Iria Beginner Quests

Exploring Iria, the New Continent

1. Introduction to Iria

The continent with the beautiful cities, Tir Chonaill, Dunbarton, Bangor and Emain Macha, is called Uladh. You can now leave Uladh and cross the ocean to explore a new continent called Iria.


In order to reach Iria, you must board a ship at the Port of Ceann. Port of Ceann is located on the south side of Bangor, just past Morva Aisle. You can purchase a [Passage Ticket] from Shenon and board the ship at the Port.


The ship headed to Iria departs every 5 minutes in real time, and the maximum capacity of the ship is 60 people. Should you decide you want to de-board the ship, you can speak with Captain Carasek to return to the Port although you will not be refunded for an already used passage tickets.


It takes about 5 minutes of real time to reach the continent of Iria. You won’t find a town in Iria but you will come to the Qilla Base Camp instead. You will be able to acquire necessary items and quests as well as gather new information here.

2. Tutorial Quest

When you first arrive at the Qilla Base Camp, you will be directed to a Tutorial Field. Here, you will learn the basic knowledge of how to survive in Iria.


At the area indicated with a ? on the Mini Map, you will meet Ffion who seems to know Tin of the Spirit Forest. You will proceed with the Tutorial Quest through Ffion and the Crystal Ball.

If you do not wish to proceed with the Tutorial Quest, you can speak with Ffion using the keywords [Go To Qilla Base Camp], which can be earned by talking to Ffion for the first time, and move to Qilla Base Camp directly.

You can receive your first Exploration Quest by clicking on the Crystal Ball after you have spoken with Ffion.

1) Find a Stonewall - Discover the Artifacts

One of the purposes of exploring Iria is to discover many of its Artifacts. You can find out the location and the description of the Artifacts by talking to Ffion, and the indications shown on the Mini Map should further facilitate the discovery.


You will see a clip indicative of your finding of the Stonewall which is how you will make your discoveries of the existing Artifacts. Report to the Crystal Ball upon discovery and complete the quest.

2) Draw the Stone Statue - Sketch

If you have located the Artifacts, it is now time to learn how to record them! Sketching is a technique that can help you maintain records of Artifacts or unique animals you come across during your explorations.

You can receive the [Sketch the Statue] Quest when you click on the Crystal Ball.


If you have discovered a Stone Statue in the Tutorial Field, right click your mouse on the sketch paper in your inventory. You can use it by clicking on ‘Use’. If you have trouble finding the location of the Stone Statue, check for the indication on the Mini Map.

Once the sketch has been completed, the sketch paper will become categorized and enable you to check the inventory and see what has been drawn on the paper.

* Things to remember when sketching
 - Sketching will fail if the animal you are sketching moves and does not stay still.
 - When your subject moves away, you will not be able to make a sketch.

If you have finished sketching the Stone Statue, report to the Crystal Ball and complete the Quest.

3) Bring the Fragments of the Stone Statue – Collect the Fragments

You can also collect the fragments of the Artifacts you find in Iria.

You can receive [Bring a Fragment of the Statue] Quest when you click on the Crystal Ball.


Empty both of your hands and click on the Stone Statue to collect one of the stone fragements near the Statue.

Once you have successfully collected the fragment, take the [Stone Fragments] and report to the Crystal Ball to complete the Quest.

4) Discover the Hidden Pillar Nearby – Using the L-Rod

There are many hidden Artifacts in Iria, and an L-Rod is needed to find them. You will now learn how to use an L-Rod which will play a crucial role in your explorations!

Click on the Crystal Ball to receive [Find the Hidden Pillar Nearby] Quest.


You can receive an L-Rod from Ffion during the Tutorial Quest. Wear the L-Rod and note the area of the field where the L-Rod begins to beam and sound.

The sound of the L-Rod will become louder as you get closer to the hidden Artifact, and if it makes a loud sound 4 consecutive times, it means you are near it. Press ‘X’ on your keyboard when you reach the area where the Artifact is hidden to excavate the site.


When you find the Artifact, it will have a bright light surrounding it. Because the Artifacts found in Iria may change or even disappear over time, you must keep a close eye on them.

In Iria, you will also be able to find hidden treasure chests using the L-Rod. These treasure chests are filled with various items, so look around carefully when the L-Rod signals something.

Upon finding the hidden Pillar, report to the Crystal Ball to complete the Quest.


If you have mastered how to use the L-Rod, it is now time to explore Iria. When you enter the Qilla Base Camp, you will meet different NPCs.

3. Exploration Quest

You can receive Exploration Quests on the Quest Board in Qilla Base Camp.


