Ancient Secrets of Irinid - Main Storyline - Part 1
This post is based on “The Tropical River”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Irinid Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

1. The Large Ruins in Courcle

In this strategy guide, we will begin to investigate the ruins which you will have discovered upon falling from the Irai Falls.

1) The Three Altars  
There are altars at each of the large ruins: the Sun altar, Snow altar, and Lightning altar.  What do these altars symbolize?

In the Courcle region, you can discover relics through explorations and have Voight in Cor Village appraise and restore them. 

Have you ever received an ancient stone tablet after restoring a relic you discovered Marshes of Pantay?  If you look closely at the tablets, you will notice that they bear the same patterns as the ruins here.

Once you have the stone tablets prepared, proceed towards the altar.  Click on the stone in your Inventory and hand it over by selecting the [Give Gift] option.


The altar and tablet must have the same attributes.  When the matching tablet is given to the altar, you will see the altar move as the seal is released.

2) The Memory of the Ancient Courcles

When you give the [Ancient Lightning Pattern Fragment] to the [Lightning Altar], lightning will strike around the ruins as the Seal of the Ancient Native’s Memory is released.

The memory of the ancient Courcles has been released from the seal.


...Fire showered the land from the sky…

Scorching flames are burning the jungle and drying up the Suytu River.

...Time is running out...

Only the Great Spirit of Irinid can ward off the rain of death and bring the rain of life.

At the end of the clip, the character, which was positioned at the peak of the ruin, will be led back down.

2) The Memory of the Ancient Elves

When you offer the [Ancient Sun Pattern Fragment] to the [Sun Altar], the sun will rise as the Seal of the Ancient Elf’s Memory becomes released.

The memory of the ancient Elves has been released from the seal.

The giant wings of the dragon eclipsed the sun high in the sky.

...And the prairies of Connous, once called Paradise, have lost its verdure.

The survivors of the Elves sought shelter in a cave, avoiding the detection of the dragon, but…

...In the complete darkness...

...Time is running out...

3) The Memory of the Ancient Giants

Despite its tropical location, snow will begin to fall near the ruins when you offer the [Ancient Snow Pattern Fragment] on the [Snow Altar], as the Seal of the Ancient Giant’s memory is released.

The memory of the ancient Giants has been released from the seal.

...Time is running out...

The land was burned to ashes and not one Giant survived.

I desperately dug the ground under the bedrock until my fingers bled.

…The dragon’s roar was echoing in the darkness that I left behind…

4) A New Prophecy

The reason for offering the stone tablets to the altar is to release the seal of the ruins.  Once you break all three seals of the ruins, a new clip will be shown.

... The time has come...

The land is released from its burning shackles, gushing out lifeless soil.

I know… and I foresee

The fate of this dark land...

The secret of the ruins that was hidden underneath the waterfall…
It was none other than the seal of the memories of the Ancients.
What could these ominous prophecies mean?  And that figure who appeared briefly at the end… It seemed to be Ruairi, the one who disappeared with Cromm Cruaich…

We can only speculate what is about to happened to Iria… A new adventure awaits.

* The seal of the ruins can be broken in any order.
* The Ancient Fragments can be obtained by appraising and restoring the relics found in Pantay Swamp.