Dragon - Main Storyline - Part 6
This post is based on “Dragon,” the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G8 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

6. The Dragon’s Conductor

Due to Crumena’s plot, I made the grave mistake of shooting Cromm Cruaich and Ruairi into a stream of lava. It will be entirely my fault if this causes the ominous prophecies against Iria to come true and threatens all of Erinn.

1) Legatus’ Advice

After helping Crumena, the [Volcanic Area Hot-Air Balloon Exploration] quest can be completed.
Soon thereafter, you will receive a message from Legatus.

Legatus is a blue dragon that you can meet at the northern part of Calida Lake.

…Legatus, did you call for me?

I made a big mistake at Lava Fall.

You don’t have to explain
what happened at Lava Fall.
I already know.

It’s not your fault that you fell
into the trap of the wicked Red Dragon, Crumena,
Don’t be so hard on yourself.

But…it was because of me…
that Cromm Cruaich and Ruairi
fell into the lava…
…it’s all my fault.

I don’t know how someone from this world was able to
get involved so heavily regarding the fate of the dragon race
but I get the feeling that this, too, must have been fate.

Originally, Iria was ruled by dragons.
The arrogance of the dragons brought Irinid to this land
and after losing the Irinid war,
the dragons were exiled to the barren land of Zardine.

A world ruled by Dragons and the Ancient Irinid…
That must be why there were traces of Irinid left in Zardine.

Within the barrier drawn by Irinid,
our race decided to endure and accept
what can be seen as our punishment.

However, there are those who viewed this way of life for the dragons
as feeble and disgraceful.
These were the Red Dragons,
the ones, who after being defeated at the Irinid War, lost their power and had to walk the path of shame.

Although what they envisioned was a revolution and not peace,
it could not be done
within the dragon society of Zardine
where the Blue Dragons were already in control.

But now an opportunity has been given to them.
The Gold Dragon, Adniel’s Conduction Ceremony is nearing
and the Red Dragons are planning to use this event for political gain.

So that’s why Crumena aimed for this moment.
But then, why did he want to hurt Cromm Cruaich?

Their first move will probably be
trying to set up a trap for Cromm Cruaich
You should know that you, too, were probably used for their scheme.

Cromm Cruaich is not only the leader of the Blue Dragons

but also the dragon that represents Zardine.
At the time, it was leading the dragon’s contractor, a red-haired Human, to Iria
to prepare for the Conduction Ceremony of the Gold Dragon.

Although Cromm Cruaich fell into Lava Fall, the hottest part of Zardine,

it’s too early to give up hope yet.
Right before Cromm Cruaich died, it was able to protect the dragon’s contractor
by using its final protection magic.

A red-haired Human…
Ruairi! Are you saying that Ruairi is still alive?!

I can still feel the red-haired Human breathing.
If you could get your hands on the Physis Snow Crystal,
which can break through the scorching heat of Lava Fall,

you might still be able to turn back
the costly error that you unknowingly made.

2) Ruairi

Hope has risen through Legatus’ advice.
We must get a [Snow Crystal] in order to find Ruairi.

A [Snow Crystal] can be acquired from the last treasure box in Par Ruins located in Physis.
But since its appearance is based on probability, it may not be easy to get.
If the [Snow Crystal] is ready, let’s head over to Lava Fall where Ruairi is rumored to be.

Lava Fall is located in the northern part of the Raspa Volcano and is typically unapproachable due to the scorching heat.  However if you have a [Snow Crystal], you will be protected from the heat.

When you enter, you will find Ruairi, who you’ve trying for so long to locate.

Ruairi is lying on the floor near the bottom of the fall, probably knocked unconscious from the crash.
When I carefully approach him, he awakens.

The land is released from its burning shackles,
gushing out lifeless soil.
…I know… And I foresee…
the fate of this dark land…
How long have I been dreaming that same dream over and over again?
The Dragon’s Emmissary, Ruairi.
You have been chosen for Adniel’s Conduction Ceremony.
You are the only hope against Crumena’s plot.

No, as the dragon’s contractor,
my job ends here.

So you’re telling me that you still haven’t figured it out?
Since the beginning, Erinn’s fate
has always been intertwined with yours.

I have always been merely the facilitator
who was supposed to bring the
Conductor here to Iria.

Me? The chosen Conductor?
But they said you were the chosen one…
How could I be the Gold Dragon’s Conductor...
There’s no way!

However, without the voluntary will,
the Conductor's fate alone can't change the world.

The shackles of the burning land have already been broken

and the omen of darkness is beginning to unfold.
Perhaps we are trying to embrace
a future we cannot change.

…It is possible that we will never be
able to utter the word,
hope, ever again...
When finish talking with Ruairi, he disappears once again and you can complete the [Legatus’ Advice] quest. The joy of finding Ruairi was fleeting and suddenly you’ve learned that Ruairi is not the Gold Dragon’s Conductor.

You soon receive a message from Belita.

Your feel rather unsettled but since Belita seems anxious, you should return to her.

I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that Ruari would still be alive.
Then again, he probably would've survived
even if he fell into the depths of Hades.

Yes, fortunately, he was alive.
We don’t have to worry about him anymore.

So, does that mean Ruari will be chosen as Adniel's Conductor?
Where is the location of the Conduction Ceremony?
Where is Ruari right now?
...You're not withholding any information from me, are you?

Ignoring Belita’s questions, you end your conversation with her.
Suddenly hearing that you have been chosen as the Conductor leaves you feeling uneasy.

3) The Dragon’s Conductor

Once you finish talking with Belita, you hear a voice from inside the Dragon Egg.

The Conductor of Adniel.
Can you hear my voice?

...It is time...

Is this the voice of Adniel?
So then it’s true, I’ve been selected as the Conductor?
Go to Legatus and tell him what has happened.

Legatus, Ruairi said that I am the Conductor,
and I just received a message from Adniel that the time has come.
Could I really be the Conductor?

The fact that I was able to hear Adniel's voice
could now be understood as a sign
but it doesn't mean that all has already been determined.
You never know until the last moment.

Crumena probably has another Conductor in mind
that fits the ideology of the Red Dragons.

Another Conductor prepared by Crumena?
Then what happens?

If the Conduction Ceremony goes the way the Red Dragons wish,
Zardine will also be redefined according to the will of the Red Dragons,
which  will inevitably revert Iria back to a pre-ancient Iria period.
This will eventually wipe out all remnants of Irinid.

Return to the ancient era?
All remnants of Irinid wiped out…

Will you accept your fate as the Conductor?
Remember that the fate you choose
could become the fate of Iria.

Legatus moves me to Renes Island, located at the northern most tip of Zardine after asking me whether I will accept my fate, then returns to Calida Lake.

Renes is a place full of mystery.

If I step enter Renes, Legatus has told me that it means I’ve agreed to become Adniel’s Conductor. I know what a big responsibility this is. I’m not sure whether I have what it takes to be a Conductor.

But if I don’t enter, the person selected by Crumena will become the Conductor and the Iria Continent will return to an ancient era before Irinid. If that were to happen, what would happen to all those who believe in the existence of Irinid?

The future of the Iria Continent will now be decided in Renes.