Tir Chonaill Beginner Quest Part 2
Below is an introduction to the Beginner Quests in Tir Chonaill starting with [Save My Sheep] as well as all subsequent quests.  

Please reference [Tir Chonaill Beginner Quests Part 1] should you need assistance with the [Nao’s Letter of Introduction] or [Rescue Resident] quests.

If you have successfully completed the [Rescue Resident] quest, it is now time for you to help the shepherd boy, Deian, by completing the [Save My Sheep] quest.

1. Save My Sheep


There is a pasture located northeast of Tir Chonaill where you will meet the shepherd boy, Deian. Approach him and start a conversation; he will ask you to keep his sheep safe from the wolves while he leaves the vicinity for a while.


If you select [Look After Sheep], you will be transported to an area concentrated with 20 sheep, where you will also witness the Gray Wolves prowling.  


You can defeat the Wolves promptly by using the Combat skills such as Smash and Defense appropriately. You must protect at least 10 sheep in order to complete your given mission, so engage quickly and shrewdly.


While you watch over the sheep, you can view the remaining time and the number of sheep left on the upper right corner of the game screen. If you protect 10 or more sheep during the given time, you can complete the [Save My Sheep] quest by speaking with Deian.

Even if you fail to save 10 or more sheep, speak with Deian for another shot at completing the quest.

If you have fulfilled all the requirements of the quest, make sure to open the Quest window (shortcut key ‘Q’) and click [Complete].

* [Campfire] Quest
After a certain time has passed since you have completed the [Save My Sheep] quest, you will receive the [Campfire] quest.  

Acquiring the Campfire skill will allow you to build a campfire in Erinn as defined in the name of the skill. Click Piaras, the NPC you will find in the Tir Chonaill Inn, and use the [Skills] keyword as you did with Nora for Resting skill.

Piaras will share his memories regarding campfires; however, he will tell you that his knowledge isn’t enough to teach anyone and suggest that you go and see Deian at the pasture.

During your conversation with Piaras, you can acquire the [Campfire Skill] keyword.


You can obtain a [Campfire Manual] as well as 5 pieces of [Firewood] by speaking with Deian using the [Campfire Skill] keyword.


How can you read the book item, i.e. the [Campfire Manual]? Open your Inventory (shortcut key ‘I’) and right-click the Campfire Manual to select [Read] to reveal the contents of the manual.


When you close the window after reading, you will be asked whether you would like to engage in further reading.  


If you select [Read in Detail], you will be able to read the manual more carefully.

You can perform advanced reading by right-clicking the Campfire Manual and selecting [Read in Detail], so try repetitively even if you fail a few times.

If you successfully read the manual in detail, you will learn the Campfire skill. Shall we use the Campfire skill you have acquired now? Open the Skill window, select the Campfire skill and click [Use]; click on a nearby location and you will notice 5 pieces of firewood being consumed to build a campfire.


If you check the Skill window again, you will see that the [Learn] button has been activated. Click the [Learn] button to reach rank F of the Campfire skill.

2. Malcolm's Ring

When you complete the [Save My Sheep] quest, you will be given the [Malcolm’s Ring] quest.


You can find Malcolm at the Tir Chonaill General Shop. Malcolm will tell you that he has lost his ring during his visit to the Alby Dungeon but doesn’t have the time to look for it as he cannot leave his shop. He’ll ask you if you can find it for him instead.


To facilitate the quest, Malcolm will provide you with a pass to the Alby Dungeon.


Drop the pass on the altar of the Alby Dungeon to be transported to where you will find Malcolm’s Ring.

Malcolm will also inform you of the dangers of the Dungeon, and suggest you learn the Counterattack skill. This is your opportunity to acquire the Counterattack skill.

The Counterattack skill allows you to fully take in the power your enemy exerts on you and flip it right back at the enemy, causing major damage. If you have finished speaking with Malcolm, find Trefor and use the [Counterattack Skill] keyword to start a conversation. You will be able to learn the skill from Trefor.

- Defeat the Giant Spider in Alby Dungeon  
You can enter the Dungeon by dropping Malcolm’s Dungeon pass on the altar of Alby Dungeon.

You will encounter Old Mimics in this Dungeon. They frequently use the Defense skill, hence using the [Smash] skill at appropriate times will inflict a major damage on the Old Mimics.  

When you reach the final stage of the Dungeon, you will face the Young Giant Golden Spider.

The Young Giant Golden Spider has extremely high Protection stats that can absorb even the most powerful attacks. However, it has been discovered that the Young Giant Golden Spider becomes weaker with Counterattacks.


