Paladin Storyline Part 11
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

11. Conspiracy Revealed
So we’ve been given the Spirit’s recognition as being eligible to become a Paladin, but we have yet to actually transform into a true Paladin. Furthermore, Redire’s been busy investigating about Emain Macha’s Prime Minister, Esras. What could it be that Esras is plotting?   

1) Suspicious-looking Potion

Wait about 4~5 hours in Erinn time after you’ve finished the [Locked Small Box] quest and Redire will be calling on you again.    

Redire, do you need my help?

Oh, you're here. Thank you for coming.

What is this? It looks like a potion of sorts…  

I think... this is some kind of a potion. I heard, thanks to an insider source, that underneath Esras’ castle, there's a basement where strange potions like these are being made en masse.

...I have no knowledge of potions, so I can't tell what this is for...

...And if I ask anyone in Emain Macha about this, then Esras will find out soon enough, and so...
...I've heard that you can find a healer that is proficient in both magic and healing. I am sure she'll be able to figure out what this potion is for. Please find out the contents and the purpose for this potion. Esras seems to be up to something, so it's imperative that you come back fast.

If you’re looking for a Healer in Tir Chonaill… That would be Dilys. Let me find out what this potion is all about.  

You’ll find the potion from Redire in your Inventory. We’ll need to go see Dilys to find out what this potion is for.

[Marionette's Potion]
It's a strange potion.  I should ask Dilys, the Tir Chonaill Healer.

Dilys, would you be so kind to tell me what this potion is for?    

Whoa... this…is… how did you get a hold of this…?
...You really don't know what this potion is…  and that's why you're asking… right...?

Well, of course I’m asking because I don’t know what it is…  What is it?  


This is the... Marionette Potion... It's a potion that consists of particles from a Fomor Scroll that was extracted, refined, then concentrated into a potion.

...It's actually a sedative...

Once this potion is taken, the person is subject to a spell, after which the person's desires will be controlled to a point. Yes... whoever drinks this potion will lose his or her desires and self-control...
...That doesn't mean this can be easily applied to anyone. It only works when the person is knocked unconscious, using a number of herbs to cast the spell. Then, and only then, will this work... Once the person is controlled by the effects of this potion, the behavior will change so much that it's easy to tell who's being controlled.

Hmm… It’s a sedative… and makes the person controllable… Wow. So, how is it that you know about this potion, Dilys?  

...The thing is... a while back, I was in Emain Macha, and… this guy almost convinced me to drink this potion. How terrible is that?? Even now, whenever I think about it… I can never forgive him for what he tried to do to me... If it wasn't for Lassar… then...

...Anyway, this is a very rare potion, one that is really difficult to make... how did you get a hold of this?
...Even if you aren't going to use this right now, since its presence itself is a threat to everyone, I am afraid I can't return this to you. Please understand.

Well, I wasn’t exactly planning on using this potion for myself or anything, but… considering how dangerous it is… I’m ok with just knowing what it is. Thank you for letting me know.   

Redire, I’ve found out what the potion is for. It’s a potion called the Marionette Potion, and apparently, with the right blend or concoction of other herbs and magic, the person who takes this potion can be completely controlled as if a marionette puppet.   

That's... the Marionette Potion...? Does that mean Esras can control the minds of those that drank this potion, without getting any suspicions whatsoever...?

Well, someone may suspect you, but anyways, they apparently start acting strange. Oh, and by the way, Dilys refused to give me the potion back because she said it was too dangerous for me to keep in my possession.   

That's just a dangerous, dangerous potion... and she didn't return the potion...? Hmmm...
...In terms of the potion, that's alright. I can get another one. But if what that healer Dilys said was true, then...

...Oh my goodness!!!!
...I think she's right...
...The truth is, I met with Laoch a while back. Yes, the one that led me here...
...He seemed totally out of it... like a total dummy. I have a feeling... that the potion had everything to do with it.

...Seriously... what's Esras looking for...?
...I want you to be careful for yourself as well...
...until I call you back.

Watch out for yourself too, Redire.

After you have reported to Redire about the potion, you will be able to complete the [Suspicious-looking Potion] quest.    

2) Book of Fomors Translation – Enter Tabhartas

Stay around for about 4~5 hours in Erinn time and Redire will call on you yet again.  

With Redire’s call, you will notice a book in your Inventory. If it’s in the Fomor language, I’ll have to ask Kristell to translate it. Oh gosh, in any case, this is starting to feel like a pretty heavy responsibility… 

[Fomor Book Given By Redire]
A book written in Fomor language.  I can't read it.  I should ask Kristell to translate it.

Hello, Priestess Kristell. I was just wondering, because we have this book that’s written in the Fomor language… and we’re wondering, because we can’t exactly read it…

So you're here again for another book translation...  Can you show me the book...?

I’m sorry to keep asking you like this. Here’s the book.    

Hmmm... So this book is... Tabhartas...? This book isn't too difficult to decipher, but... Does this mean you are searching for the wisdom of the ancients...?
Since you believe in Morrighan the Goddess...
...I will do my best to help you on your journey.
...I'll let you know when the translation is complete.

Okay. Thank you so much.  

