Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 4
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

4. Goddess Morrighan… and Tarlach

You were able to experience the Alby Dungeon using Tarlach’s Locket and discover why the Warriors set out to reach Tir Na Nog. You will earn the [Goddess Morrighan] keyword upon exiting to the altar of Alby Dungeon.

1) Goddess Morrighan
[Goddess Morrighan]
The black-winged Goddess that provides blessings to the people and warriors of Tir Na Nog.

As suspected, the black-winged Goddess in the dream was Goddess Morrighan. But who is Goddess Morrighan?

Let’s ask the omniscient Chief Duncan about Goddess Morrighan.

You mean Goddess Morrighan? If it’s about the Goddess, you’re better off speaking to Priest Meven…

A rather surprising response from Chief Duncan. Hmm, you should speak with Priest Meven as suggested to see if you can uncover the mysteries about Goddess Morrighan. 

You will find Priestess Endelyon standing outside of the Tir Chonaill Church, located west of the town.

Perhaps Priestess Endelyon knows something about Goddess Morrighan.

The Church of Lymilark recognizes the existence of other gods. There are other gods in Erinn besides the main three. Goddess Morrighan is also one of the many Gods.

Wait, who are the three main gods that Priestess Endelyon is speaking of?

The three main gods in Erinn consist of Lymilark who represents love, Hymerark who represents freedom, and Jeamiderark who represents peace.

You will find the Church of Lymilark in Uladh—comprised of Tir Chonaill, Dunbarton, and Bangor—as the general population of Uladh exhibits a strong sense of piety toward Lymilark.

Speak with other priests you meet for further details of Lymilark.

Now that you have spoken with Priestess Endelyon, it is time for you to meet Priest Meven, who can be found inside the church.

 .... Goddess Morrighan...? You’re talking about the black-winged Goddess of war and vengeance.  Then… try reading this book when you get a chance. I think it will be helpful. Don’t worry~ I’m giving it to you for free…

Priest Meven has told you that Goddess Morrighan is the goddess of war and vengeance, and has given you a book as a present. Before reading the book, see what else you can ascertain from the information Priest Meven has to offer.

 Anyhow, did you say that you’d first learned about the Goddess Morrighan through the Memorial item that belonged to Tarlach…?  Hmm… Well, if that’s the case… I guess I should tell you.

Priest Meven must know something others don’t. If he would be so kind and share with you…

Tarlach… is actually the only surviving member of the three missing Warriors… even though everyone thinks he is dead…


That’s right… he’s actually alive... If you want to speak to him directly… Go to Sidhe Sneachta during the night.

He is the only one that survived of the three and has been alive all this time? Could this be related to the bear who gave you the keyword? What does Priest Meven mean when he says to go to Sidhe Sneachta during the night to speak to him directly?

Priest Meven will give you the [Night of Sidhe Sneachta] keyword.

2) The Tale Book

The tale book Priest Meven gave you is titled ‘The Goddess Who Turned into Stone’.

[An old tale book with an interesting title. It tells the story of Goddess Morrighan.]

You can view the book by right-clicking your Inventory. The menu will offer a selection consisting of pick up/read/drop; select ‘read’.

- The Goddess Who Turned into Stone -
Written by Eamon


Anyone who has ever entered a dungeon has seen the statue of the winged goddess carrying her sword. Though she looks at peace, there is a hint of sorrow in her eyes as she looks upon adventurers. This statue has been made to commemorate the wonderful goddess Morrighan, who sacrificed her life to save us humans during the war.

Long ago, the evil Fomors constantly invaded the human world, killing countless innocent lives. Many lived in fear of their invasion, lost their lives, and some were even taken into slavery. Those who could not take the abuse attempted to fight back, but the Fomors were too powerful and intelligent and humans were no match for them....resulting in defeat.

Things turned around during the second war at the Mag Tuireadh plains as humans defeated the Fomors and chased them out of Erinn. However, we must remember...the sad tale of Goddess Morrighan during the first of these two wars...


Goddess Morrighan is one of the three goddesses of Erinn who represents War and Revenge. However, despite the fact that she is the Goddess of War and Revenge, she is not a violent or a vicious goddess. As a matter of fact, she blesses and encourages the warriors that go out to battle, and when soldiers are wounded and defeated, she helps them get revenge. She has such deep compassion for humans, that every time we were threatened by the Fomors, she protected us from their evil grip.

But it all happened during the first war of Mag Tuireadh, when the war was almost over. It was the first war the humans, represented by the Tuatha de Dananns, faced the Fomors. The cunning Fomors used Tir Bolgs, another human clan, and put them on the forefront of the battle, making it difficult for the Tuatha de Dananns to fight.

Thankfully, Tuatha de Dananns were able to defeat the spell bound Tir Bolgs, under their mighty King and Warrior, Nuadha. However, during the last battle, with victory close at hand, Nuadha was seriously wounded on the arm by a Fir Bolg warrior named Sreng. Nuadha was immediately taken to the Rath to hideout.

Raths are fortresses that were made specifically for the war against Fomors. It has been inactive for many years after the war and now they are known as dungeons.

Although victory was clearly leaning towards the Tuatha de Dananns, the refugees that were hiding out in the Raths began to panic as they saw their great leader wounded.

This is when things got worse. The Fomors were waiting for the Tuatha de Danann leader to retreat to the Rath. Through the secret passage of the Fomors, they invaded the Rath from the inside and began attacking.