You can only receive Quests within your level from the Quest Board. Quest Tabs are categorized in increments of 5 levels and when you reach levels 6, 11, 16, 21 you are given a wider selection of Quest Tabs you can execute.

You can receive Exploration Quests only once a day in Erinn time, and a deposit is required.


Once you have received the Quest, you can confirm the details again in the Quest window. You will earn EXP and other rewards when you complete the Exploration Quest, and it will be recorded in the exploration chronicle depending on the type of quest executed.

4. What is an Exploration Level and Chronicle?

At the bottom of the Character Information window, you will see [Exploration Level] and [View Chronicle].

1) Exploration Level

Exploration Level is one of the criteria for receiving Exploration Quests.

You can level up by receiving EXP through Artifact Discoveries, Sketches, and Quests. You receive AP and bonus stats when you enhance your Exploration Level much like you would when you level up normally.

Reaching specific levels such as Level 5 or Level 10 will provide you with Quests necessary to go up to the next level. If you fail to complete the necessary Quest, you will not be able to level up.

2) Exploration Chronicle

You can view your Exploration Chronicle by clicking on [View Chronicle] which is divided into Basic Info and Exploration Chronicle.

Under Basic Info, you can view the Exploration EXP as well as the number of Quest execution, the number of Artifact discoveries made, and the cumulative Exploration Level.

Under Exploration Chronicle, you can view the records of your Quests as well as your ranking of completion.

5. Methods of Transportation in Iria

It may consume a lot of your time to travel the vast land of Iria. Let’s look at some of the methods of transportation in Iria.

1) Mana Tunnel

If Uladh had the Moon Gate, Iria has the Mana Tunnel.


There are a total of 7 Mana Tunnels in Iria, and they are active only during the day when Palala is present.
You can only move to Mana Tunnels you have already been to. The pink mark indicates where you are, and the green double-diamond shapes indicate the Mana Tunnels to which you can transport yourself. You can transport yourself to any one of these Mana Tunnels by clicking on it.

* If your character is near a Mana Tunnel, he/she will quickly regain MP.

2) Wild Ostriches and Wild Horses


There are Wild Ostriches and Wild Horses that follow a given route in Iria. You can easily reach the destinations that are en route by riding them, but it is important for you to identify places of their stay as you will not be able to ride them while they are moving.

You can even earn a title if you can find and ride all the Wild Ostriches and the Wild Horses!

3) Mysterious Marks

In Iria, you will frequently come across places where mysterious giant marks are found engraved on the ground.


When you pass by a place with such a mysterious mark, the location is recorded and you are able to return to the last place you have seen the mysterious mark using the Wings of a Goddess. Of course, if the last place of your visit was the Base Camp, you will be returned to the Base Camp.

There are a number of places with these mysterious marks, and you are able to earn related titles for discovering each of these places.

6. Karu Forest Ruins Dungeon

There is a hidden Ruins Dungeon in the Karu Forest of Iria.


You can find the Karu Forest Ruins Dungeon by using an L-Rod, and the name of the character that discovers it first will be displayed in the front. However, after a week passes in real time, the name will disappear on the map and must be rediscovered.

If you are the first to discover the Karu Forest Ruins Dungeon, you will acquire a title as well as an Enchant Scroll.

Title: [The One Who Discovered Karu Forest Ruins]  Max. HP +50, Max. MP +20,  Max. Stamina +20, Intelligence +20, Luck +20

Enchant Scroll: [Strange] – Enchant Enabled for Shields, Min. Damage +4 when above Exploration Level 1, Max. Damage +4 when above Exploration Level 5,  Critical +10, Defense -5, Repair Cost +5% when above Exploration Level 10

You can enter the Karu Forest Ruins Dungeon by clicking an item on the altar.

If you place any item inside the altar, you may encounter a monster that has the title [The Dubious], and if you successfully defeat this monster, you will acquire a specific portion of the monster.


If you place the specific portion of the monster inside the altar, a special artifact will be provided and you will also be able to meet a boss monster whose specific portion is glowing. You can collect the item you get from defeating the boss monster in the collection book.


Once you complete the collection book, you can acquire the entire Stone Statue when placed inside the altar which will allow you to enter the Dungeon where a special reward awaits you.

However, you must enter with caution as this Dungeon is of a high difficulty level.

7. In Conclusion

You are now equipped with the basics of how to explore the continent of Iria. In contrast to the small and delightful wonders you have experienced in Uladh, a grand and majestic exploration awaits you in the land of Iria.

Go and explore the new frontier!