Give the book to Priestess Kristell and finish the conversation, and you will be able to complete the [Translating the Book of Fomors] quest.  

Click on the [Complete] button and you will receive a message in about 2 hours Erinn time, stating that the translation is complete.  

Kristell, is the translation complete?  

You’re here... Here's the translated copy of the book.

I appreciate your help, time and time again.

This book is mainly about Tabhartas, the gatekeeper of the ancient wisdom... I am afraid something terrible is about to happen...

...May the blessing of Lymilark and Morrighan be with you every step of the way...

When you finish your conversation with Kristell, have a look at the translated book.  

[Tabhartas: the Guardian of Ancient Wisdom]

The Fomor book Kristell translated for me.

You should  look over this, especially when Priestess Kristell sweated over translating the entire book because of you, don’t you think? Let’s have a look now.   

- Tabhartas, The Guardian of Ancient Wisdom -

Do not forget about the Creator who has given life to all living things.

The Creator has enlightened us Fomors with the truth and the existence of law and order in creation, urging us to live as guardians and agents who carry out his will.

Only when we realize how joyful it is to live according to his law and carry out his will, will our eyes open to the truth of the universe.

His noble words and knowledge in and of themselves contain so much wisdom, perfect and true.

Our ancestors knew that his truths were the very reason for their existence. They treasured it as more precious than anything, placing it above else that no one would dare go against it.

This is what we refer to as ancient wisdom.

But greedy humans who did not even know how to fully utilize their own knowledge, sought to overthrow the precious order of the gods, ultimately trying to get their hands on the ancient wisdom of the gods, which makes it essentially the beginning and the end of this world.

Those who are blinded by greed, as humans are, cannot see the value of the ancient wisdom even if they are to find it.

Us Fomors will not forget the chaos that was caused by their filthy hands filled with greed. And we will punish those who dare attempt at taking the ancient wisdom from us.

We will sing songs of thanksgiving to our ancestors who foresaw the consequences of what human greed would bring.

Our ancestors saw through human greed and placed a guardian to guard the ancient wisdom that was given to us by our Creator.

They who were god-sent, They who represent the will of the gods, Their name is no other than the great Tabhartas.

The ancient wisdom, which were hidden from all, known to no man, are located in the backside of the gate where Tabhartas is standing guard.

Those who dare to tamper with the ancient wisdom must go through Tabhartas and prove their worth.

However that will be impossible. Though Tabhartas lays in deep sleep in front of the ancient wisdom, If any human dares to reach out their unworthy hands at the door of wisdom he will arise from his slumber and punish them. That is the promise left by our ancestors.

Also, do not forget the words that our ancestors had left behind.

You should not bother Tabhartas in his sleep. If Tabhartas wakes up, the one who woke him up
will be cursed for violating the will of the gods.


Humans used charms veiled in magic, to make an inferior imitation of Tabhartas and gave them the name, Golems.

Human greed and desire to gain the wisdom of the Gods is their futile efforts of wanting to become equal with them.

As guardians of the order of the universe, we must be alert against human greed.

You can see the extent of their greed from those who call themselves the Knight of Light, how they take the lives of our innocent brothers and sisters and plunder our gold.

Humans, who do not even know the true value of gold, The only reason they continue to seek after it is because it sells for an expensive price in their world.

There are even rumors that this woman named Esras is gathering all this gold just so that she can
gain the wisdom of the gods.

Oh ancestors, May you put a curse on these vile humans for their audacity and foolishness of trying to imitate and be like the gods.


Every rumor must have some truth to it. This rumor came about at the same time Golem activity resumed in Ceo Island.

Golems from Ceo Island were used by humans to fight against us Fomors in the past during the battle of the Sen Mag prairies.

After the battle was over humans gathered their shameful creations and exiled them to this place.

But humans have once again resurrected these imitations of Tabhartas to scheme against us.

At this point we cannot put down our guard.

This is definitely an attempt to use their imitation to get near the original. They must have become interested in Tabhartas once more.

The report that claims they discovered an item that seems to belong to Tabhartas supports this theory.

We must pay very close attention to those who are seeking for Tabhartas. Their true intentions do not lie in trying to find Tabhartas.

They simply want the ancient wisdom that Tabhartas is guarding, They want to find the hidden world that is prohibited to humans.

Descendents of Fomors reading this book. Brothers and sisters who share the ideals of Fomors.
Be on the lookout for suspicious human activity.

Think about all the evil that humans have caused with their selfish ways. Who knows what will happen if the ancient wisdom, which humans are not even ready to handle, goes into their hands.
Imagine what disaster that could bring.

And... This disaster will not only affect the human race.

The day may come when we hear the cry of Tabhartas from the underworld... We Fomors cannot
let that day come.

This book talks about the Fomors’ worries over the resurgence of Tabhartas, who is considered the original prototype of the Golems. And the resurgence of Tabhartas may, in some way, be connected to the Golem activities of Ceo island, not to mention Esras. We should bring this book back to Redire quickly.

Redire, I’ve brought the translation of the book.

... You did it! I am so glad I followed up on that rumor about you. Great work!
...So you read the book, right? Let me see the book.

Redire takes the book in his hand and starts reading it, quickly.   
