and try to help them as much as we can.

[Note 1]
The keywords you’ll acquire while running through these Storyline Quests will give you a window of opportunity to hear other NPCs’ opinions on various subjects.
It’s always nice to quickly go through the storyline, but you may miss out on some very entertaining stories, so try talking to as many NPCs as you can with those keywords.

[Note 2]
You’ll need to donate at least 1,000 Gold to the beggar in order to find out his definition of good deeds.