Ancient Secrets of Irinid - Main Storyline - Part 5
This post is based on “The Tropical River”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Irinid Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

5. Courage to Face the Past

Atrata, an Elf who lives without memory of her past...
Taunes, who does not want Atrata to forget the memories they’ve shared…
Taunes has asked you to deliver a mirror that can reveal the past to her.

Courage was necessary to see the memories of the past through the mirror; after seeing a segment of Atrata’s past, the mirror was shattered. It appears that Astrata needs more time before she can face her past.

However, in the process, a wind bell was discovered which could be a clue into tracing her lost memory.

1) Atrata and Taunes

Use the [Wind Bell] to enter the Longa Desert Ruins near Filia.

When you enter, you will become Atrata and experience her lost memory as Atrata herself.

The only one I remember…
I must find him…

The person that Atrata seems to be looking for has yet to appear.
In order to discover the identity of this person, you must become Atrata and reach the boss room.

The Long Desert Ruins entered as Atrata is filled with vicious monsters.  It is also structured in the format where you must attack the pillars in the corner to open the doors.  Since Atrata is weak, it is nearly impossible to get through by fighting the monsters.

You can easily get through it by using the [Hide] skill, which is an Elf action skill.

Once you arrive at the boss room, Taunes, the person she was looking for, is waiting there.

Did I make you wait very long?

Oh, this voice…?
I knew it was you.

Please wait;
Hopefully, this Tica Sap Potion will take effect soon.

My eyes are blurry,
but I can still hear
the painful screams of my late comrades in my ears.
The sound of your Wind Bell from a distance
woke me up from that hellish nightmare.

Forget everything.
Do you know why you Giants are always depressed?
It’s because you never forget.

Every moment of your life feels like new
if you can forget everything like the Elves.

So, this is how it happened…  They became close when Atrata tended to Taunes when he was wounded.

Once their conversation ends, you will exit the Longa Desert Ruins.

2) Courage to Face the Past

If you stay connected in Erinn for some time after seeing Atrata and Taunes’s past, you will receive a message from Atrata asking you to tell her of her forgotten past.

Atrata, I was able to see
your past inside the Longa Desert Ruins.

You treated Taunes while he was wounded
and used the sound of the wind bell to lift him up from darkness.

I can’t tell you exactly
what you were feeling,
but I think this is a memory you shouldn’t forget.

I always thought that it would be great to not remember yesterday
because you have so many tomorrows to remember,
let alone yesterdays.
I’ve changed my mind, though; it feels like a curse.


The only one I remember…
I must find him…

...It was love.

Even without the Mirror of Memory, Atrata was able to successfully remember the forgotten memory of Taunes.  It was the power of love that allowed her to remember.

Although we still haven’t found the Heart of Courcle, you have restored the love relationship between Taunes and Atrata.  While the ominous prophecy regarding Iria still lingers, the correlation between the dragon and the burning land remains a mystery.