Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 3
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.
3. Tarlach’s Memory

1) Tarlach's Locket and the Red Wing of the Goddess
Stewart at the School has given you 2 items, ‘Tarlach’s Locket’ and the ‘Red Wing of the Goddess’.
Fiddling with Tarlach’s Locket… you’ll find a portrait inside of a boy with a beautiful lady; but due to its blurry quality, you can’t see the faces too clearly.

Stewart says to form a party of 3 and place this on the altar in Alby Dungeon, so you should first go to the Alby Dungeon. You will soon realize that he gave you the ‘Red Wing of the Goddess’ for a purpose.

What? You haven’t received it? Check in your Inventory. You’ll see a red wing.
The ‘Red Wing of the Goddess’, unlike the pre-existing Wing of the Goddess, allows you to move with your party members to your destination.  There isn’t a time restriction, so use it when necessary.

2) The Lobby of Alby Dungeon

You can be transported to the altar of the Goddess using the Wing.

Did you come to the Dungeon alone using the Red Wing of the Goddess? Although it says party of 3, it does seem like entering alone could be thrilling! Let’s try throwing Tarlach’s Locket.

It seems you can’t enter alone.

You can form the party of 3 in different ways such as by finding other users from the website or guild. Some prefer forming a party with their close friends.

Form your party using the Party window (hotkey ‘P’).

3) Into Tarlach’s Memory

Place the item you have received from Stewart on the altar.

The screen will suddenly turn dark and you will see Tarlach's Locket. It will indicate that you’re now entering Tarlach’s memory.

Who are the three NPCs you see as the screen gets bright again?


This school sends students to the dungeon as an assignment? I can't believe there are teachers who would send a girl to the dungeon all by herself...

You will meet Ruairi, a swordsman with reddish hair; he is wearing an armor of mysterious patterns.

Don't you talk about Ranald like that! You don't understand how awesome he is!

Mari has pink hair and carries a rather unique bow.

Girls can't help themselves in front of young, handsome male instructors...

Maybe it’s to teach those girls how to look for their peers in times of great duress…

Ah, so this is Tarlach. Judging by his robe, it seems like he’ll be using his magic. Shall we get to know him a little better?

It's okay, because everyone from Tir Chonaill, both men and women, are strong enough to take care of themselves.

Haha... seriously, seeing you only confirms that notion for me. Do you want to go?

You can move when the conversation comes to an end, and this is when you will see who you’ve transformed into.


As shown above, the names of the party members will appear next to the names of the three NPCs.  
In the case of Tarlach RP Dungeon, the party leader will transform into Tarlach while each of the other two members will randomly transform into Ruairi and Mari.

4) Exploring the Dungeon

Do you remember the three missing Warriors that Chief Duncan mentioned in the beginning?


The three Warriors who actually went to Tir Na Nog for the advent of the black-winged Goddess, but never returned…

Stewart has said Tarlach was one of them… and given that there is a party of three now, it is quite possible that they are the three missing Warriors. It is your mission to follow their traces to discover the truth behind what happened to the Warriors.


When you go down a level, the first thing you should do is assign hotkeys for the skills you have acquired. Go ahead and open the empty Hotkey window and place the skills according to your convenience.

You can see that Tarlach, Mari, and Ruairi have skills related to magic, range, and melee, respectively.  

Provided for your reference, the above-shown Skill window is of Tarlach’s magic. It clearly indicates that the skills are related to magic.

When exploring the Dungeon, you will come across a room of treasure chests. (One of the distinguishable characteristics of Mabinogi is that its dungeons are constructed in various ways. Note that the dungeons in Mabinogi have varying structures.)

Unlike the Mimics you’ve become familiar with, these chests have a keyhole in the front. Naturally, you might feel an urge to open the chest and find out what’s inside.

Ah, the keyhole is there for a reason… You will come across opportunities to acquire a key to these treasure chests.

In order to open the treasure chest, you need a key shown on the left. But be careful! You won’t know whether a monster or an item is inside the chest until you open it.

5) Time for Rest and Their Stories…  

How far have you come? You can behold Tarlach’s memory again.

The three of them are resting by the campfire. Are you wondering what they’re talking about?

Let’s take a quick break here.

There are so many spiders here... and they're so big!

If you think that's big, then wait till you see the one inside the dungeon!


This is quite unusual. There might be a connection with the recent aggressiveness of the wild animals…

I did notice that there was an endless flow of wolves on the field on the way here.

It is, indeed strange how these abnormally huge spiders appear and the wild animals seem more hostile. This has gone out of control and continues to bring upon unsavory instances in Erinn.

Oh, you mean it wasn’t always like that?

