G3 Main Storyline Part 12
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

12. Cromm Cruaich

So you’d successfully destroyed the Lia Fail, but you were immediately surrounded by an army of Ghost Armors afterward, led by Morgant. What is your escape plan?

1) The Escape

Morgant...!! The Lia Fail has already been destroyed.  

…but it's all for naught. Paladin, the only thing you destroyed was the barrier that protects the Dragon... It wasn't Lia Fail.

What? That wasn’t the Lia Fail?   

A petrified dragon…? Is the dragon… that you see back there…?

…Take that Paladin away! I'll do the questioning myself!!

As soon as Morgant gives his command, the Ghost Armors begin their attack. You are about to get ambushed by the sheer number of your opponents… Just as you’re about to lose your consciousness, Priestess Kristell appears out of nowhere.

You... you...the ultimate traitor of the Fomors!!!

It's been a while, Morgant.
…This is someone that's very important in Erinn... I'll take this person myself.

And with that, I was able to escape with Kristell.  

…Second time already...
…Not someone I can just go easy on...

2) Cromm Cruaich

As you escape from where the fake Lia Fail was, you receive the keyword, [Cromm Cruaich].  

Go talk to Kristell, to find some more information, but more importantly, to say thanks to Kristell for rescuing you in what could have been a fatal situation.  

Kristell, thank you so much for rescuing me earlier. Unfortunately, that which I destroyed wasn’t even the Lia Fail. They said it was Cromm Cruaich… some petrified dragon… Do you have any idea what that is?  

You heard something about... Cromm Cruaich..?
Instead of asking me... I heard there is an expert on that matter whom you can find at the Gairech Dragon Ruins.
...I think you're better off asking him...

If you mean the specialist working in the Gairech Dragon Ruins, you must be talking about Seumas.

...Oh, by the way, you should go talk to the Eavan at Dunbarton.

I wonder if Eavan is… a little less angry with me…  

Eavan was the one who was actually looking for you...
...She told me to make sure to send you her way... If there is someone who might...

…be watching?  

Mm... Never mind. It's none of my business... Anyway, don't forget to talk to Eavan.

Kristell  tells me to go see Eavan but… I can’t believe that the Lia Fail I’d destroyed was a fake…

Let’s head to Gairech where we can find out about the Petrified Dragon, Cromm Cruaich.  

Cromm Cruaich...? Gasp… Gasp.... Do you want to hear about this dragon statue...? Gasp… Gasp... Let's see... Where do I begin... Let me catch my breath first...

Take your time, Seumas.

This dragon here is a statue. It was made in the past when people worshipped the dragon. This dragon people which worshiped, went by the name, Cromm Cruaich, and it supposedly appeared from time to time and destroyed everything in sight...

So you’re saying that this dragon named Cromm Cruaich actually existed in real life?  

The people built a statue of the dragon here and offered sacrifices to appease the dragon...
According to records, there are two ways to call on the dragon. One is to awaken the sleeping dragon through the statue... Or the one who made a contract with the dragon must offer the sacrifice they have promised to give.

I've researched the ruins here and the first option of awakening the dragon through the statue seems impossible.

Then… What’s left now is to give the offering promised by the one who made the contract with the dragon.

...There is nothing known about making a contract with the dragon, or what type of sacrifice must be offered...

...You're not... planning on calling on the dragon, are you...?

Let’s first try to put together what Morgant had said and what Seumas has told us. The petrified dragon, Cromm Cruaich, was a real life dragon. Apparently, the way to awaken Cromm Cruaich is to make the offering that was promised by the one that had made a contract with the dragon.   

The fact that Cromm Cruaich has yet to awaken leads us to believe that the right offering has yet to be found but… what does that have to do with the Lia Fail? We need to think carefully, and perhaps we’ll find a lead…

3) Eavan’s Past

While thinking over all the information we have on Cromm Cruaich, I just remembered how Kristell had told me to go visit Eavan.  

Look in the Quest window and you will find the [A Thank You to Eavan] quest.  

If Eavan hadn’t asked for Kristell’s help, you may have been captured by the Fomors by now. Eavan was mad at you, and yet she was kind enough to worry and look out for you, so you should really go and show her your gratitude.    