If you succeed in using the Counterattack skill a few times, the Young Giant Golden Spider will weaken, allowing you to inflict a critical damage using only regular attacks.

[Malcolm’s Ring] will be automatically stored in your Inventory when you defeat the Young Giant Golden Spider.


You can complete the quest by maintaining Malcolm’s Ring in your Inventory and reporting back to Malcolm.

* [Playing Instruments] Quest
You can receive the [Playing Instrument] quest after a certain amount of time has passed after the completion of the [Malcolm’s Ring] quest.


Speak with Priestess Endelyon and she will give you a brief introduction to playing instruments.


When you finish your conversation with Priestess Endelyon, she will provide you with an instrument item, a [Lute].


Have your character hold the Lute to learn the Instrument-Playing skill.


Music fills people’s hearts with joy; if your circumstances allow such luxury, play your instrument. If you learn enough skills related to instrument-playing, you’ll be able to play your own composition!


3. Duncan's Praise

After you complete the [Malcolm’s Ring] quest, you will subsequently receive the [Duncan’s Praise] quest.


When you speak with Chief Duncan, he will tell you to strike up an acquaintance with one of the townsfolk.  

If you meet the person Chief Duncan suggests you meet, you will find that the town resident has been wanting to befriend you.


If Chief Duncan suggests that you meet Deian and you actually meet and speak with her, you will acquire the title [A Friend of Deian].

- [A Friend of xxx] Title
The residents you can be introduced to by Chief Duncan are Trefor, Deian, Malcolm, and Nora.
You can acquire the title that signifies your friendship with one of the aforementioned residents when you proceed with Duncan’s Praise quest.

Name of the Title Effects of the Title
a Friend of TreforMax. HP +5, Max. Stamina +10, Strength +5
a Friend of Deian
Max. HP +5, Max. Stamina +10, Dexterity +5
a Friend of MalcolmMax. HP +5, Max. Stamina +10, Intelligence +5
a Friend of NoraMax. HP +5, Max. Stamina +10, Will +5
The effects of the title only apply when the title is displayed above the character’s head. Open the Character window (shortcut key ‘C’) and click the title to view the titles you have acquired.


Select one of the titles you possess and click [Use Title], and the title you have chosen will be displayed above your character’s head.


During your use of the Friend Title, you can receive a small gift by speaking with a few designated NPCs. For example, with the title [a Friend of Deian] in use, you can receive a gift by speaking with Endelyon, Ranald, Duncan, Alissa, or Deian.

Note, however, that you will not be able to receive a gift from the same NPC more than once within 6 hours in Erinn time.

* [Magic Mastery Lesson] Quest
You will receive the [Magic Mastery Lesson] after a certain amount of time has passed since the completion of the [Duncan’s Praise] quest.

If you look at the quest scroll, you will learn that Lassar of the Tir Chonaill Magic School wishes to teach you the [Magic Mastery] skill.


The Magic Mastery skill is a passive skill which supplements the use of other Magic skills.


When you complete the [Magic Mastery Lesson] quest after speaking with Lassar, you can confirm that you have obtained the Magic Mastery practice rank by viewing the Skill window.

If you wish to learn additional basics of Magic skills, speak with Lassar using the [Classes and Training] keyword. Doing so will allow you to learn the Icebolt, Firebolt, and Lightningbolt Spells.

* [Do You Know the Production Mastery Skill?] Quest
When a certain amount of time has passed after completing the Duncan’s Praise quest, you will receive the [Do You Know the Production Mastery Skill?] quest.


Alissa, who is helping the milling in Tir Chonaill, says she will teach you the [Production Mastery] skill.

Production Mastery skill is a passive skill that supplements the use of any skills related to making items with the exception of Cooking and Enchant.


Find Alissa to learn about the Production Mastery skill.

4. Thrilling Adventures and Quests in Errin!

When you complete the Duncan’s Praise quest, you can receive quests that require you to defeat the boss monsters of selected Dungeons, much like the [Hunt 1 Giant Spider] quest, as well as quests that require you to defeat various monsters once you reach a certain level.

When you reach above Level 6, you will receive the quest, [Let's gather Green Gem], which will open the door to other related quests with opportunities to collect special items and learn how to repair items.

Furthermore, once you have acquired various skills and actions presented in Mabinogi and reach a certain rank in said skills, you will be presented with skill-related quests.

The adventurers who have completed the Tir Chonaill Beginner Quests will be able to successfully execute the subsequent quests. Revel in the luxuries of learning new skills and accomplishing challenging quests.