Beast Mode: Skills and Abilities
When you acquire the Giant Beast Mode skill, you will also obtain the [Daemon of Physis] skill along with 7 other skills. In this post, you will delve deeper into the Giant Beast Mode skill.  

* Please refer to [Beast: The Giant Beast Mode] for detailed information on how to acquire the Giant Beast Mode skill.

1. About the Giant Beast Mode Skill

When in Beast Mode, the Giants, the descendents of the ancient Giants, transform into muscular beasts covered in fur. Not only do their physical appearance turn frighteningly animalistic, but various stats also become temporarily enhanced. Entering the Beast Mode will allow the character to use the [Giant Full Swing], only available to the Giants as its name defines.

2. Entering the Giant Beast Mode

The [Daemon of Physis] skill which enables transformation can be confirmed by opening the Skill window (Hotkey ‘S’) under the [Beast Mode] tab. You can use this skill to undergo a powerful transformation to turn into a beast.

* The Daemon of Physis skill can be used once a day in Erinn Time.


When you transform into a beast, various stats increase and the Beast Mode passive skills apply, further advancing your skills as a powerful warrior. The time restriction on the Beast Mode varies depending on the age and the number of rebirths of the character.

* The color of the Giant’s arms and legs will change according to the character’s original hair color.

3. The Beast Mode Skill

1) Transformation Skill

Depending on the rank of your Daemon of Physis skill, the title given and the external features of your character in Beast Mode will vary. You must go through a total of 4 stages to evolve into the final phase. 

2) Passive Skills

The passive skills are skills that apply automatically. However, the passive skills located under the Beast Mode tab only apply when your character is in the Beast Mode.

3) Special Race Skill

The Giant Full Swing is a special race skill that can be used only when in Beast Mode.

As expected of these enormous creatures, the Giants will illustrate incredible power when using the Giant Full Swing, releasing their full energy at once to eliminate all the enemies in the vicinity.

When equipped with a weapon, using the Giant Full Swing in Beast Mode will display the accumulation of the force of magic. A gauge icon will appear on the bottom right of the mouse cursor.

The gauge icon will indicate constant fluctuation. Wait for the preferred stats to be indicated on the gauge and aim the enemy you wish to attack. The higher the gauge indicates and the more time you accumulate, the greater the damage will be when inflicted on the enemy.

However, if you do not engage in any attack within the given number of times the gauge fluctuates, the skill will automatically cancel, preventing you from attacking your enemy as necessary.

The damage and the range of splash depends on the character’s rank of the Giant Full Swing as well as the weapon with which the character is equipped. You will undergo a wait time of 7 seconds from the last use of the Giant Full Swing; it applies even when the skill is automatically cancelled.

* Your damage and the splash effect will be greater if you equip your character with a weapon specifically for the Giants rather than a regular weapon.

* When attacking using the Giant Full Swing skill, the Defense skill as well as the Counterattack skill cannot be blocked.

4. Advancing your Skill Rank

You will accumulate 10 points every time you advance 1 level. Said points can be applied to enhance the Daemon of Physis skill or other low-leveled skills.
Click the [Train] button on the Skill window to view the Extra Skill-training window, where you will be able to advance the low-leveled skills.

1) Advancing the Daemon of Physis Skill

When you reach the required number of points to advance the Daemon of Physis rank, the [Advance] button on the Skill s window will activate. Click this button to advance your rank.

In the case of the Beast Mode skills, you advance by collecting points; hence, no AP is consumed. However, it is important to note that once a skill rank is advanced, it cannot be untrained.

2) Advancing the Low-Leveled Skills

You can advance the 7 low-leveled skill ranks using the points you have accumulated in the Daemon of Physis.

A. Bar indicating the Daemon of Physis points
You will accumulate 10 points every time you advance 1 level. If you reach the maximum number of points that can be collected, you will not further accumulate. When the points indicate its MAX stats, you can advance your Daemon of Physis skill rank by clicking the [Advance] button.

B. Reset
You can reset the allocated points. However, it is only applicable when the allocated points are still remaining. 

C. +1
1 point is distributed from the Daemon of Physis skill points.

D. +10
10 points are distributed from the Daemon of Physis skill points.

MAX number of points available are distributed from the Daemon of Physis skill points.

5. The Variations of Rank Transformation

In addition to the physical transformation your character undergoes in accordance with your rank advancement, specific Beast Mode titles can also be earned every time you reach a designated rank .
RankTitle Earned
Rank F the Savage Beast
Rank Athe Beast Slugger
Rank 5 the Iron Beast
Rank 1the Beast Lord

There are 4 different stages of physical transformation, and the titles you earn are automatically applied when you are in Beast Mode.

6. In Conclusion

The Giant, a formidable warrior with combat prowess that rivals the calamitous weather conditions of Physis…

Develop your Giant character into a legendary  warrior by mastering the Giant Beast Mode skill.