Eavan… Kristell told me everything. Thank you so much.

...!!! You are back!!!!! Thank goodness you look alright...
... I admit I was a little too harsh on you last time. I found myself judging you prematurely based on my own set of standards...
...It's all in the past now...
...I hope you didn't get too offended by my foolish words.

And... I would love to keep supporting your efforts even after this, wherever you may be.

Oh, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I would appreciate any help you are willing to give.    

Well this.. looks like a bookmark... Is this for me?   

This is for... you... returning home safely.
...Thank you, and...good luck

Thank you. Thank you so much.  

Finish your conversation with Eavan, and you will be able to finish the [A Thank You to Eavan] quest.   

[Eavan's Bookmark]
A bookmark from Eavan. Apparently this item will help understand Eavan a bit better. Head over to a place where Eavan may have some history in for some clues.

Eavan gave me this bookmark. I wonder what it’s for…?    

I mean, it’s a bookmark, so I guess it must be used for reading but… I wonder if Stewart, at the school, might know something more about it.   

Stewart, Do you know of any particular use this bookmark could be good for?

You have Eavan's bookmark?

Mmm… I guess it's none of my business, but if you want to know more about that, you should stop by the Library.

Seems like it’s a special bookmark with a story. Let’s take the bookmark to the school library.  

The library is so quiet… and I don’t see anything special around… I wonder if the crystal ball sitting there is playing some sort of a role in all of this?

Click on the crystal ball with the bookmark in your inventory and you will be able to see clips of Eavan’s memories.   

So her father also...?

Does she have relatives...?

I heard she has a mother, but...
if she couldn't show up for the funeral, then…

Oh no… sigh…


Even her father… that was way too reckless of him…

Shhhh... She could have heard you…

By the way, what's that…?

Wow, dad. I really love this book!

You really like it like that?

Yes, thanks a lot, dad!!

After you finish reading, promise me to tell me what the book is all about, okay? Hahaha…

Yes, I will!

…I love you, princess.

Eavan... Hide here.
Daddy will help others first and come back.

No, daddy! Don't go!!!
Stay with me dad!!
…I don't want to lose you, daddy!!!

Eavan, family is important for everyone...
if something happens to you or your mom...
…I won't ever forgive myself for that.
It'll be the same… for everyone else, too.

…Daddy does this because
I love protecting other people.


After I come back, promise me
…to tell me the story from the book, okay?


...I love you, princess

Sniff... sniff...

Pssh, you don't even have a father. What's with the attitude?

No... My daddy passed away fighting the Fomors.
He helped others escape!!!

Liar! Who dies for other people?!
That's just stupid. Right?

Of course! Who does that these days?


Hey!! Give it back!!!

Hahaha, come and get it!!! Here, here!!

Nooo… noooo!


Dad…is making a sacrifice...

as valuable as
…you said it was...?

Can nothing be saved… without any sacrifice...?

…People quickly forget those that sacrificed for others.
They don't even take time to thank you.

…I don't want to believe it.
But... but then...

Please answer me, daddy…

This was during the tragedy of Emain Macha… I didn’t know that Eavan had been through something like this. It makes sense how Eavan insisted that sacrificing oneself for another was unnecessary, and was getting all mad at me.

But… But… I hope you know that the sacrifice was not for naught… And that there are plenty of people who are not like that…

[Note 1]
The latter portion of the Storyline of the Dark Knight will vary depending on the gender of your character. That is, the NPC that you talk to will vary depending on your character. This game guide has been written from a Male Character’s perspective. If your character is Female, you will need to talk to different NPCs to proceed with these quests.  

[Note 2]
To watch the cut-scene of Eavan’s Bookmark, you will need to obtain a clue for doing so using a keyword from the NPCs. Take the bookmark with you and click on the crystal ball at the School Library.   

[Note 3]
If you are a Female Character and you start talking to Aodhan, you will receive a Fragment of Aodhan’s Sword. Enter the castle and you will be able to watch Aodhan’s memories of the tragedy of Emain Macha.     

[Note 4]
You are not required to watch the Cut-Scenes opened with either the Bookmark or the Fragment of the Sword. However, you may find that watching the footages may help you gain a better understanding of some of the NPCs strange behaviors toward you.