Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 12
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

12. Mores Gwidyon
Mores Gwidyon, a figure known as the Grand Wizard amongst the Humans as well as the hero who sacrificed his own life to save Erinn. However, in Tarlach’s book, Mores Gwidyon displays a strong hatred towards the Humans, instead opting to guide the Fomors.

This episode will reveal what brought on Mores Gwidyon’s drastic change.  

1) The Token from Shiela

View your Inventory to check that the [Broken Torque] is in your possession.

[Broken Torque]
This torque seems to have been bent often - it's been broken off in the middle. On the surface, there is writing that has been intricately engraved. It says [Through Any Pain and Suffering]. This was kept at the Dunbarton Town Office. Experience the memory of the owner of this torque by placing it on the altar in the Math dungeon.

After confirming the item in your Inventory, use the Red Wing of the Goddess to be transported to Math Dungeon. Place the [Broken Torque] at the altar in Math Dungeon to enter Mores' memory and experience his past.

The first thing you must do when you enter the RP Dungeon is to assign hotkeys for your skills.  Also, when you open your Skill window, you will see that you have a skill you have not seen before.

[Chain Casting] - Passive Skill
A skill only available to Mores. This is a skill of an archmage where a single casting produces the result equivalent to that with 5 charges.

The Chain Casting skill, as mentioned above, is a skill that allows a single casting to produce the result equivalent to 5 charges. This explains why Mores was known as the Grand Wizard.

You’re probably aware of the reason why the description of the item you’ve placed at the altar has changed; it’s the same concept as what you’ve experienced in Tarlach RP.

[Token from Shiela]
Half of my wife's torque given to me as a token. She has the other half.  She said that this would protect me from all danger. And that as long as I hold on to this, we'll meet again someday…
I swore on this token.  That I'll find my way back to her.

The [Broken Torque] has been changed to [Token from Shiela], and you are informed of what meaning this torque carries in Mores’ heart. It is clear that Shiela is Mores’ wife and he loves her deeply.

Proceed with your exploration of the dungeon, taking advantage of Mores’ powerful magic.

After some time has passed, you will be presented with Mores’ monologue.

2) Mores’ Monologue

Mores stands in this deep, dark dungeon by himself.

I need to rest... There is no end to this. I've been constantly circling the dungeon...

My body has gotten much weaker ever since I was knocked unconscious for about two months... I need to save my energy. Is the exit...that way?

Don't stop now... I must... return. I promised Shiela upon this torque. I won't stop now! I will go where Shiela is waiting. I will go back! And I will ask my friends this.

I want to know… why they betrayed me...
...Why they felt compelled to stab me in the back!

!! Wait… so, unlike the story that is passed down, the true reason for Mores’ death was due to the betrayal of his comrades?

You can proceed when Mores finishes his monologue. When you open the very last room, the Boss Room, a number of Ghost Armor will appear.

Uh oh…

3) Ghost Armor

[Ghost Armor1]
Mores, the Grand Wizard. We have finally found you. Please let go of your anger, and come with us.

[Ghost Armor2]
You may be alive, but you aren't really alive. You are already considered diseased in your world. You can no longer return to the world of the humans.

To you who only disguise as humans, but really aren't... Who dares to try getting in the way of a furious Wizard!

[Ghost Armor1]
Mores. I apologize if my previous comments have upset you. But... Your life is no longer in your hands. The only reason you're still alive is because of the will of the Goddess Morrighan. And... Jabchiel sacrificed his own life in order to sustain yours.

[Ghost Armor2]
Oh, Grand Wizard Mores. Even if you wish to return to the human realm, you will not be able to sustain your life. Countless Fomors have sacrificed their lives for you. I hope you realize how valuable your life really is.

Do not get in the way of me leaving this place. I... shall go back.  To the human world...  
...I will not forgive anyone... who gets in my way...!

You can witness Mores’ strength of character as he resists the Ghost Armor.

Now, the battle between Mores and the Ghost Armor begins.

As you defeat one Ghost Armor, two Ghost Armor… and just as you see an end to the battle, a new figure will make an appearance.

