Mana Crystallization
In Mabinogi G9, each advanced magic skill has an alchemy counterpart. They require a cylinder as well as the corresponding magic crystal to work, and the process that directly affects their power and loading time is called Mana Crystallization.

Here, we will learn about how to acquire and use the Mana Crystallization Skill, as well as how to use Alchemist magic.


I. What is Mana Crystallization?
II. Learning Mana Crystallization
        1. Making the Mana Crystal
                a. Casting Yourself
                b. Asking a Party Member
III. Using Magic Through Mana Crystallization
IV. Rank Up
V. In Conclusion

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I. What is Mana Crystallization?

Mana Crystallization is an Alchemy skill that stores magic such as Fireball, Ice Spear, or Thunder in a crystal. Even if you have not learned magic, you can use this skill as long as you possess a Cylinder (and some nice friends who are willing to use their magic on your behalf).

II. Learning Mana Crystallization

You can learn Mana Crystallization while participating in the [Fallon’s Request] quest of G9 Mainstream.

   1. Making the Mana Crystal

To use Mana Crystallization, your character must be able to cast magic and possess a crystal of the appropriate magic property. If you are able to perform Mana Crystallization, you can choose to cast magic yourself or ask another character to do it for you.

   a. Casting Yourself

There are 3 types of magic you can store in a crystal using Mana Crystallization: [Fireball], [Ice Spear], and [Thunder]. In order to make the crystal, you need to have the appropriate crystal and be casting magic.

Mana CrystalRequired CrystalRequired Magic

Fireball Crystal
Fire Crystal
Fireball (5 Charges)

Ice Spear CrystalWater Crystal
Ice Spear (At least 1 Charge)

Thunder Crystal 
Wind CrystalThunder (At least 1 Charge)

When you press [Start], a set amount of MP will be consumed and Mana Crystallization will begin.
The Mana Crystal will be acquired at a set rate.  

   b. Asking a Party Member

Another option is to request another character to cast magic for you. This is a good option if you have not yet acquired magic skills or your rank is too low. Also, note that Mana Crystallization being performed with someone else’s magic, as opposed to your own, could potentially yield a crystal of higher rank.

Press the [Request a Cast] button to select a member of your party with whom you wish to request a cast. Remember that your selection will be limited to characters that are able to cast magic.

Once you have selected the character, the [Request Magic Cast] window will be displayed.

In this window, you will be able to check your Skill rank along with your success rate, as well as enter the amount of Gold you wish to reward the character for casting magic on your behalf. (If you want to take it a step further, you can even give him or her the completed crystal!)

III. Using Magic Through Mana Crystallization

Once the Mana Crystal has been formed, you can use the crystal if you have a Cylinder in your possession.


Equip the Cylinder and right-click the crystal in your Inventory to select [Use]. Once it is cast, you will attack for a set amount of time. Keep in mind that the rank of magic stored in the Mana Crystal as well as the number of charges will be recorded.

The time it takes to cast the Crystal decreases as you advance the rank of your Mana Crystallization Skill. Also, if your Mana Crystallization Skill rank is high, you can inflict more damage when you attack with the crystal.

IV. Rank Up

As your Mana Crystallization Skill rank goes up, the chance of success in making a good Mana Crystal will increase.

RankBonus StatEffectAP
FMP +1Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.5
EMP +1Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal. 6
MP +1
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.7
MP +1Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.
MP +1
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.9
MP +1
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.10
MP +1Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.12
8MP +2   Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.14

MP +2Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal. 16
6MP +2 
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.18
MP +3
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.
Decreases the time required to use the Mana Crystal.

MP +3 
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.22
MP +3Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.24 
MP +3
Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal. 26
1MP +4Increases the possibility of making a high-quality Mana Crystal.
Decreases the time required to use the Mana Crystal.

V. In Conclusion

We’ve covered all the basics regarding Mana Crystallization. You should now be able to acquire and apply the skill effectively.

Mana Crystallization is a useful skill that certainly adds versatility to the way you approach and use magic. Consider the ways you can store magic in crystals to conquer the enemy!


* Crystals with same rank and charge count can be stacked.

* To access the Mana Crystal more conveniently, you can assign it in the hotkey at the top of the screen.

* Even if two Mana Crystals were formed under the same condition, the respective crystals may differ.  

* When you complete the training requirements for Rank 1, you can also earn [the Mana Crystallization Master] title. (Title Effects: Max MP +60, Max Stamina -10, Max HP -10)