Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 13
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.


13. The Book of Revenge Vol. 2
Mores may be a hero to all humans while being a trusty mentor of Tarlach, but he had been brimming with hatred and revenge ever since he lost his wife and his baby due to those humans who were jealous of him. Furthermore, he saw with his own eyes who had been helping out the Fomors; it was Morrighan the Goddess, just as Tarlach claimed... now that he’s seen it firsthand, how could he not believe Tarlach’s claims…?

1) Morrighan’s Revenge

After completing Mores RP, you will receive a new keyword called [Morrighan’s Revenge].

[Morrighan’s Revenge]

The Goddess seems to be disappointed with humans for destroying peace and causing disorder because of their greed. It seems like she wishes to punish them and make them repent for their sins. Better talk to Duncan about this.

Morrighan the Goddess is normally the goddess of revenge, but she seems a bit different from what other people were portraying her as… Talk to the others to find out the true nature of this Goddess.

Of course Goddess Morrighan is known for her love and revenge, but she's more well known for her love of humans. Why would a Goddess seek vengeance against humans? It's the same humans she protected and loved so much.

As Stewart stated, Morrighan the Goddess made the ultimate sacrifice for the humans… so where did the whole “revenge” motif come from?

Next, talk to Priestess Kristell using the same keyword.

How can that be?  I don't believe it. A Goddess turned her back on humans? There must be a mistake. Don't you agree? That's not true. If there is anything I can do, let me know. I'll do anything if I can prove Goddess Morrighan didn't abandon humans and show Tarlach he is wrong. I want to help him find out the real truth. Please let Tarlach know how I feel.

Priestess Kristell seems to be wholeheartedly behind Morrighan the Goddess, as well.
It seems like no one believes the comment that the Goddess would do anything to help out Tarlach.

Now follow the instructions of the Travel Diary and visit Chief Duncan to hear some stories about Mores.

It's hard to believe that such a thing could have happened to Mores. Mores. He is alive? And, it's the first time I'd heard that he hated Humans so much. Don't tell others about this story. This can bring out the ugliness in people. Plus, I'm betting that you've probably got it all wrong. I'll have to poke around and find out myself.

It really must be a state of emergency if Chief Duncan felt compelled to state those words. Better not leak this to other residents of this town.
But what is there to do now?

Actually, I'll have to read the book Mores wrote. Can you get the book from Tarlach for me?

After completing the conversation with Duncan, you will notice that you have received a new quest.

It’s a request made by Duncan, and you’ll have to go see Tarlach in order to receive the book from him.

2) Receive The Book of Revenge

As night falls in Sidhe Sneachta, Tarlach spends another lonely night standing alone on the altar of the druids. Divulge your information on the scenes you saw through Mores’s memories, and see how he reacts to your story.

Thank you for sharing the story of my mentor with me.

Not much of a response, other than a quick pause for a thought...

Um... are you telling me that Chief Duncan of Tir Chonaill wants to... borrow the master's book...?  ... ...I guess it should be okay. He is a wise old man who has been through a lot, and he may be able to catch some things that we may have missed... Please give this copy to the Chief for me...

Receive [The Book of Revenge] from Tarlach and head straight back to Chief Duncan.

So this is the [Book of Revenge] that Mores wrote...Let me take a look at it. Hmm...interesting...
I see...... Hmm...
...?  Is this the end...? It can't be...

Chief Duncan is pausing after the question… you may have to look for another book…

It doesn't seem like the book ends here. Judging by the book's writing style and structure, it seems like there should be more to it. Looking at the introduction of the book, it seems like a 3 part series...

The introduction of the book states the following:
"Hear my three cries of revenge, in hopes of..."
This is what Duncan meant by the three volumes of this book...

It's hard to comment on the Goddess' intentions just from this part of the book. Could you find out if there is another book...?

If we can get a hold of the other volumes, we will be able to figure out how to best respond to Mores and the Goddess, and what exactly to notify to the King of Arhilla.

This is rapidly turning into something much bigger than you may have envisioned, from initially just saving the goddess to something involving Tir Na Nog and the King of Arhilla.

...I am sure you are aware of this, as well...  that it's difficult to get the attention of the King and the landlords with something as vague as this... I don't know where you found the translation of this book...  but please inquire about the existence of the next volume. Thank you.

