Final Hit
The Final Hit is a skill that allows you to consecutively attack the opponent using a Twin Sword, or simply eliminate enemies using one-handed or two-handed weapons. The intense effect of the Final Hit yields an eminent blow that will enhance the level of satisfaction when used in a battle.

In this post, you will learn how to acquire the Final Hit skill and delve into its distinctive features.

* The Final Hit skill is only available to the Humans, and you cannot acquire the skill while you’re committed to another quest that earns you a different high-leveled skill.

1. Introduction to the Final Hit
Aodhan exudes a commanding presence as he guards the Emain Macha Castle. What could be going through his mind? Find out by starting a conversation with him.

If you equip yourself with a [Twin Sword] and talk to Aodhan using the [Skills] keyword, he will inform you that the representative sword skills of Paladins do not include any that entails a Twin Sword. He will, however, tell you that there exists a battle skill somewhere in Iria that specifically focuses on Twin Swords. 

A Twin Sword is a two-handed sword weapon that is equipped in each hand. You can earn the [Twin Sword] keyword when you talk to Aodhan.

* [Twin Sword] Keyword
At Iria, the archeologists have found evidence that a notable few have fought using two swords, one in each hand. Nicca, who sells weapons in Iria, may know a thing or two about the twin swords.

Shall we go find Nicca? Your official first step to learning about this new skill will begin in the continent of Iria.

1) The True Meaning of the Twin Sword

When you speak with Nicca using the [Twin Sword] keyword, he will tell you that he has just discovered the true meaning of Twin Sword.

He’ll then offer you a deal; if you bring him a sketch of a Twin-Sword Warrior Statue, which holds a sword in each hand, he will give you all the information you need.

If you select [Accept] as illustrated in the image above, you will receive [The True Meaning of the Twin Sword] quest scroll.

2) Sketching a Twin-Sword Warrior Statue

According to Nicca, you can find the statue in the northernmost plateau of the three in Kaypi Canyon.

The circled region in the image displayed above is the plateau, in where you will be able to find the statue using an L-Rod.

The statue will disappear after a certain amount of time, so it is suggested that you sketch it as quickly as possible using the Sketch Action.

When you report back to Nicca and talk to him with the sketch stored in your Inventory, the sketch will automatically get delivered to Nicca.
As promised, he will give you a Fragment of Relic that can take you to a special Karu Forest Ruins.

He will hint you about the Boss monsters that use Twin Swords, whom you will meet in the said ruins.

3) The Boss Monster of the Karu Forest Ruins

A special ruins will be generated when you place the Fragment of Relic you’ve received from Nicca in the alter.

This special Karu Forest Ruins is constructed in 3 levels of floors, each rivaling the difficulty level of the Karu Forest Ruins that is generated using regular items.

When you reach the Boss Room, you will encounter [Goblin Swordsmen].

The Goblin Swordsmen, as Nicca mentioned, are equipped with Twin Swords. However, you will not be able to discover the true meaning of the Twin Sword even if you successfully battle the Goblin Swordsmen. First, you must defeat the Goblin Swords and report back to Nicca.

* Should you fail to clear the Karu Forest Ruins, talk to Nicca to receive another Fragment if Relic.

4) The Glowing Swords of the Statue

Once you’ve cleared the Karu Forest Ruins, talk to Nicca and he will inform you of Boss monsters even more powerful that use Twin Swords.

On rare special days, the two swords in the hands of the statue are said to glow. Nicca will present you with another proposition; if you sketch the glowing statue, he will teach you a way to meet the powerful Boss monsters.  

The statue that Nicca refers to can be found on a day of thunderstorms at the location where you initially found the Twin-Sword Warrior Statue; note that you must use an L-Rod to discover the said statue.  

The statue holding glowing swords in its hands will disappear after a certain amount of time passes, so it is strongly suggested that you sketch as quickly as possibly using the Sketch Action.

You can deliver the sketch by talking to Nicca with the sketch stored in your Inventory.
Nicca will thank you for the sketch of the statue, during which he will also acknowledge the difficulty of discovering the glowing swords, and give you a Fragment of Relic that can generate a special Maiz Prairie Ruins.

5) The Boss Monster of the Maiz Prairie Ruins

Place the Fragment of Relic inside the altar to create the ruins where you will find the powerful Boss monsters that use Twin Swords.