Even a few years back, it was nothing more than just a quiet countryside. Are you sure you’re from around here?

Hmmph! Of course Mari’s from Tir Chonaill! It’s just that I don’t remember.

Oh, yea…I forgot. Sorry… I forgot you said you lost your memory…

It's probably been sealed by the Druid's magic. I believe my master was able to do it as well. But don't worry.  I don't think this was used with evil intentions.


Wow...Tarlach is so nice! Nothing like jerko Ruairi~ I like him!

What? Jerko!?

Judging by their conversation, Mari seems to have lost some of her memory due to the magic of the Druids, of which Tarlach’s mentor was also capable.

There are times when I wish I had temporary memory loss myself.

Is suppose it’s about his sister who was killed by the Fomors…

Ruairi, you have bad manners!

It's  okay. It’s the truth, anyway.
It's the reason why I am searching for Tir Na Nog along with Ruairi.

Don't worry. I'll train harder so that one day I will take out all the Fomors.

Ha ha...

Ruairi, you're such a brute.

Anyway…let's head out now.


The beautiful woman in the picture of the locket is Tarlach’s sister that the Fomors… They all have their own reasons to get to Tir Na Nog.

You can continue with your exploration when they finish reminiscing.

6) An Encounter with the Giant Spider and…

You will be able to behold the memory of Tarlach again once you reach the last room in Alby Dungeon and defeat the Giant Spider and the Red Spider.

You will see a short clip of Ruairi striking the final blow which may confuse some users as to why Ruairi is defeating the Spiders when, in actuality, it was done by someone else in your party.

Because you are inside the Tarlach’s memory, it may differ from what happens in actuality. It was in the past and, as we all know, the past cannot be changed…

As the three of them stare at the trembling Spider, their conversation begins.

Ruairi, we definitely need to look into this place. Spiders like these are not usually found in Erinn. It’s the Fomors’ doing.  

Don’t we usually see these in the dungeon anyway?

They're definitely increasing...I wonder if it has anything to do with the Goddess...

Goddess? What does it have to do with the Goddess?

Well...a beautiful Goddess appeared in my dreams last night, and told me something was going on.

Are you sure it wasn't a romantic dream?

Ruairi, tell me more.

Umm...Okay, so... This black-winged Goddess appeared in front of me, who was standing in the dark, and told me to come to her... warning me that the world might be in great danger...

A black-winged Goddess? To Tir Na Nog…?

The Goddess Ruairi is talking about sounds familiar…

Have you heard something about the Goddess that Ruairi saw in his dream? It doesn’t sound completely foreign…

Tarlach, do you know something?

Dungeons were originally created to protect Erinn from the creatures of the Fomor world. They are intricately designed through the power of the Goddess in Tir Na Nog. However... If the number of Fomors is dramatically increasing like right now, then... something definitely must be wrong with the Goddess. Ruairi's dream could have really been a message from her...

Does that mean that I'm the chosen one? I better go then.

Mari will go too... Maybe the Goddess can help me remember my past.

When you regain consciousness, you will find the party standing in front of the altar in Alby Dungeon, reverted back to everyone’s original state.  

7) What was it that they witnessed?

Through your exploration in [Tarlach’s Locket] Memorial Dungeon, you probably have become somewhat familiar with the three Warriors and their reasons for having gone to Tir Na Nog.

For Mari, it was to have her memory restored… for Ruairi, it was to help her peers… But what about Tarlach? His reason for going to Tir Na Nog has not been ascertained, but it is likely that his motivation had something to do with his sister who was killed by the Fomors.

He probably had a very close relationship with his sister. His dedication and love apparent in the picture in his locket seem to be the source of his motivation.

If only you could speak with Tarlach, you would find out exactly why he wanted to go to Tir Na Nog…

Now, you have an idea of why the three Warriors set out to go to Tir Na Nog… but did they ever get to Tir Na Nog? What happened during their exploration? Why did they go missing?

The mystery keeps building. Wait to see if you can uncover the mysteries in the next episode.

Note 1>  I don’t have the Memorial Dungeon Item.

Do you not have the Memorial Dungeon Item necessary to explore the Memorial Dungeon? (If you place an item that was not for the Memorial Dungeon on the altar, a regular dungeon will appear.)

Go back and speak with the NPC to receive the Memorial Item again.

Note 2> I want to explore the Memorial Dungeon again.

Would you like to explore the Memorial Dungeon again? If so, participate in one of the parties that are exploring the dungeon. You can partake in the exploration as a member of a party. Make sure you let the party leader know that you would like to take your time reading the story more carefully if you’re concerned that the leader might proceed before you finish watching the short clip.