With the Chief’s urging, you will have to find out if the other copies do exist, and find them as well. Since The Book of Revenge is the book for Fomors, maybe Priestess Kristell has a clue or two on it.

Is there another volume to this book...? Um...I'm not too sure. Judging from the way the introduction is written, it seems highly likely... I did hear a story that this book was very popular amongst high-ranking Fomors... I only found out while translating the book.

...Sorry I didn't seem like much of a help to you... ...Actually... I think Aeira might know something about this. After all, when it comes to books, there's no one who knows more than her...

Aeira is an expert on books, indeed, so go see her immediately.  

Hey Aeira, I’m here looking for a book. Have you ever heard of a book called 'The Book of Revenge'?

Hmm? You're looking for a book?  The 'Book... of Revenge?' ...We don't have a book by that title... I don't think our distributor carries it either... Trust me, I remember almost all of the book titles we carry here...

Hmmm… Aeira, just letting you know, The Book of Revenge is actually a trilogy, and I have the first volume...

... What? It's a 3-volume set??? And... you have volume 1 with you? Hmm...that makes it a bit tricky. Then...I can't even sell you the whole set.  I don't know if they'll let me order it separately...

And… it’s written in Fomor language.

...and it's a book written in Fomor language?  ...I think you'll have to ask someone else for that...  The publisher isn't going to print books that people can't read...don't you think?

I guess so… then where can I find this book?

Anyway… You have a quite a strange taste in books...haha... You know what!  You got me all curious too.  I am friends with a number of explorers and scholars, and I'll ask them about the book.
I'll contact you once I hear anything. Just be patient for a while and trust Aeira!

Thanks to Aeira, all you need to do now is wait for the good news.
In the mean time, open your quest window and click “Complete” on the [Receive The Book of Revenge] quest.

3) Wizard’s Note

After 2 hours in Erinn time, the white owl will drop you a new quest scroll.

Ah! Welcome. Do you remember the book I gave you before, [Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog]?  The author of that book, Leslie, called.  You see, Leslie is a famous historian who is also an avid explorer.


She sent me this note.  It says that she once saw the [Book of Revenge] inside Ciar dungeon, written in Fomor language. She said if you offer this note on the altar of Ciar Dungeon, you'll be transported to where you can find the book.

...Apparently this note has some kind of magic on it or something..., this is Aeira's special gift to you~ the Red Wing of the Goddess~! I will give you the note and the Red Wing of the Goddess once you click on the 'Complete' button~ I wish you the best of luck~

Oh, and if you happen to lose the note, come see me again. After completing the conversation with Aeira, you will receive a new keyword called [Wizard’s Note]. If you ever misplace this item, just use the keyword when talking to Aeira to receive another one.

Use the Red Wing of Goddess to reach Ciar Dungeon, where you’ll offer a [Wizard’s Note] on the altar by dropping the item on it. Please remember that only [Wizard’s Note] will lead you to the correct dungeon.

Unlike the [Goro’s Ring] quest, this quest can be completed with your friends when entering the dungeon that is created by offering [Wizard’s Note]. If you feel that you may need help completing the quest, do not hesitate to enter the dungeon with your party. Clear the Boss Room and open the treasure chest inside to find [The Book of Revenge, Vol. 2].

[The Book of Revenge, Vol.2] will take up 2x2 slots on your inventory, so make sure your item inventory has enough room to store the item.

Once you have obtained the book, return to Priestess Kristell to report the results.

So it is true that there is a book that continues on with the story. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if it really existed, but… that was really amazing. I'll have this book translated like I promised.  I'll let you know as soon as the translation is complete, just like last time.

At this point, it would be much safer to request Priestess Kristell for the exact translation of the book, as opposed to asking Goro for a potentially-incorrect translation.

Okay. I will let you know as soon as the translation is complete.

After giving the book to Priestess Kristell, you will be given some time to rest.

The next guide will cover the details of Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 of The Book of Revenge.

[Note  1]
If you have either failed to clear the dungeon using [Wizard’s Note] or lost the item altogether, then talk to Aeira using the keyword [Wizard’s Note] to receive the note once more.

[Note 2]
Ciar Dungeon that’s created using Wizard’s Note can be cleared individually, but it can also be cleared using a party of up to 8.