The said ruins is constructed in 3 levels of floors, all of which present relatively high level of difficulty; hence, forming a party before entering the ruins is highly recommended.

When you reach the Boss Room, you will find three [Goblin Sword Masters] equipped with Twin Swords.

When you battle the Goblin Sword Masters, you will notice the monsters changing colors as they use an ambiguous skill. The true meaning of the Twin Sword was this skill all along!

Upon defeating the Goblin Sword Masters, you will complete [The True Meaning of the Twin Sword] quest.

Open the Quest window and click on [Complete] to earn the [Final Hit] skill, the true meaning of the Twin Sword.

* Should you fail to clear the Maiz Prairie Ruins, talk to Nicca to receive another Fragment of Relic.

2. The Final Hit Skill

Explanation on the Final Hit skill has been provided below.

When you advance to higher Final Hit ranks, the range of teleportation allowed will increase while the wait time in between uses of the skill can also be reduced when you reach a certain rank.  

* After you’ve used the Final Hit skill, you must wait for a set amount of time before you can use the skill again. For example, if your skill level is at rank F, your wait time for the subsequent Final Hit will be 300 seconds from the time of your last usage. However, you can reduce the wait time when you level up and reach a specific rank.

The message displayed in the image provided above will appear when you attempt to use the skill before the wait time is over.

1)Various Effects  

When you are equipped with the Twin Sword, the Final Hit skill will allow you to attack your opponent consecutively within a short amount of time; attacking while holding a one-handed or two-handed weapon by using the skill will inflict a critical blow that will knock down your opponent. Depending on the weapon you’re equipped with, the effect the Final Hit skill can have will vary. Hence, it is encouraged that you change your weapon in accordance with the situation to yield the most effective and advantageous outcome in your battles.

As shown in the image above, you can knock down your enemy using the skill when holding a one-handed or a two-handed weapon.

When you use the Final Hit skill to attack with the Twin Sword in your hands, you won’t simply knock down the enemy but rather continuously attack in consecutive strikes.

* However, even when you’re using the Final Hit skill, incurring damage from attacks such as Smash, Counterattack, or Windmill that knock down the opponent will knock you down and cancel the skill you’re using.

2) The Teleport Function

When you battle an enemy who remains stationary in one place using the Final Hit skill, you can enhance your attack by teleporting. Teleporting is available when you aim at an enemy that is at a specific distance and attack by clicking your mouse.

The range of your teleportation will increase as you advance the Final Hit rank.

3) Advancing  Your Final Hit Skill 

You can receive pre-established bonus stats when you advance the rank of your Final Hit, also increasing the teleporting distance available. The Bonus Stats you earn as well as the effects that are applied at the time of your rank progression are provided below.

Bonus Stats
F5The teleporting distance increases.STR +2
E7The teleporting distance increases.STR +2
D9The teleporting distance increases. The available time for the skill increases.
STR +2
C11The teleporting distance increases.STR +2
B13The teleporting distance increases.STR +2
A15The teleporting distance increases. The available time for the skill increases.
STR +2
The teleporting distance increases.STR +3, Will +1
824The teleporting distance increases.STR +3, Will +1
7 28The teleporting distance increases. The available time for the skill increases.STR +3, Will +1
632The teleporting distance increases.
STR +3, Will +1
540The teleporting distance increases.STR +3, Will +1
445The teleporting distance increases. The available time for the skill increases.STR +3, Will +1
350The teleporting distance increases.
STR +3, Will +1
The teleporting distance increases.STR +3, Will +1
160The teleporting distance increases. The available time for the skill increases. STR +10, Will +5

You can acquire the [Final Hit Master] title upon completing all the requirements of the Final Hit skill rank 1.

* The Effects of the ‘Final Hit Master’ Title  
- Max HP +20, Max Stamina +20, STR +15, DEX +5, Will +15,
Max MP -30, Protection -5

3. The Final Hit, a Powerful Melee Combat Skill

You have learned about the Final Hit skill. The Final Hit allows you to battle an enemy within a certain range of distance by teleporting, as well as by consecutively attacking the enemy in a short amount of time.  

Train yourself to master the Final Hit skill and advance your rank to take advantage of a new skill that will enhance the thrill of battling in Mabinogi.