In the middle of the fortress where our soldiers and our leader were resting unguarded...the Fomors...appeared without warning. A passage way opened from the land of Fomors and they continued pouring in, slaughtering all the people inside the Rath. The fortress of the humans turned into a slaughter house as the Tuatha de Dananns were on the brink of defeat. King Nuadha tried to fight off the Fomors with his wounded body, but it was no use.Just then, the black winged Goddess Morrighan appeared. The Goddess used her power to stop the Fomors from coming through to the Rath. Many were able to escape while the Goddess held off the Fomors.

However, the Fomors did not back away. Even as the Goddess of War, it was too much for her to single handledly take on the entire army of Fomors. The Goddess slowly began growing weaker.

As a last resort, the Goddess used her remaining strength to cast one last spell. She had to use her body as collateral to seal the passage of the Fomors. The Fomors were forever trapped inside the seal of the Goddess, stuck inside forever. The few remaining ones in the Rath were killed by human warriors.

However, what people didn't realize... The magic the Goddess used required a tremendous sacrifice...the Goddess herself had to turn into stone... that's how much she wanted to protect us.

After the war, as a commemoration of their victory, humans set up stone statues of the Goddess all throughout Erinn to remember and honor her sacrifice. These are the statues you see inside the dungeons.

The Goddess, who lost her physical body in Erinn, ascended to the land of gods, Tir Na Nog. She is there right now...watching down on us from there.


And like that, Goddess Morrighan allowed the human race to flourish in Erinn and disappeared.

Now she can only be seen as a statue in the dungeon. strange thing happened. People have reported that if you place an item at the altar of the Goddess, you are transported to another place.

Although the Goddess turned into stone, people started to believe once again that she was still watching over us...even in Tir Na Nog... and that's why people call her the Protector of Humans, and Warriors revere her.

The Goddess is watching over us....forever.

This book reveals the details of Goddess Morrighan and ascertains that the statue at the dungeon altars is, in fact, of Goddess Morrighan.  

3) Night of Sidhe Sneachta

Open your Travel Diary to confirm that you have acquired the [Night of Sidhe Sneachta] keyword.

[Night of Sidhe Sneachta]
Priest Meven said to go to Sidhe Sneachta at night in order to speak with Tarlach.

The day is still young, so see if you can speak with other townspeople and gather more information that would uncover the mysteries.  

Um… really… Priest Meven… Come back safely.

Duncan has shared many stories until now… but he seems rather taciturn.

Sidhe Sneachta is located north from Tir Chonaill… Hmm. If Priest Meven asked you, there must be a good reason. I hope you make it back safely.

Piaras also agrees that you should do as Priest Meven suggested.

4) Meeting Tarlach

Unlike Priest Meven has informed about finding Tarlach, you will only find a bear at the altar of the Druids in the Northern Field of Sidhe Sneachta…

Ewaca has come up, and soon thereafter, the bear disappears and there he is, Tarlach!

How can this be?!

Are you in disbelief? It’s really Tarlach.

Do you think Tarlach knows anything about the dangers of Tir Na Nog Goddess Morrighan mentioned? Perhaps he knows how to get there. For possible answers to your question, start a conversation with him.

When you start a conversation with him, talk to him about the [Night of Sidhe Sneachta] in your Travel Diary.

Priest Meven must have told you that you would find me here…  Hah…

He seems morose. Tarlach you saw at Alby Dungeon didn’t seem as gloomy…

... I’m sorry if I surprised you… So what do you think? How do you like night time in Sidhe Sneachta..? Yes… the bear you met before is another form of myself.

... That’s right, I forgot to thank you for the Mana Herbs. I have to constantly eat Mana Herbs during the day… But I have an allergic reaction to it when I’m in human form, so that’s why I was like that.

Tarlach was the bear! He must remember everything even when he transforms into a bear.

But aren’t you curious as to why he must constantly consume Mana Herbs?   

It seems like you came here to ask me something… Did you… have a dream about the Goddess…? The one where she asked you to come rescue her in Tir Na Nog…? Then you probably came here to find out how to get to Tir Na Nog…

Yes, precisely.

Forget about it… that’s not a place where humans should enter.

But, please… Goddess Morrighan has asked of this…

...Forget about it…

Tarlach expresses strong disapproval, but you can’t just stop here.

...You don’t seem to really know where it is… If you really want to go, I can recommend you a book. ‘Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog’… I can only hope that your curiosity will be satisfied and be done with… after reading that book.  Also, please pretend that I don’t exist here…

 ...You can’t ever tell anyone. Please…

Why does Tarlach keep telling you to forget going to Tir Na Nog? Hmm, a place where humans should not enter? What makes it not appropriate for the Humans?

You will find that you have earned the [Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog] in your Travel Diary. Reading this book will enable you to discover more about Tir Na Nog…  

In the next episode, you will look further into [Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog] as suggested by Tarlach.

5) A Memo to Remember
[Note 1] I’ve lost ‘The Goddess Who Turned into Stone’.

Are you worried because you have misplaced ‘The Goddess Who Turned into Stone’ you received from Priest Meven? He might be disappointed that you lost the book he gave you as a gift, but it will not prevent you from engaging in the subsequent Storyline Quests. Just make sure you read it through at least once, as the content focuses on Goddess Morrighan.