4) The Betrayal of the Humans

The monstrous figure who is approaching Mores…

Enough already...There's no reason to fight a meaningless battle anymore…!

Step aside and don't make me repeat myself. I will not forgive anyone...who gets in my way! Even if it is the Goddess herself...!

Oh, troubled Wizard... I understand why you long to return... But...if you do return, you will surely die
…Why do you not believe us...? If you don't trust us... will only cause you more pain.

Why do you believe I will die if I return?

Oh Wizard Mores... Would you like to find out for yourself? Do you think you can handle...the truth that I am about to show you?

Lord of Darkness... Do not underestimate me...

Very well then...Behold...

Oh my, the clip that this monstrous figure has shown is of a house burning in flames.

Tell me! What's going on? It's you, isn't it! ...Do you think you can threaten me by doing this!?

Hold back your assumptions. It's not us. Take a closer look.

The cry of a woman and  a continuous wailing of a baby in the background. What is going on ?

Tha... That... It can't be... Why are...Humans... Human my house…?

Ah... Shiela, my love! Shiela! No! My child! Where is my child? Ah... No... No! Stop!

Why... why...?

Yes... the Humans are responsible for this. The upper-class aristocrats, who received reports from your friends, did this. We tried to stop it... I am sorry. Because you found out Jabchiel's ultimate spell, you and everyone related to you were murdered. You at least died and became a hero, but your family wasn't so lucky...This all happened while you were unconscious.

Ahh…ahh... Shiela...  My love.... And my baby...I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... All because of me...

Mores...In the human world, you are considered a great hero. You sacrificed your life by throwing your body to repel Jabchiel's ultimate spell. Did you ever stop to think what would happen if you, who died as a hero, were to reappear in your world alive? Did you think about what would happen? The humans will try to kill you again for their selfish gain. All of your friends have become heroes, and they have enough power to silence one high-leveled Wizard. That's the reality... As you just witnessed... That is the ugly truth about the true nature of humans. Truth means nothing to them. Only their twisted sense of justice, which they acknowledge only amongst themselves... I, myself, have also turned my back on this sick race called humans. If you seek revenge, submit yourself to Goddess Morrighan's eternal will. I shall lead you to the Goddess.

…Let's go...

The house on fire is Mores’ house… and the cry of a woman was of Shiela, his wife. Does this mean she is no longer in this world?

Mores was not only betrayed by the Humans, but also lost his family and home… But could that have made him turn against the Humans…?

5) Goddess Morrighan

As the scene changes, the black-winged Goddess Morrighan, the goddess who asked for your help, will appear.

Mores…You poor soul...You must be in so much pain..

Y... You are...!

Yes... I am Morrighan. Protector of Humans, Guardian of Warriors... After I became petrified during the first war at the field of Mag Tuireadh, I have been staying here ever since.

Then, is this Tir... Na Nog?

Where you are is not important... What is important is your feelings toward humans...betrayal, hatred... and sadness...

Even you have given up on humans due to their immoral nature...

Do you... forgive those who slaughtered your family...? If the opportunity of vengeance comes your way... will you not seize it?

...No. I will...get revenge no matter what. Those who have made me like this, and those who have killed my family... I will follow them to the depths of hell...I will not let them get away...

Although I am the Guardian of Warriors, I am also the author of War and Vengeance... I have also lost hope in humans... They slay their own brethren for greed, and selfishness... To achieve the order of Aton Cimeni... To bring true peace to the world... humans must be destroyed... You understand my will...don't you?

Oh, Goddess...!

...Answer me! I will do anything for you! What can I do to help you get your revenge!?

Upon Mores’ assertion, his memory will come to an end and you will be transported back to the altar of the goddess in Math Dungeon.

The reason why Mores came to despise the Humans was because of their betrayal and murdering of his family. And Goddess Morrighan has amplified his hatred for the Humans.

Tarlach was right about Goddess Morrighan. She really was siding with the Fomors…

As much as you do not want to accept the truth, you have confirmed it with  your own eyes. To whom can you go for help…?

In the next episode, you will discover the evil intent of Goddess Morrighan and the Fomors.