Throwing Attack and Stomp

The Giants may not be adept at using bows for long-range attack, but they compensate that by hurling javelin at the enemies from afar. Also, in snowfields where snow is aplenty, or on icy river where everything is frozen, you may use Stomp to either alter the landscape or temporarily freeze your enemy.

This guide will cover the characteristics of these two skills, as well as how to obtain them.

* The Throwing Attack and Stomp are only available for the [Giants].


1. The Throwing Attack

1) Acquiring the Quest

After completing the third quest for the Giants [Chop Down a Tree], you will receive a new quest from the king of Giants, Krug, called [Throwing Attack].

Unlike the humans and Elves that prefer bow and arrow as their weapon of choice for long-range attack, the Giants prefer using the thrower and a spear for a devastating long-range attack.

As you read through the quest, you’ll notice that Krug is willing to teach you exactly how to throw a spear. Better go see him immediately!

2) Talk to Krug

As you talk to Krug, he mentions that any proud Physis Giant should be able to handle spears with ease. He then proceeds to give you a thrower and a spear to practice.

You have now received the thrower [Atlatl] and a spear named [Javelin]. Basically, Atlatl is a device that allows you to throw Javelin more efficiently, kind of a like a bow to an arrow. Like the arrows, the number of Javelins decreases after each use.

The Wood Atlatl and Short Javelin you received through Krug can also be purchased at the Weapon Shop in Vales.

* As good as the Wood Atlatl and Short Javelin are, you can find better Atlatls and Javelins through quests and other activities. For example, Bone Atlatl and Long Javelin can both be found through eliminating monsters in Physis, the treasure chest in the underground maze, and ice fishing.

3) Successfully use a Throwing Attack on Young Brown Physis Fox

After talking to Krug, observe your quest info and you will notice that Krug has ordered you to successfully use a Throwing Attack once on a Young Brown Physis Fox. Now let’s look at the minimap where Young Brown Physis Fox is located and head over there.

4) Acquiring the Throwing Attack skill

Once you equip Wood Atlatl and Short Javelin, you will automatically acquire the Throwing Attack skill. Now let’s test out the skill on a Young Brown Physis Fox.

Click on a target you’d like to attack once, and the Throwing Attack skill will be triggered and ready to fire.

Click on the target once more, and the skill will be used as you chuck a Short Javelin right at the target.

5) Report to Krug

After successfully completing the Throwing Attack once at a Young Brown Physis Fox, return to Krug and start a conversation to complete the quest [Throwing Attack]. Once you press Complete, you will receive a quest reward as well as formally acquiring the Throwing Attack skill.

6) Throwing Attack

The skill description for the Throwing Attack is as follows.

As you move up the ranks of the Throwing Attack skill, the accuracy level will increase as well as inflicting more damage.

* You may carry up to 20 Short Javelins at once. Once you run out of the Javelins, you’ll have to add more in order to continue using the Javelins.

7) Throwing Attack Ranks

Stat Boost
Practice level-
Damage 0 ~ 20
90% Accuracy
Will + 13
Damage 0 ~ 22
90% Accuracy
Will + 13
Damage 0 ~ 24
90% Accuracy
Will + 13
Damage 0 ~ 26
90% Accuracy
Will + 15
Damage 0 ~ 28
90% Accuracy
Will + 15
Damage 0 ~ 30
90% Accuracy
Will + 15
Damage 5 ~ 35
90% Accuracy
Str + 1, Will + 17
Damage 5 ~ 38
90% Accuracy
Str + 1, Will + 17
Damage 5 ~ 41
90% Accuracy
Str + 1, Will + 110
Damage 5 ~ 44
90% Accuracy
Str + 1, Will + 110

2. Stomp

1) Acquiring the Quest

After completing the third quest for the Giants [Collect Berries], you will receive a new quest from the owner of the pub, Wanst, called [Deliver Wine].

Let’s go talk to Wanst.

2) Talk to Wanst

After talking to Wanst, you will acquire a new skill called Stomp.

Stomp is the quintessential power skill for Giants, a versatile skill that is used to various purposes depending on the situation. The skill can temporarily freeze the enemies within the vicinity or break the thick ice in Reus River to start Ice Fishing. It also enables the Giants to alter the landscape in the snowfield and discover interesting things.

3) Acquiring the Stomp skill

First, press [Learn] on the Stomp skill window to enable the skill. Since it’s an active skill, you must activate the skill with each use.

It is much more convenient to register this skill as one of the shortcut keys listed on the top left corner of the screen, assigning any one of F1~F12 buttons as the skill.

As you have the skill ready, if you click on the ground, your character will use the skill on the ground to possibly alter the landscape.

4) Talk to Wanst

After successfully using the Stomp, return to Wanst and start another conversation. Wanst will ask you to secretly deliver a bottle of wine to the queen of Giants, Kirine. It’s a bit puzzling to see why the bottle has to be secretly delivered, but since he taught you a new skill, it would be nice to make the delivery as your way of paying him back for a good deed.

5) Deliver the Wine Bottle to Kirine

You may have gone out of your way to deliver a bottle of wine to Kirine, but she doesn’t seem too impressed.

Anyway, after completing the delivery to Kirine, you will have completed the quest [Deliver Wine].
Press complete to receive a reward for the quest.

6) Stomp

The skill description for Stomp is as follows.

As you move up the ranks of the skill, the skill will inflict much more damage to enemies within the vicinity.

7) Stomp Ranks

RankEffectStat BoostAP
PracticePractice level-
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 10 ~ 20
Stamina + 1, Str + 1-
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 10 ~ 23
Stamina + 1, Str + 11
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 10 ~ 26
Stamina + 1, Str + 12
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 10 ~ 29
Stamina + 1, Str + 14
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 10 ~ 32
Stamina + 1, Str + 15
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 10 ~ 35
Stamina + 1, Str + 17
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 20 ~ 40
Stamina + 2, Str + 29
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 20 ~ 44
Stamina + 2, Str + 210
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 20 ~ 48
Stamina + 2, Str + 211
Stomps the ground to temporarily freeze the enemy
Damage 20 ~ 52
Stamina + 2, Str + 213

8) When to use Stomp

- Attack enemies near you

If you are surrounded by multiple enemies, use Stomp to apply damage on all of those enemies, while temporarily freezing them in the process. They will be standing there unable to defend themselves for a short period of time as a result.

- Ice Fishing

Reus River, which is located east of Physis, is completely frozen. Use the Stomp on top of the frozen river, and you will notice that it’ll break a thick chunk of ice and create a small hole. The higher your level of strength, the bigger the hole it will be.

Once you create the hold, it’s time for some nice Ice Fishing.

- Exploring the Snowfield

Use the Stomp at a snowfield that is literally covered with thick layers of snow, and you will be able to alter the landscape.

Alter the landscape to discover hidden artifacts, monsters, and other interesting goods you may not find anywhere else.

3. In Conclusion

We have discussed two of the most important skills for the Giants: Throwing Attack and Stomp.
With these two effective attack skills, you will be able to defend yourself from both close-range (Stomp) and long-range (Throwing Attack).

Discover new layers of fun that only the Giants can experience using these two pivotal skills!